Twitter Updates for 2010-06-18
RT @DanRyckert @LBD_Nytetrayn Nah, they told me they didn't want it to be quite THAT cartoonish. Just exaggerated. # Among other things, it seems Miyamoto doesn't/didn't hate DKC like everyone thought: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=127238 # Toronto video game deals for the week of June 18th to June 24th, 2010 – http://tinyurl.com/29568mx # The hottest video game stop-motion […]
- RT @DanRyckert @LBD_Nytetrayn Nah, they told me they didn't want it to be quite THAT cartoonish. Just exaggerated. #
- Among other things, it seems Miyamoto doesn't/didn't hate DKC like everyone thought: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=127238 #
- Toronto video game deals for the week of June 18th to June 24th, 2010 – http://tinyurl.com/29568mx #
- The hottest video game stop-motion animation you'll ever see: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=127366 #
- Worth posting again. RT @ GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=127362 GameRankings – Super Mario Galaxy 2 back on top #
- Question is, when Ocarina of Time hits the 3DS, will it reclaim the top spot once again? #
- @TychoBrahe Was it Scrabble? It might consider it a "proper" noun. in reply to TychoBrahe #
- Aww, crap! I'd forgotten all about the first one!! RT @tinycartridge What Nintendo didn't bring to E3 2010 http://bit.ly/aeZYCm #
- RT @Dtoid BurgerKing wants in on the hot Kinect action http://tinyurl.com/33aamhj <<Sweet! I love the combo of gaming and fast food culture! #
- Says commenter Caspulex: "Imagine Sneak King with Kinect. Jesus christ." Kinect just became a must-own. #
- …Metal Gear? Awesome. RT @Kotaku The Real Metal Gear http://kotaku.com/5556757/ #
- Sweet, I loved the original. Now, will they bring back the cereal? http://gonintendo.com/?p=127306 Namco Bandai working on 3D Pac-Man toon. #
- Epic Coke: RT @CocaCola Who is Dr. Pemberton (@docpemberton)? http://CokeURL.com/6jkm #
- M'boi and new follower, the ever-awesome @paxtonholley, gave me the ol' FF treatment, and I just want to return the favor. #
- Funny… now that we're actually getting it, people are using the #kidicarus tag. WHERE WERE YOU BEFORE?! #
- @nadiaoxford You would be right. Be a dear and leave those in the kitchen drawer, would you please? in reply to nadiaoxford #
- Hot dog! Hope it isn't a Sunshine remake with 3D H2O RT @onm_uk Miyamoto ready to start work on a new Mario 3DS game – http://bit.ly/cSZm2u #
- @maryse0uellet I think he may be trying to tell you something. in reply to maryse0uellet #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=127394 SEGA once again hints at more playable characters in future Sonic the Hedgehog 4 eps #
- Hmm, Tails, Knuckles maybe? I'd say Shadow, but this is pre-Sonic Adventure 2, so he's out. Unless he were a non-story bonus, anyway. #
- My friend, I am only the tip of the iceberg. RT @Shake_Well Your knowledge of Sonic canon kinda scares me. #
- This is all class: RT @collegehumor Videogame Violinist: Mario http://bit.ly/bk6khQ #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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