Twitter Updates for 2010-09-20
@adamrides …Bautista? in reply to adamrides # RT @themmnetwork Joystiq Interviews MMU Producer http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/18/joystiq-interviews-mega-man-universe-producer/ # RT @themmnetwork News: Hideki Kamiya Teases Mega Man Legends http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/18/hideki-kamiya-teases-mega-man-legends/ # Why Do Video Games Still Stereotype Girls and Women? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos |.. http://bit.ly/ccIohd # They should really announce Dr. Doom for Marvel vs. Capcom […]
- @adamrides …Bautista? in reply to adamrides #
- RT @themmnetwork Joystiq Interviews MMU Producer http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/18/joystiq-interviews-mega-man-universe-producer/ #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Hideki Kamiya Teases Mega Man Legends http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/18/hideki-kamiya-teases-mega-man-legends/ #
- Why Do Video Games Still Stereotype Girls and Women? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos |.. http://bit.ly/ccIohd #
- They should really announce Dr. Doom for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. #
- @Joveth I'll stick to my "Life with Archie" comic magazine, thanks. in reply to Joveth #
- @RealJackSwagger Wait, I thought the best was the "Swaggie" from Oklahoma? in reply to RealJackSwagger #
- @Shake_Well Cool, glad to know they're taking it well. Besides, this could simply be a one-off thing. in reply to Shake_Well #
- Examiner just erased my story, and I think it's NoScript's fault. I want to scream. #
- I would rewrite it, but the story is largely about football, which I could barely manage the interest in the first time. #
- I'm not sure if I can bring it all together for a second attempt. Guess I'll try later, but this infuriates me. #
- @UnknownNeo It was a DoomBot. The real Doom's announcement will be far more glorious, and he will not be defeated. Such is Doom. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- Finding good Canadian-oriented video game stories isn't especially easy, either. Just wanted to add that, I'll stop now. #
- Need to do some stuff. But I'm going to go play Sonic Adventure first instead. #
- Speaking of which, it seems to be about the same as it ever was, and I'm enjoying it. Lower expectations for the win! #
- All I can say is "wow." – 4chan Attack Brings Down MPAA Website http://t.co/rH9nrK1 via @gawker #
- It occurs to me, amidst all this buzz about the new DMC, that we foresaw the future with our cat, Dante. His fur was black. #
- @daheatman Hook! Hook! Hook! in reply to daheatman #
- Keanu Reeves… on Bill And Ted 3? Seriously? http://tinyurl.com/38eoutz #
- I have no idea how that's even going to work. Is he playing Future Ted now? And George Carlin is dead… is there any way this could work? #
- It's possible this may be missing the point… RT @gameinformer David Jaffe Tees-off On Video Game Journalists http://bit.ly/9cvW8s #
- Especially if Jaffe's is related to this: http://gametheoryonline.com/2010/09/17/women-gamer-stereotype-girl-grrl-ladies-female-gaming/ #
- @themmnetwork Does that mean you'll give me one? That's the most "not obvious" way I can imagine. in reply to themmnetwork #
- @LanceHeart …I think you can rest assured that will never be the case. 🙁 in reply to LanceHeart #
- I sure hope so. Sites not allowed to discuss Nintendo games? Really? RT @LanceHeart PLEASE tell me this is a prank. http://bit.ly/axpSnv #
- RT @themmnetwork Fans Take on Music from the Entire X Series http://tinyurl.com/2eloljp #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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