Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15
Super Mario Bros. 3 and the wide world of Nintendo's e-Reader – http://tinyurl.com/37dbnxy # @MATTHARDYBRAND TheRealCaptainCharisma in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND # PennyArcade – Breaking It Down http://t.co/CiwPcwN …seriously? People found THAT comic offensive? Of all they've done, that was the straw? # @Devcon_Allspark *offers up some enemy bait* in reply to Devcon_Allspark # Watch Luke […]
- Super Mario Bros. 3 and the wide world of Nintendo's e-Reader – http://tinyurl.com/37dbnxy #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND TheRealCaptainCharisma in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND #
- PennyArcade – Breaking It Down http://t.co/CiwPcwN …seriously? People found THAT comic offensive? Of all they've done, that was the straw? #
- @Devcon_Allspark *offers up some enemy bait* in reply to Devcon_Allspark #
- Watch Luke Skywalker Become a Jedi Knight in This Deleted Star Wars Scene http://t.co/SZ0saII via @gawkertv #
- RT @themmnetwork News: See Ariga & Swaile at FanExpo Canada http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/15/see-ariga-and-swaile-at-fanexpo-canada/ #
- Awesome, @Dtoid posted/tweeted my Mario movie article. #
- Getting ready to see SummerSlam. May as well use that pass now… #
- @timturi Is that where you fight seven evil ex-MegaManLegends developers in order to get a sequel? in reply to timturi #
- SummerFest in 25 minutes and counting. Saw the poster for ScottPilgrim on the way in. Am I the only one who feels it doesn't really fit? #
- The old PPV crew isn't here tonight. Guess they found new grounds to stomp on a monthly basis. #
- Two minutes to SummerTime! #
- …going to be a lousy night if every match ends with a Nexus beatdown. #
- Good bit with Miz/Edge/Y2J. And now we have a match that probably won't end with Nexus, but might have benefited from it. #
- @timturi No idea, but I hope so. Not entirely confident it will be Legends 3, though. in reply to timturi #
- @ZackRyder Who did you face? in reply to ZackRyder #
- @DanRyckert Agreed. in reply to DanRyckert #
- I like LayCool better when they aren't crapping on everyone. Better ending than I had hoped for, though. #
- @arda_ocal I figured they made a pre-broken belt for the occasion. in reply to arda_ocal #
- @arda_ocal Actually, I had hoped the two-belt story would evolve the title into a Women's Tag Title. in reply to arda_ocal #
- Welllllll… It's the @No1knucklehead!!!! #
- @pulsewrestling Don't forget SES in their first attack. in reply to pulsewrestling #
- I bet Undertaker comes out of the casket. #
- @no1knucklehead rocked his match. #
- Time for AWESOME @mikethemiz #
- Waiting for Nexus to beat down @mikethemiz. #
- Terrific promo, though. #
- This was worth the ticket. #
- @reneepaquette Same, but then there would be a greater chance of the 7th being a letdown. Besides, the night isn't over; Miz just made… in reply to reneepaquette #
- @reneepaquette …a target. in reply to reneepaquette #
- I agree with @area_ocal; the champ shouldn't come out first. #
- @arda_ocal Has it been 90 days? in reply to arda_ocal #
- Sheamus' back looks like chocolate-chip cookie dough. #
- @Pringer_Vince Not set; just a guess. And mayo usually doesn't have the dark bits. in reply to Pringer_Vince #
- Fantastic match. #
- The anxiety is written on his face. #
- …lame. #
- Terrible end to an otherwise terrific match. #
- That was nice, but I was hoping for a punt. At least he gets a rematch now. #
- Where the he'll was @mikethemiz? There was a free title laying on the floor! #
- @CallMeWingus Hey, that guy looks kinda like Warbot Defender. ;P in reply to CallMeWingus #
- Dressing in inmate colors isn't the best way to prove your innocence, Rey. #
- …is this a casket match? Or just a match with a casket at ringside? #
- Tweeting during WWE is a whole new kind of experience. #
- @Shake_Well Yeah, but THIS time… Uh… I'll get back to you. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @arda_ocal Or one Undertaker. in reply to arda_ocal #
- Why does Rey's mask have a strap if he always undoes it? #
- …called it. #
- …that part was kind of a surprise. #
- @arda_ocal Think they'll try to stretch it to Mania? in reply to arda_ocal #
- I wonder if anyone will turn… Or would that just be too 1996? #
- @arda_ocal Oh shi… http://bit.ly/bktnvF in reply to arda_ocal #
- Liking Cena's new colors. #
- Aww, Bret isn't wearing the tights. #
- What if Danielson turns? #
- Bryan Danielson for US champ. #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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