Twitter Updates for 2010-06-16
@Konami Is there a feed of the conference anywhere? in reply to Konami # Damn, I hate it when sites have internal loading… you can't stop them. # Okay, so apparently some people on Twitter CAN DM you without following you. @Konami just did. # And I can't log in to @Konami's site for the […]
- @Konami Is there a feed of the conference anywhere? in reply to Konami #
- Damn, I hate it when sites have internal loading… you can't stop them. #
- Okay, so apparently some people on Twitter CAN DM you without following you. @Konami just did. #
- And I can't log in to @Konami's site for the feed. It keeps refreshing on i.e., resetting my form data, and it's drivingNoScript on FF crazy #
- Okay, I got @Konami's page to stop triggering NoScript, but it still keeps refreshing and telling me I'm "not eligible."This is bad, @Konami #
- Last night? No problems with the page whatsoever. #
- Anyone know a good place to find vids/screens/art of Castlevania: HoD? #
- @alyankovic …a blue donut? Color me intrigued. in reply to alyankovic #
- @PressTheButtons …didn't they already have the Konami conference? in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @daheatman RT @SEGA We've also got these WhiteWisp plushes.If you'd like 1,come by theSonicColors area of ourE3booth! http://bit.ly/bxTIHZ #
- @daheatman Hint, hint. ;P #
- @GrundyTheMan Hope he was joking. RT Dear lord, @TheKevinButler just served Major's ass: http://bit.ly/d1Y1Ft in reply to GrundyTheMan #
- @GrundyTheMan That would really suck, after @TheKevinButler's epic speech yesterday of "even under different flags, we all serve gaming". in reply to GrundyTheMan #
- Scandalous! RT On the 10-piece Chicken McNugget box for @McDonalds, there is a picture of 11 McNuggets! Picture –> http://bit.ly/a6l3a0. #
- @UnknownNeo …now I'm not so sure I want to. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @DerrickJWyatt Will wonders never cease? in reply to DerrickJWyatt #
- @UnknownNeo There are no mature games, only mature gamers. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @UnknownNeo @Shortpacked I don't know, it makes perfect sense to me. Wasn't one of the books even called "Shortpacked is Totally Gay"? in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @UnknownNeo Precisely. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @UnknownNeo Too much focus is placed on what the games are, and not enough on the gamers. "Mature," "hardcore"… it's all about mindsets. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @makzu Hey, you're right… hard to tell from that crappy pic; you can't even see the white meat at all. Someone is setting @McDonalds up. in reply to makzu #
- Oh, @SEGA. It really sounds like they're giving Sonic 4 their best, and it sounds great, but it sounds like they're still missing nuances… #
- …people liked from the old games, like hitting Eggman before a battle starts, or letting go of the stick while Sonic zips around. #
- Creepy; Milo is being kept locked away in Microsoft's room, away from the press: http://go.ign.com/cgBWy7 #
- @Roto13 Which may be the saddest part of all. No… actually, the arguing probably IS sadder. in reply to Roto13 #
- YES. 'Bout time. RT @GoNintendoTweet http://www.gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=127179 Super Mario Galaxy 2 G.O.A.T. #
- @GrundyTheMan Hah, I see. in reply to GrundyTheMan #
- Yes, I have successfully managed to combine George Takei and Mega Man news. Worship me. #
- RT No exaggeration–half of E3 is now crowding the @Konami booth. People are literally 30 rows deep giving it up 4 Redman & Method Man #
- …while everyone was watching those two Robot Master rejects (jk), I'd be using the opportunity to check out other stuff. If I was there. #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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