Twitter Updates for 2010-10-15
Well, this stinks. Been virus-hunting on the computer since this afternoon, and some stuff is still being elusive. Not sure if I can make… # …it on later. So much for getting anything done today. # @NintendoAmerica If it were the Hookshot from Link to the Past, I'd vote for that. As it is… probably […]
- Well, this stinks. Been virus-hunting on the computer since this afternoon, and some stuff is still being elusive. Not sure if I can make… #
- …it on later. So much for getting anything done today. #
- @NintendoAmerica If it were the Hookshot from Link to the Past, I'd vote for that. As it is… probably Super Metroid's Grappling Beam. in reply to NintendoAmerica #
- So MichaelBay is using a legit crash on the set of Transformers3 in the film itself. Reminds me of the stuff you see in movies filmed on TV. #
- Not sure if it's "waste not, want not" or in poor taste, however. #
- Okay, so thanks to viruses and other computer crap, yesterday was a bust for productivity (paying bills aside). Going to try fresh tomorrow. #
- On the up side: my new Nintendo Power finally arrived. #
- @PressTheButtons …and in Super Mario Bros., the bushes are recolored clouds. And the island of World 3's castle in SMB3 is based on Japan. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Bona Fide Fans Chase Rib-Free Rib Sandwich: http://yhoo.it/awE39Z – Now, if they'd just bring back the Arch Deluxe every now and then… #
- Getting ready to go to the doctor to see about dealing with my stone. Hope all goes well. Then back home to work on some posts, I hope. #
- RT @kobunheat "Chris," people often ask me, "what are the most expensive videogames in Akihabara?" Here: http://is.gd/g1UOs #
- @PressTheButtons Correction: Super Mario Bros. 2 is a hugely-improved revamp of a game called Yume K?j?: Doki Doki Panic. And beats JSMB2. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- 20 minute wait in the rain for a bus… #TTCsucks #
- Ads on Solitaire have gotten worse. Not only do I think they believe I'm single, but it looks like they think I know Spanish, too. #
- What an ugly day… at least another bus finally came. #
- Hot dog! @themmnetwork made page 2 (game-specific sites) of @1UP's 101 Favorite Gaming Sites: http://bit.ly/czcPMe #
- RT @themmnetwork News: What Capcom Wants to See in Legends 3 http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/10/14/what-capcom-wants-to-see-in-legends-3/ #
- Glad we made the list… it's helping temper my frustration at being unable to load Yahoo! Mail… where I made my list of stories to cover. #
- Oh, here we go. Going directly to Yahoo! Mail worked. #
- @Konami Hmm, of those four? I'd have to say Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. in reply to Konami #
- …great. I go to write, and Examiner looks like scrambled eggs. Well, scrambled code, anyway. #
- Does this look normal to anyone? http://www.examiner.com/video-game-in-toronto/david-oxford #
- I really need to know if it's just me. #
- @PressTheButtons Know how a page looks when something doesn't load right, or something? Like it's broken somehow, yet functional? in reply to PressTheButtons #
- RT @Roto13 @LBD_Nytetrayn It looks like 1995 << Sounds about right. #
- Just updated Firefox. Should have thought of this beforehand, but is there any quick way to get a log of what plug-ins I have? #
- It kept/updated as needed, but I seem to recall the last time I needed to update, it was a bit of trouble to remember everything I had. #
- Sigh, hanging up Examiner work for the moment, until I hear something back about what's going on… #
- I hate unproductive days. But just because Examiner's… off, doesn't mean I can't get things done. Reviewing Sonic 4, for one thing. #
- And I got to the doctor, that's something. I could stand to add some stuff to PMO for other things, too. #
- Maybe I can finally get to making that Facebook account… #
- Just took a look at the new version of Twitter… yeah, not so sure about that one. #
- I remember, once upon a time, I felt idealistic and open to changes and new advances in technology. Now, I feel more resistant to change. #
- @Razorsaw Nightscream? ;P in reply to Razorsaw #
- @LanceHeart Heh, I've heard the tales… in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart Thanks; I'll have to get around to recording what's there. in reply to LanceHeart #
- All this talk of NPD sales numbers… or the lack thereof. Does anyone know when we first started getting these numbers on a regular basis? #
- Can't say I care about the specifics; I just want everyone to sell lots, though I might like to know when numbers might be absurdly high/low #
- Why weren't the threats I got from angry customers ever this interesting? http://tinyurl.com/2ceov5h I'd probably frame that. #
- How twisted can you get? – Kroger Security Guard Shoots Homeless Man's Dog – The Consumerist http://t.co/qIEZIM0 via @AddThis #
- I've heard of McJobs and McMansions, but McWeddings? – McDonald's Offering $400 Wedding Packages – The Consumerist http://t.co/vUA5Rnx #
- Hmm, a thought just occurred to me: do the wedding guests all get a Happy Meal toy as a take-home souvenir? #
- Hmm, new Firefox has a new feature: if you have a series of tabs open and open a new one from an earlier one, it opens next to the original. #
- Rather than at the far end of your tabs. This could prove handy. #
- I died laughing at the first comment string: Things To Buy Exclusively At Warehouse Stores http://con.st/10011968 #
- The top image led me to think the PSP Squirrels found new work. – Why Are TV Ads For Lawyers So Unbelievably Sh&%!y? http://con.st/10011983 #
- Now I'm wondering what an ad for the law offices of Wright and Co. would look like… there should be a contest for that. #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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