Twitter Updates for 2010-09-16
RT @themmnetwork News: This Week: Mega Man 9, Maverick Hunter X 1/2 Off on PlayStation Store http://bit.ly/dwHSb3 # @adamrides Wait, you got it? in reply to adamrides # @WWEGoldust Do you know where your children are? in reply to WWEGoldust # @WWEGoldust If that was for me,it's a ref. to this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_you_know_where_your_children_are%3F?wasRedirected=true in reply to […]
- RT @themmnetwork News: This Week: Mega Man 9, Maverick Hunter X 1/2 Off on PlayStation Store http://bit.ly/dwHSb3 #
- @adamrides Wait, you got it? in reply to adamrides #
- @WWEGoldust Do you know where your children are? in reply to WWEGoldust #
- @WWEGoldust If that was for me,it's a ref. to this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_you_know_where_your_children_are%3F?wasRedirected=true in reply to WWEGoldust #
- I love how my Direct Messages jumped from 44 to 50, yet there are no new messages to be found. #
- @OldSchool80s I like to think that this makes a nice supplement: http://tinyurl.com/25jpr2u in reply to OldSchool80s #
- @Razorsaw Just don't ask how they got that way. ;P in reply to Razorsaw #
- @adamrides If you made a custom character, I want to see it. ;P in reply to adamrides #
- Much love to @SEGA for giving out codes for free Sonic Adventure downloads on first-come, first-serve basis. But I'm too stir-crazy to… #
- …keep my controller by the computer and 360 running in the background to wait for @SEGA to post another. Think I'll just pay the 800 MSP. #
- So, Ninja Gaiden 3. That's cool. I still want them to make a Symphony of the Night-styled game based on the NES titles, though. #
- Incidentally, I'm way behind on XBLA titles, and really need a new (i.e. bigger) hard drive. I've used up a 20GB drive, and… #
- …I can't imagine being stuck with… what's the minimum? 4GB or something? #
- @LanceHeart 500? Is that anything Sony-issued, or is that merely a benefit of being able to use drives which aren't proprietary in the unit? in reply to LanceHeart #
- So Pac-Man is 30…wonder when he reaches a mid-life crisis. In CEDX, he's already working harder, making less money, and eating a lot more. #
- I wonder if he'll opt for a Pac-Convertible or a Pac-Cycle to cruise around for a Ms. who is more than a year younger than he is. #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND Define "serious." I've not written any books, biographical or otherwise, but I've written numerous articles professionally.. in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND ..online. Few have been about wrestling, though I am a fan, and I'm interested in expanding my horizons. in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND Some of my past work can be found here: http://pmo.bumpheli.com/?page_id=1002 If this interests you at all, I can provide… #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND …a more detailed résumé. #
- Blue Castle Games to become Capcom Games Vancouver http://t.co/MgCjQDT via @AddThis #
- @MATTHARDYBRAND From one North Carolinian to another, it's my pleasure. in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND #
- The new Examiner publishing tool clearly has some kinks to be worked out. Let's try this again, manually. #
- Blue Castle Games to become Capcom Games Vancouver http://tinyurl.com/2fwp36b #
- @Protodude @LanceHeart Ever notice that Bad Box Art Mega Man sports the same colors as the Capcom logo? As do the Servbots. in reply to Protodude #
- @Protodude Cool, as long as that's the only thing. in reply to Protodude #
- For some reason, I cannot get the NSMBWii version of the Air/Doomship theme out of my head. Do I have the soundtrack here…? #
- Crud, I do not. #
- Found one. Downloading… #
- @Roto13 How so? I heard it was the same game, basically. in reply to Roto13 #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Mega Man Universe TGS Videos http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/15/mega-man-universe-tgs-videos/ #
- @Roto13 So, if I still like the old SA, then I should be fine? in reply to Roto13 #
- @Roto13 My memory tends to be pretty good on these things, and I've played it more recently than 1999… in reply to Roto13 #
- @Roto13 In fact, it was after the DC was dead and Red and I married before we got the DC with it. in reply to Roto13 #
- @Roto13 …2001, admittedly. Still, the demo lived up to my memory, and I have played it since. in reply to Roto13 #
- RT @themmnetwork http://www.capcom.co.jp/rockman/index.html Capcom of Japan's Rockman series site gets a makeover. ~Heat #
- Fire Pro Wrestling with Avatar support? Steel Battalion on Kinect? I like the sound of this. #
- Now to finish making dinner: chicken Caesar and creamy bacon carbonara. #
- Oh, but first: Project Draco for Kinect, too? They're doing a good job making me want this thing. #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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