Twitter Updates for 2010-09-18
@CMPunk Didn't you have a Twitter account once before? Or was that an impostor (I think even other verified WWE guys tweeted it)? # @pkollar Funny; so far, it's exactly what I remember… just shinier. in reply to pkollar # RT @themmnetwork Game Informer Interviews Mega Man Universe Producer http://tinyurl.com/2gypd5w – Info on premade stages, […]
- @CMPunk Didn't you have a Twitter account once before? Or was that an impostor (I think even other verified WWE guys tweeted it)? #
- @pkollar Funny; so far, it's exactly what I remember… just shinier. in reply to pkollar #
- RT @themmnetwork Game Informer Interviews Mega Man Universe Producer http://tinyurl.com/2gypd5w – Info on premade stages, game narrative. #
- …WELL: Topless Robot – Back to the Future Is Evil, Rapey, Racist http://bit.ly/9tIIHC #
- Fun quotes: http://qdb.us/300794 http://qdb.us/300391 http://qdb.us/301260 http://qdb.us/302079 I love how many people know Mario Kart/Zelda #
- In other news: I hear there was this guy who applied for the job of map designer for the next Final Fantasy, but they wouldn't hire him. #
- Apparently, he was incapable of drawing a straight line. #
- The more @SEGA talks about Sonic Colors, like breaking the Sonic Cycle http://kotaku.com/5640562/ , the more worried I get. Jinx, anyone? #
- Can anyone recommend a good switchbox for high-definition cables? #
- Toronto video game deals for the week of September 17th to 23rd, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/38vebah #
- @UnknownNeo This is the Follow Friday your Follow Friday could smell like: #FF @OldSpice @isaiahmustafa in reply to UnknownNeo #
- Skinner: [on the phone] I know Weinstein's parents were upset, uh, superintendent, but, but — but I was SURE it was a phony excuse. #
- I mean, it sounds so made up: "yom kip pur". [laughs sheepishly] #
- @NintendoAmerica Discovering the game at my cousin's over Xmas, and going through the booklet repeatedly between playing the game.#Mario25th in reply to NintendoAmerica #
- @NintendoAmerica The story was simple, but I was engrossed by it all the same. Plus the art and cast of characters. #Mario25th in reply to NintendoAmerica #
- @Capcom_Unity It's strange, but somehow, I like the "Mega Man" costume a lot more than the actual art. Can't figure out why, though. in reply to Capcom_Unity #
- @KFC_Colonel is in Phantasy Star Portable 2? Too cool; may have to break down and get this one. http://tinyurl.com/2woxc6z #
- RT @McDonalds Happy Meal History Stop No. 3: 1998. First global Happy Meal (Mulan). http://twitpic.com/2p3iog ^Geo #
- @WWEGoldust Maybe if you didn't wear the full-bodysuit while running around under bright lights and pyro… in reply to WWEGoldust #
- My favorite part is the same logo 26 years later. RT @retroist Back to the Future Pizza Hut Commercial – http://www.retroist.com/?p=17943 #
- Still the better logo, in my opinion. #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Behold "Megapin" http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/17/behold-megapin/ #
- RT @McDonalds Happy Meal History Stop No. 1: 1979. The year of the first Happy Meal (circus wagon). http://twitpic.com/2p34jd ^Geo #
- @makzu Yeah, just looking for something simple, affordable, but reliable. in reply to makzu #
- @McDonalds It was cool. Would love to see more. Super Mario Bros. 3 was a pretty popular one. #Mario25th in reply to McDonalds #
- @mainfinger Yes, very. :/ in reply to mainfinger #
- @Protodude Me too. It may help the look grow on me. in reply to Protodude #
- When did delivery fees get so high? Seems like Pizza Hut won't deliver unless you pay 50% of what your items cost. #
- @Protomanx Their loss. Probably just a cover for when their ball-bearings dropped. #
- RT @themmnetwork http://bit.ly/dwe2ic Some great pics of what to expect from Kotobukiya Rockman, w/parts and everything. Thanks Auto! ~Heat #
- The archives of a certain site I used to work for seem to no longer be working. This is unfortunate. #
- @TheBethPhoenix Agreed; what kind do you like? I'm a fan of unagi, myself. in reply to TheBethPhoenix #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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