Twitter Updates for 2010-08-14
RT @themmnetwork ScottPilgrim's Creator on "Being" MegaMan http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/14/scott-pilgrims-creator-on-being-mega-man/ # Yes, I may just do that. RT @Dtoid Enjoy some Scott Pilgrim animated sprites! http://tinyurl.com/2awxt7a # @1baronjennyson On the PlayStation 3's PSN, yeah. in reply to 1baronjennyson # @Roto13 You're a leader of men; wherever you go, they go. in reply to Roto13 # RT @arda_ocal […]
- RT @themmnetwork ScottPilgrim's Creator on "Being" MegaMan http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/14/scott-pilgrims-creator-on-being-mega-man/ #
- Yes, I may just do that. RT @Dtoid Enjoy some Scott Pilgrim animated sprites! http://tinyurl.com/2awxt7a #
- @1baronjennyson On the PlayStation 3's PSN, yeah. in reply to 1baronjennyson #
- @Roto13 You're a leader of men; wherever you go, they go. in reply to Roto13 #
- RT @arda_ocal RT @The_Score: MMA finally coming to Ontario: http://www.thescore.com/home/articles/56200-game-on-mma-coming-to-ontario #
- @arda_ocal That's good news. Now, if we can just get Jason David Frank to UFC, and UFC to Toronto, I think I'll be set. #
- @docpemberton Love the concept, though. in reply to docpemberton #
- Here's an idea to get @WWEGoldust over: take him off TV for a few weeks, and have someone try to figure out where he's been. When they… #
- …find @WWEGoldust, he is atop some sort of makeshift throne, surrounded by throngs of his Golden Kingdom followers from Twitter… #
- …who obediently attack anyone @WWEGoldust tells them to, mobbing the poor sap like a pack of wild dogs. #
- @LanceHeart Whew, thanks for the update. I was almost tempted to join. in reply to LanceHeart #
- Love the concept, though. RT @docpemberton ‘Nother Coca-Cola slogan that didn’t pass muster: “Coca-Cola. Buy One. Get Twelve Free.” #
- I never knew there were going to be crossovers. RT @g4tv Is there still hope for The Hobbit and James Bond films? http://bit.ly/av4zyz #
- Bond tearing into Mordor in a Russian tank does sound appealing, though. #
- I can't wait for someone to take this srsly RT @TheOnion New Edition Of Bible Specifically Mentions SecondAmendment http://onion.com/aHYp7r #
- @DanRyckert It's possible you might want to rephrase that… in reply to DanRyckert #
- @DanRyckert Did you notice Jean-"Guile" Van Damme was missing? http://tinyurl.com/279ml8l in reply to DanRyckert #
- RT @themmnetwork Amazing Robot Master Collage is Amazing http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/14/amazing-robot-master-collage-is-amazing/ #
- Decorate your Xbox LIVE Avatar with Scott Pilgrim – http://tinyurl.com/38d5dwg #
- Super Mario Bros. movie gets DVD re-release – http://tinyurl.com/25opv8r << May be a few minutes before the link works.Thank the new design. #
- Slaggit, click here: http://www.examiner.com/canada-nintendo-in-canada/super-mario-bros-movie-gets-dvd-re-release #
- @PressTheButtons Fantastic as that would be,he didn't seem very put off by it.If anything, he felt it tried to follow the games too closely! in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Don't expect much conversation from Link in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – http://tinyurl.com/33mnr39 #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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