Twitter Updates for 2010-09-23
@JoeyDavidson @keripwny Aye, sorry about the last tweets; found the others, and I'm caught up now. in reply to JoeyDavidson # @WWEUniverse I thought you could just change the name? in reply to WWEUniverse # Nintendo To Fansites: Don't Advertise Our Games For Free (Updated) – The Consumerist http://t.co/pXTZypv via @AddThis # Of course, if […]
- @JoeyDavidson @keripwny Aye, sorry about the last tweets; found the others, and I'm caught up now. in reply to JoeyDavidson #
- @WWEUniverse I thought you could just change the name? in reply to WWEUniverse #
- Nintendo To Fansites: Don't Advertise Our Games For Free (Updated) – The Consumerist http://t.co/pXTZypv via @AddThis #
- Of course, if you're up north, you could just get it from Canada -More People Buying Mexican Coca Cola – The Consumerist http://t.co/UvaxIII #
- @PressTheButtons Wow, welcome to the club. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Wow, sounds like Kombo is dead. I wish the best of luck to all the good, honest, hardworking people there now looking for work. #
- @JoeyDavidson The Kombo one? Sounds about right. in reply to JoeyDavidson #
- @pkollar As long as people are soliciting work, I guess I should throw in that I'm available, too. #
- Enjoying Sonic Adventure, and just beat Sonic's game earlier. Egg Viper had me worried, though. And I got a Sonic shirt for my Avatar! #
- Next up: Tails. But I'm looking forward to Knuckles most. Hope someday we can get a good game from @SEGA with lots of that. #
- @JoeyDavidson Well, mine was tied to my Gmail, at least, but it was cut off prematurely. in reply to JoeyDavidson #
- @majornelson I guess, but did you read the part about Paris being sent back here? Seems like more of a reason to loathe them, does it not? in reply to majornelson #
- Couldn't figure out why this game I'm playing kept throwing dating ads at me. Then I realized I was playing Solitaire. #
- Does that count as profiling on the part of the developers? #
- @Protodude A mixed blessing, those days were. in reply to Protodude #
- @Protodude (Check your fly.) in reply to Protodude #
- RT @BandaiAmerica New blog post: The Power is On for 2011 – Power Rangers Samurai! http://bit.ly/ahIl42 #
- @BandaiAmerica Just promise me that their morphing call won't be "Let's Samuraize, guys!" in reply to BandaiAmerica #
- @Rinrygamegame Same. Maybe I can finally catch up on some movies I've missed. in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- Dagnabbit, the Masterpiece Rodimus Prime– or should I say "Hot Rod" rumors are true. May be the first time I pass on a MP for non-$ reasons #
- @Razorsaw Since they're releasing G1 Scourge as well, I wonder if they'd rename him? in reply to Razorsaw #
- @McD_Canada I'd go with McNuggets myself. Seem like more of a sporty finger-food. Plus dipping sauces! (I still want Hot Mustard back, btw) in reply to McD_Canada #
- @McD_Canada On another note, any chance of seeing this happen in Canada soon? http://bit.ly/9wBpgZ #
- @SamoaJoe @CMPunk only dislikes us because he is better than us. Or so the legend goes… in reply to SamoaJoe #
- @CallMeWingus Wasn't that only ever a rumor? in reply to CallMeWingus #
- The few, the proud, the thirsty: RT @CocaCola Some Coca-Cola history—1934 home sampling! http://CokeURL.com/fb4a ^OP #
- @keripwny Congraturation! A winner is you! in reply to keripwny #
- …and with that one tweet, I threw away my chances of landing another writing job ever again. #
- @DanRyckert I still think @IsaiahMustafa should guest host Raw. in reply to DanRyckert #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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