Why I Never Got Into Blaster Master, and Why There’s Still Hope That I Will

It’s no small secret that I love classic games, and when you’re talking about classic games, then it’s only inevitable that Sunsoft’s Blaster Master enters the conversation. However, I never really got into Blaster Master; it was kind of fun to run around in the vehicle, but the game also bore issues which made playing […]

It’s no small secret that I love classic games, and when you’re talking about classic games, then it’s only inevitable that Sunsoft’s Blaster Master enters the conversation.

However, I never really got into Blaster Master; it was kind of fun to run around in the vehicle, but the game also bore issues which made playing it feel more like a chore, and just “unfun” in general.

As it happens, IGN recently posted an article in their Retro section which very accurately describes why I never quite got into it, much as I’d have liked to.

So, is there any hope for someone like me? Perhaps.

As it happens, Simon Viklund, who was the Creative Director at GRIN for Bionic Commando Rearmed, has expressed interest in being able to remake the title. If they can do for Blaster Master what they did for Bionic Commando— and I loved Bionic Commando to begin with– then I think they could very well have another hit on their hands.

Would it relaunch the franchise? Maybe; it’s still unknown if the new Bionic Commando will have the chops it needs to become a flagship title for Capcom, as the game won’t be out until May. But I dare say that the two titles both share something in common, as both have similar histories of getting small side-games and spin-offs that never quite took off or recaptured the magic of the originals. You can see Blaster Master‘s evolution here, and the many faces of Rad Spencer here.

After all, sometimes one really needs to look at where they’ve been and take a step back before trying to move forward again.

–LBD “Nytetrayn”

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