Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14
OutRun Online Arcade isn't long for this world; I recommend grabbing it while the grabbing is good, personally. # @Protodude I do not recall any official confirmation as such, no. in reply to Protodude # @Joveth Heh, nope, sorry. I'd seen it before when going to the airport– last year at this time, in fact. […]
- OutRun Online Arcade isn't long for this world; I recommend grabbing it while the grabbing is good, personally. #
- @Protodude I do not recall any official confirmation as such, no. in reply to Protodude #
- @Joveth Heh, nope, sorry. I'd seen it before when going to the airport– last year at this time, in fact. in reply to Joveth #
- @Protodude Lucky. I want an inflatable Arthur lance to throw around. in reply to Protodude #
- Nice homage to the original Back to the Future teaser trailer: http://bit.ly/aEKzIY #
- @Shake_Well Of his day, or are we including Michael Cole and Mike Adamle? in reply to Shake_Well #
- RT @themmnetwork Inafune Expresses Intense Dislike for His Job http://tinyurl.com/23jom8r #
- @Shake_Well Sounds like I should see if there's another one around that's not at the airport… in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well It's been a while since I last heard Tony on commentary; could you remind me of what made him so bad? in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Protodude They should rename it "Gran Turismo Forever," because… well, any number of reasons, really. in reply to Protodude #
- And more! And they're so, so beautiful… RT @tfw2005 Transformers Generations Kup http://bit.ly/aw4BRh #
- @PressTheButtons Funny, I would have said "zombie mode." in reply to PressTheButtons #
- RT @Garfield_real Jon's the sore thumb in the video game of life. http://www.garfield.com/comics/todayscomic.html http://fb.me/HJtejdOq #
- It occurs to me that today, a joke has officially died. No longer is anything "reserved for Classics Kup." *wonders who will get that* #
- RT @Protodude My fellow 3rd grade teachers have decided to all dress up as Mario characters for the kids' halloween party. Gonna be awesome. #
- @Protodude Pics, man. Gotta have pics (or it didn't happen). in reply to Protodude #
- @PressTheButtons Since when has having "been done" stopped anyone from including zombies? in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Great. Why won't my phone load web pages? Is it the weather? It is a tad ugly out. #
- @PressTheButtons You set this entire thing up to lead to that plug, didn't you? ;P in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @Roto13 I have no idea why it's not working. Weather looks worse now, and it seems okay. Maybe it was the severely overcrowded bus? in reply to Roto13 #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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