Twitter Updates for 2010-10-16
@LanceHeart Somewhere in the ballpark of "naive hope," I guess. in reply to LanceHeart # So, I've just completed the first Zone of Sonic 4 for review. I'm liking it so far. # And I actually have two Chaos Emeralds– in the same game! A new personal best! # What the Sony Playstation Can Still […]
- @LanceHeart Somewhere in the ballpark of "naive hope," I guess. in reply to LanceHeart #
- So, I've just completed the first Zone of Sonic 4 for review. I'm liking it so far. #
- And I actually have two Chaos Emeralds– in the same game! A new personal best! #
- What the Sony Playstation Can Still Teach the Industry | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos.. http://bit.ly/avtdzb #
- @DaveOshry If I can get all 7 in this one, then all the rest can go take a flying leap. 3's especially. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry My key to SuperSonic in the past2Dgames is back in NC,so you'll find no complaints here. I missed where you rotate Sonic, though. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @Roto13 I'm still doubtful of my ability; #2 was at the wire. I'm hoping there will be a code. Or DLC. I might drop 80 MSP for that. in reply to Roto13 #
- The latest batch of Donkey Kong Country Returns screens has me wondering if we'll ever get a home version of the original arcade game. #
- One NOT in Donkey Kong 64. #
- @PressTheButtons What bugs you about it? It feels different, sure, but I'm not sure it's in a bad way. Sort of like how Mario moves in NSMB. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @PressTheButtons I enjoy Mario's movement even more in the NSMB games now. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @JoeyDavidson Sorry, missed your reply somehow– it's not showing on my timeline, for some reason. in reply to JoeyDavidson #
- @PressTheButtons I'm used to the slow start from the Genesis titles; always bugged me a bit back then. But the Homing Attack helps a lot. in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @Konami "The journey of a million cars begins with but a single hop." in reply to Konami #
- @HeyMickey I think I gave up on scale after I got Metroplex.Everyone being "in the city" amounted to them being in the box beneath the city. in reply to HeyMickey #
- @God_Damn_Batman I think you should see the first letter here… http://t.co/zaeqjVc #
- RT @themmnetwork More Concept Art from Archie’s Mega Man, Plus More of What to Expect from Spaz http://tinyurl.com/2u3d8e3 #
- Played some more Sonic 4, now the Casino Street Zone is complete. Boss went down pretty quick; I think it took longer to count my score… #
- …than it did to beat him. Perhaps literally (given that short stretch before you fight him). I think I've maxed out at 2 emeralds, though. #
- Maybe three, if I'm lucky. #
- @zayasman …crap. I've been so busy lately, I forgot to vote! Still time, though. I like Ishikawa and Suetsugo's designs, though. in reply to zayasman #
- Hey, Examiner works again! – All's fare in love and Crazy Taxi this November http://tinyurl.com/2g62won #
- A pity it should come so late, however. #
- …I'm really starting to get the feeling that upgrading Firefox was a REALLY bad idea. On and off, the thing just keeps stalling… #
- Just a thought: now that digital distribution is all the rage for music, why aren't more videogame soundtracks available here like in Japan? #
- (And I only spelled it "videogame" instead of "video game" due to the 140 character limit.) #
- @PressTheButtons I think this bears further discussion: if we are not ready when there is no need to ship and stock a physical product… in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @PressTheButtons …then when? in reply to PressTheButtons #
- @UnknownNeo Indeed, that seems to work. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @UnknownNeo Thanks; it appears normalcy returned to Examiner late last night. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @UnknownNeo Thank you. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- Wow, there sure have been a lot of tweets in the past hour… has it been this way all day? #
- @GrundyTheMan Fortunately, I think it may be a bit high for that. Lucky for you. in reply to GrundyTheMan #
- I'd rather have this than the pouch. http://gonintendo.com/?p=139343 Australia – Gametraders: DK plush for DonkeyKongCountryReturns preorder #
- @daheatman RT @PressTheButtons Realistic sinister Heat Man (part of a series): http://tinyurl.com/2v2dzw7 #
- @GrundyTheMan In fairness, 25 years of 'shroom jokes would probably cause anyone to snap. Particularly if they were the subject. in reply to GrundyTheMan #
- @arda_ocal Depends; 90 days if there's a clause, next Thursday if there isn't. What do you think finally did it? #
- And me without any hard drive space. 🙁 RT @GamePro: Is it just us or is #FableII free on XBLA right now? http://bit.ly/9IiTOR #
- Oh, how about that. "The offer is not valid in your region, or has expired." #
- @Roto13 Doesn't seem to work. In fact, on the US GamerTags, the game is $19.99; on Red's Canadian tag, it's $34.99! What a rip-off! in reply to Roto13 #
- @Roto13 And trying the US tags on the website is what brings up the disclaimer. Does this "free" game download even work? in reply to Roto13 #
- @PlayStation Is there a good way to be notified of local events such as that one? I didn't hear about it until it was too late to make plans in reply to PlayStation #
- Is there a way to actually downgrade Firefox? Without uninstalling and reinstalling the older version, I mean? #
- @Rinrygamegame I like the old Metal Gear ad, myself, where it shows you all the items in the game. And the one describing all their games. in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- @Rinrygamegame These, respectively: http://www.nesplayer.com/database/advert/metalgear.jpg http://tinyurl.com/2folnlv in reply to Rinrygamegame #
- @capnsmak Read your bit in the 1UP memorable moments post. I think I bombed that tube early just for the heck of it– made traveling a pain! #
- 12 game projects approved by Canada Media Fund http://www.examiner.com/video-game-in-toronto/12-game-projects-approved-by-canada-media-fund #
- A common refrain: "Who plays Mario/Sonic/Mega Man for the story?" I'm curious what other games this might apply to. #whoplaysforthestory #
- @Razorsaw I'm against it, too. I love the stories in the three I named, minimalist though they may sometimes be. in reply to Razorsaw #
- @jenncutter I don't even know any more. This says it's not just the first ep. 😛 http://bit.ly/9p5jjg in reply to jenncutter #
- @jenncutter Ah, gotcha. in reply to jenncutter #
- I was sort of hoping #whoplaysforthestory might turn into a fun little meme, maybe a little jest or whatever. I think it failed. #
- I almost cursed at this. RT @PressTheButtons Free Back To The Future Game Episode Is Your Density… Er, Your Destiny http://bit.ly/bnzLN1 #
- @mainfinger I'll take that as a compliment. in reply to mainfinger #
- Google Analytics data must take forever to transfer… and given that NoScript should be blocking it, I'm not even sure why it's trying. #
- @majornelson But not in Canada? #
- Toronto video game deals for the week of October 15th to 21st, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/29hmkpa #
- Need to figure out dinner… #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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