Twitter Updates for 2010-10-18
@HeyMickey Even if I had Xbox LIVE Gold, I bet I'd be impossibly behind the curve by the time I get the game. in reply to HeyMickey # For some, I'll bet that having a lack of Internet ruin their weekend would be due cause to reexamine their lives… # I've noticed that in Sonic […]
- @HeyMickey Even if I had Xbox LIVE Gold, I bet I'd be impossibly behind the curve by the time I get the game. in reply to HeyMickey #
- For some, I'll bet that having a lack of Internet ruin their weekend would be due cause to reexamine their lives… #
- I've noticed that in Sonic 4, the top-ranking times on leaderboards is 0:00, by "No1SonicFan," I believe. Didn't take long for cheaters to.. #
- …appear, did it? #
- As if the Back to the Future reunion wasn't enough reason for me to tune in to the Scream awards, now we have Ghostbuster Murray… #
- Gasp. RT @omgfacts Yoshi is a MALE. How do we know? –> http://bit.ly/awRQ81 #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Rockman DASH? More like Blockman DASH! http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/10/17/rockman-dash-more-like-blockman-dash/ #
- @JoeyDavidson If it makes you feel any better, I'm jealous. in reply to JoeyDavidson #
- @daheatman is right; Japan's written language really does let them get away with murder on Twitter, so to speak. #
- Speaking of murder, my computer-less weekend is killing me. I had hoped to write something for the anniversary of the NES this weekend. #
- Wife seems to be making some headway, thanks to an online tech, but both have had to go out today, so nothing is finished yet. #
- On another note, a lot of tweets make me wish I had Kirby's Epic Yarn… Or some unwanted games to trade toward it. #
- @LanceHeart Writing hurts my hand. Had it not been for typing, I might never have taken up "writing." in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart Also, I usually need my friends' help to roll up D&D characters… That is, if I don't want to screw it up. in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart I don't even remember what "thaco" is (or if I'm spelling it correctly). in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart I should, perhaps, but I really can't afford one at the moment. in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart I guess some people don't game for fun…? I don't know. in reply to LanceHeart #
- Currently reading http://www.cracked.com/article_18807_how-xerox-invented-information-age-and-gave-it-away.html #
- @PressTheButtons Very. in reply to PressTheButtons #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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