Twitter Updates for 2010-08-18
RT @God_Damn_Batman America'sGotTalent audition.Howie said"brooding"wasn't a talent.So I showed him my other talent,"groin strike batarang." # RT @themmnetwork News: The Mystery of the Sour Servbot http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/18/the-mystery-of-the-sour-servbot/ # Is Twitter acting odd for anyone else? A tweet I made disappeared, and I am not seeing my older tweets where I know they should be. # What's […]
- RT @God_Damn_Batman America'sGotTalent audition.Howie said"brooding"wasn't a talent.So I showed him my other talent,"groin strike batarang." #
- RT @themmnetwork News: The Mystery of the Sour Servbot http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/18/the-mystery-of-the-sour-servbot/ #
- Is Twitter acting odd for anyone else? A tweet I made disappeared, and I am not seeing my older tweets where I know they should be. #
- What's more, if I click on "More," it reloads the page with just older tweets. Click "More" again, and it loads more, with an indication… #
- …that there are usually around 20 new tweets, which were the ones I saw when I came on. #
- RT @ripten Limited and Nano Editions of Crysis 2 Revealed: http://bit.ly/bhdR3q #
- Well, time to snooze a bit. Hopefully I can obtain some new TFs today. #
- This sounds far more risque as I've gotten older. RT @therealgarfield Is that your face, or did your pants fall down? #
- @carlitocolon Awesome, hope you have a good time here, and hope your mother has a happy birthday. in reply to carlitocolon #
- RT @ripten Japanese Sonic 4 Website Reveals New Lost Labyrinth Zone Screens: http://bit.ly/dzVDsh #
- RT @FlashFact INTERNET IS DOWN. ALL SOCIETY RIPPED TO SHREDS! LOOTING! RAPE! MURDER! THE END IS…oh,I just had to unplug my modem for a sec #
- @UnknownNeo Can't say I did. Does it change it by itself or something? in reply to UnknownNeo #
- RT @TheRealDarkwing Hmmm, I like this portrait of me…although something seems a bit off http://is.gd/enyBE #
- "I've just received an e-mail from the GM." Because the loud noises and flickering lights weren't enough of a clue. #ThingsColeSays #WWE #
- @sporkyreeve Mario uses a Rainbow Star, then sends the ball smashing through the windmill, knocking over the dinosaur, & well over the pond. in reply to sporkyreeve #
- @sporkyreeve Ball travels 5,673 yards. Distance from hole: 5,669 yards. in reply to sporkyreeve #
- RT @Shake_Well Ok, guys, CM Punk (@2ndcitysavior) supposedly will not tweet until he's got 1,000,000 followers, so get to following! #
- @Rinrygamegame Good to see you updating again, but did I read that right? You and Jot aren't working together any more? in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- @tranceblade No clue; I heard funny things about it being unsafe before I ever got to try it. in reply to tranceblade #
- @UnknownNeo Odd, I usually remain logged in. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- RT @meghann How long ago were combat troops sent to Iraq? When they went in, I was still optimistic about the Star Wars prequels. #
- RT @ripten Rare Upgrading Avatars for Better Kinect-ivity: http://bit.ly/dajqhi #
- RT @ripten Fans Seek to Aid Creator in Releasing Toonstruck 2: http://bit.ly/9NZ5oI #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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