Twitter Updates for 2010-08-17
RT @nerdbastards Back to the Future Infographic: How the Flux Capacitor Works http://bit.ly/cKMl6i # RT @themmnetwork News: Australians! Get Your Weapons Ready for Mega Man Zero Collection http://bit.ly/dtdGrW # RT @ripten Marvel at This Mighty Mass of Marios: http://bit.ly/9Cvkfu # …I am up way later than I ever had any intention of being. And WRITING, […]
- RT @nerdbastards Back to the Future Infographic: How the Flux Capacitor Works http://bit.ly/cKMl6i #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Australians! Get Your Weapons Ready for Mega Man Zero Collection http://bit.ly/dtdGrW #
- RT @ripten Marvel at This Mighty Mass of Marios: http://bit.ly/9Cvkfu #
- …I am up way later than I ever had any intention of being. And WRITING, no less! #
- This is why I can't have nice things… like sleep. #
- Posted2stories,1of which hasn't shown up yet, and proofread an article.I don't know if that's how I'm starting my new day or ending my old1. #
- @THETOMMYDREAMER Ooh, loved that show. Wish I'd caught that bio. in reply to THETOMMYDREAMER #
- RT @HurricaneHelms Some weird robot thing we passed on the road here in Canada. http://twitpic.com/2fp8to #
- RT @RetroCR Retro City Rampage. TRAILER! VIDEO! SEE IT NOW! http://bit.ly/96oOV0 #
- @HeyMickey Should be coming to WiiWare later this year. 🙂 in reply to HeyMickey #
- @HeyMickey @RetroCR has the details thus far. in reply to HeyMickey #
- RT @meghann RT @Gothamist: Man Suing Facebook May Have A Case http://bit.ly/b9Y6Qq #
- RT @arda_ocal As reported on the Fight Show, about 1 in every 60 Canadians watched RAW last night. #
- RT @MattWilsonCSS ScottPilgrim is the movie of our generation.Unfortunately our gen pirates all entertainment, and doesn't pay for anything. #
- RT @PressTheButtons Scott Pilgrim Vs The Uninterested Mainstream http://bit.ly/9kEXHf #
- @patrickklepek I won't cry too much if it does; there is plenty to separate me from my dollars this holiday. in reply to patrickklepek #
- RT @TheOnion Superhero Never Around When Mild-Mannered Journalist David Brooks Is http://onion.com/9tmGx8 #
- Blargh, I cannot go back further than 9 hours on Twitter. Earlier, it was just 5. Seriously, what if I had decided to sleep in? #
- I mean, heck, I usually try to get at least six for the night if I can. I'd still be missing an hour of tweets, at least! #
- RT @nadiaoxford Just heard an ad for the opening of the first Hot Topic in Canada. CANADA IS OVER. #
- Hot Topic in Canada? Maybe now I can quit asking US friends when there is a new game shirt I like. Granted, most suck, but it happens. #
- Apparently, @IGN hates scrolling. I try to press the Up or Down keys on their stories,&either nothing happens, or it goes to the top/bottom. #
- Oh, I want to play this. Wonder if HBK is in? – WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 Blowout – PlayStation 3 Preview at IGN http://t.co/x8EFubd #
- Nintendo reveals release dates for upcoming Wii and DS lineup – http://tinyurl.com/2dpq789 #
- RT @ripten Mafia II Launch Events Coming to a City (Possibly) Near You!!: http://bit.ly/dtRbRH #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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