Twitter Updates for 2010-09-21
@Shake_Well Sounds like a good night to me; I wish I could have caught it. in reply to Shake_Well # @Protomanx Aww, you had me thinking it was a new one when I clicked. 🙁 in reply to Protomanx # @Protomanx In this case, more recent than two months old. ;P in reply to Protomanx […]
- @Shake_Well Sounds like a good night to me; I wish I could have caught it. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Protomanx Aww, you had me thinking it was a new one when I clicked. 🙁 in reply to Protomanx #
- @Protomanx In this case, more recent than two months old. ;P in reply to Protomanx #
- RT @themmnetwork More MM10 avatars, DLC & Dynamic Theme bundles incoming http://tinyurl.com/2vc4mda #
- Apparently, you can't keep a foul helmet the way you can keep a foul ball. http://tinyurl.com/29br9kg #
- Too true. RT @Razorsaw This is the greatest #sonicthehedgehog cover of all time. http://yfrog.com/1sp9qsj #
- @Shake_Well Which site? I forget. ^^;; in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well Aha, awesome. Glad you like. 🙂 in reply to Shake_Well #
- @paxtonholley Congratulations! in reply to paxtonholley #
- Congratulations to Steve Wiebe, who is King of Kong once more. We'll see how long this reign lasts. #
- So Cammie Dunaway is leaving Nintendo. Good to see most sites being respectful about it, save maybe @gameinformer. #
- Personally, I think she received a little much in the "undue hate" department. I wonder if that influenced her leaving at all. #
- @PressTheButtons Indeed, and it seems that it's followed her since. She's almost like Nintendo's Axl or Raiden, victim of a bad introduction in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Just read: Killing Samus – Wii Feature at IGN http://t.co/qZNuiWc via @AddThis #
- @GamesRadar Careful, rumor is that Nintendo might come down on you. http://go.ign.com/a0BQ6R in reply to GamesRadar #
- RT @ripten Five O’Clock Fan Art: R.O.B.: Poor R.O.B., he's so sad. http://bit.ly/aZBOsz #
- WWE reveals Canadian-exclusive package for Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 http://tinyurl.com/2f4h3g5 #
- Oh, how I love these publishing tools which paste things EXACTLY as they were copied, and don't let you remove things like color… #
- Games shipping the week of September 20th, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/2bwqc65 #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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