Twitter Updates for 2010-08-05
@RealKingRegal I seriously would never have expected you to say that. in reply to RealKingRegal # RT @retronauts 1UP readers tell @nadiaoxford why they love themselves some Metroid: http://su.pr/2CFSTh # @Shortpacked Just noticed, it doesn't appear that your posts are showing up on LJ any more. Is that deliberate? Or can it be fixed? # […]
- @RealKingRegal I seriously would never have expected you to say that. in reply to RealKingRegal #
- RT @retronauts 1UP readers tell @nadiaoxford why they love themselves some Metroid: http://su.pr/2CFSTh #
- @Shortpacked Just noticed, it doesn't appear that your posts are showing up on LJ any more. Is that deliberate? Or can it be fixed? #
- @Shortpacked Actually, yeah, that's right about the time it stopped. The last post on your LJ is July 29th, "Adventures in Superdickery." in reply to Shortpacked #
- @Shortpacked The Shortpacked syndicated feed stopped on the 27th with "SDCC 2010: One last volley." Status says there is a "parse error." in reply to Shortpacked #
- RT @themmnetwork Mega Manga Updates: Delays, Delays, Delays http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/05/mega-manga-updates-delays-delays-delays/ #
- I weep: Check out Try Not To Read Too Much Into It – http://notalwaysright.com/try-not-to-read-too-much-into-it/6423 #
- Nuts, I liked the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger. Wendy's Ditches Crappy Bacon, But You Might Have To Pay More-The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/bu6UdI #
- Via @DanRyckert, proof Darwinism isn't real: http://bit.ly/aVXCOS #
- Good one. – Is That Video Of Your Dancing Baby Violating Sony's Copyright? – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/9phT8r #
- @UnknownNeo I guess… didn't they just remove the text beneath the main "logo" part? in reply to UnknownNeo #
- This is just sad: Seven Puppies Die After American Airlines Flight – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/8XNFtB via @addthis #
- Make Ice In The Shape Of A Giant Diamond – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/btxIP4 via @addthis #
- A sad day in the world of snacking: Creator Of Cheez Doodles Dies At 90 – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/bi91tI via @addthis #
- Quite awesome, indeed. Kudos: Longhorn Steakhouse Serves Up An Anniversary Dinner To Remember – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/cREjT3 #
- …what's that? Why, yes, I am catching up on Consumerist stories I missed while I was away. How did you know? #
- Stay classy, Goodwill: Goodwill Fires Worker With Down Syndrome After His Mother Buys Him A $3 Shirt – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/bqLwle #
- Just Because That Dr. Pepper Has Retro Packaging Doesn't Mean It's Got Real Sugar In It – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/cg2NCn via @addthis #
- Bad, Dr. Pepper, bad! We need more soda companies in the U.S. using real sugar, not less, and definitely not pulling some bait-and-switch. #
- YEEEEEEEEEEAH!!!! Woman Shoplifts Clothes, Comes Back to Interview For Job In Shoplifted Clothes, Shoplifts Some More – http://bit.ly/b6YEAf #
- No worries folks, just one more left… #
- Is Ordering Drinks Without Ice Just A Scam To Get More Delicious Beverage? – The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/bfEa9E via @addthis #
- Last tweet seems like something @free_refills might be interested in. Me? I like to get about a third cup full of ice if I'm not going back. #
- Keeps the drink cold, but doesn't really tend to water it down. But then, I usually drink sodas and the like, rather than fancy coffees. #
- Alright, time for some shut-eye. #
- RT @Razorsaw Sonic Universe #22 cover: http://j.mp/bsQtyV – part 2 of "Treasure Team Tango." #sonicthehedgehog #
- @keripwny Neither link appears to work. in reply to keripwny #
- RT @zachoat u heard Nolan got Inception from Uncle Scrooge comics, but did u know he got Memento from Archie&Jughead? http://bit.ly/bFoFvO #
- @DanRyckert Hardcore enthusiasts? in reply to DanRyckert #
- @Rinrygamegame I'm game. Btw, is that you in the helmet? in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- RT @paxtonholley An ET sequel. It exists. In book form. And it's ridiculously weird. — http://bit.ly/aerRQ9 – (via Branded in the 80s) #
- "Batman: Arkham City" is kind of a strange name, particularly if you know Batman well. Still doesn't poke at my brain like DKC Returns, tho. #
- @UnknownNeo Ah. Well, in that, I will agree. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- Alright, time to get ready to head out. #
- Next stop: your MOM. My MOM. Soon to be everybody's MOM, Metroid: Other M. #
- @PressTheButtons Already did. 🙂 in reply to PressTheButtons #
- And I am back. Impressions to come, hopefully tomorrow. Right now? The last 15 minutes of NXT. #
- @Rinrygamegame Awesome. Or should I say, "that's just Prime!" in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- On VERY rare occasions, usually after I've forgotten how I'm indifferent to them. Think I had some Reese'sWhoppers recently, they were good. #
- RT @themmnetwork Servbot Bobble Buds Coming to Capcom Store: http://tinyurl.com/2cjktxo #
- Great to have you aboard. RT @milanmiracle Taa Daa!!!! Its me Santino for the first times ever!! I'm a twits!! #
- I second this.RT @Rinrygamegame Check out this book on the(ancient)history of Nintendo! I'm poor, but I waant it! http://tinyurl.com/25kvcw4 #
- @Shake_Well Including the armbar? in reply to Shake_Well #
- RT @RealJackSwagger Heading back to the best place on earth…America!!! Can't wait to drink a Budweiser and pet my bald eagle! #
- It's true, I really can't. RT @IGN You Can't Hate George Lucas Anymore | http://bit.ly/9zuPd2 #
- RT @ripten Super Metroid vs. the Internet: http://bit.ly/90THWT #
- RT @ripten Sakurai: Kid Icarus: Uprising’s Pit Feels Like a Brand-New Character: http://bit.ly/9fr0jV #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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