Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04
@daheatman Referring to inside the apartment; outside is fine. I was sweating bad enough earlier to drench a cardboard box I was holding. in reply to daheatman # @daheatman It's better now, though. in reply to daheatman # Time to get some shut-eye. What little I had on the train wasn't all that good, and […]
- @daheatman Referring to inside the apartment; outside is fine. I was sweating bad enough earlier to drench a cardboard box I was holding. in reply to daheatman #
- @daheatman It's better now, though. in reply to daheatman #
- Time to get some shut-eye. What little I had on the train wasn't all that good, and there is much to be done later. #
- CAUGHT: Inception Ripped-Off Scrooge McDuck & The Beagle Boys | Videogum http://bit.ly/ctCSDD #
- If Disney Princesses lived in modern day society | Linz Loves http://bit.ly/cFikIf #
- …now I'm off to sleep. For rizzles. #
- Waking up with a stiff neck and a headache… home sweet home. And the wife had to take the ibuprofen with her… #
- @keripwny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knp9-GY6fHE #
- RT @HurricaneHelms Wow, AMAZING!! RT 40 billionaires pledge to give away half of their wealth. More on the donors: http://bit.ly/b6KgIT #
- I could have sworn there was a way to remove saved searches, but nothing seems to work now. Anyone have any ideas? #
- YO… Prime? http://bit.ly/dn1Zvo #
- Mario posters are back in stock on Club Nintendo… wasted no time in ordering mine. #
- Alright, time to work on some Examiner/RipTen stuff, all while I wait on a return call from the landlords about parking. #
- The Nintendo Download – 8/2/10 – http://tinyurl.com/2aerubc #
- RT @makzu RT @zefrank brilliant :: http://bit.ly/baV6ls :: kanye west's tweets make great new yorker cartoon captions! #
- Okay, can barely think with my head this way, much less write. Going to try to sleep it off until Nadia gets back home. #
- N4G is such utter garbage. #
- Ugh, I think it may be more than just my head… Did I catch something while I was away? Did anyone else? #
- Wife got home with ibuprofen and lunch. Didn't eat the short ribs, just the rice. Feeling a little better already. Taking a short nap… #
- …them I can work, probably well into the evening. Why can I never get a hood, early start? #
- …then I can work, probably well into the evening. Why can't I ever het a good, early start? #
- Also, there is a cat laying beside me. Always good. #
- I sorta like it… but think it could look better, too. RT @arda_ocal This could be the WWE's new logo: http://ow.ly/2l7Cg #
- @Shake_Well Definitely agree, and I like the pseudo-retro look it has. I just think it could have been executed better. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well It also makes me laugh a little, if it's true, since Vince had said that the pre-scratch logo "made him sick" after the change. in reply to Shake_Well #
- Club Nintendo: Mario posters back in stock and "Intend to Purchase" update – http://tinyurl.com/36as2n2 #
- @Shake_Well I don't like how the "E" fits. I'd have gone with the old WWF logo, much like they did, and added the extra bar at the bottom. in reply to Shake_Well #
- Sheesh, Yahoo, how many times do you want me to log in? #
- 3DS rumored to appear at FanExpo Canada, plus Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament – http://tinyurl.com/3yv46sy #
- Ever since listening to @retroist's podcast about the history of @McDonalds Land on the way home, I've had their old 70's theme running… #
- …through my head. Get infected by the song and informed about the rest by @retroist here: http://bit.ly/a9plSV #
- @McDonalds ought to bring McDonaldland back… and @McD_Canada should bring back my orange Hi-C/pop, too! #
- via @keripwny: RT @gamingsuccubus Can You be a Fan of a Franchise without ever Beating a Game in that Franchise? http://f.ast.ly/BPAUY #
- Fan artists 'de-make' favorite titles for Virtual Boy – http://tinyurl.com/2exb69x #
- @DerrickJWyatt Ooh, a new icon? Is that a hint of something to come? in reply to DerrickJWyatt #
- Truth of circumstances surrounding Game Boy/Virtual Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi's death revealed – http://tinyurl.com/36pk956 #
- Funny: if one were to have asked me, I would have SWORN there was a Mario Kart pic of someone using lightning. #
- A fruitless search says otherwise, however. #
- RT @ripten THQ Releases Three New WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 Pics, and They’re AWESOME: http://bit.ly/cYMDsT #
- RT @ripten Transformers Take The War To Asia In Their New MMO: http://bit.ly/9Ue9Cj #
- @Devcon_Allspark Since a little while ago, I think. Just noticed it a short time ago, myself. in reply to Devcon_Allspark #
- RT @ripten WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 Hits Sales Milestone, Delivers Wii Intrigue: http://bit.ly/dB7dDz #
- RT @ripten No Kinect for Fable III at Launch, Says Molyneux: http://bit.ly/a3NzNA #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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