Twitter Updates for 2010-10-23
@DaveOshry I see you're not familiar with my past work. I just write until it feels right. in reply to DaveOshry # @DaveOshry This is also why I brought up you asking for news on top of it. ;P in reply to DaveOshry # @Protodude Preferably "Special Pack." in reply to Protodude # @DaveOshry Please, […]
- @DaveOshry I see you're not familiar with my past work. I just write until it feels right. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry This is also why I brought up you asking for news on top of it. ;P in reply to DaveOshry #
- @Protodude Preferably "Special Pack." in reply to Protodude #
- @DaveOshry Please, "grammar Nazi" is so overused. And then there is the whole "Godwin's Law" thing on top of that. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry I'll settle for merely being your Evil Grammar Overlord, who holds rodeos amongst the writers for his amusement, yeesss…. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry 1) I hope you at least put in the necessary blurb/picture for the front page, and 2) If they're that happy, I'd love a shout-out. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry Oh, and I went back and did the spell-checking and fine-tuning myself, so no worries. All should be well. in reply to DaveOshry #
- @DaveOshry By the way: Should I be at all concerned that though you say you hit "publish," I can find no trace of the review? in reply to DaveOshry #
- It's up! RT @RipTen RipTen Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (XBLA): http://bit.ly/bgRRor #
- @DaveOshry Your tweet is broken. Or, at least, @ripten's is. And changing the date is disappointing; now who will ever know it's there? 🙁 in reply to DaveOshry #
- My super-secret Sonic 4 review…EXPOSED! http://www.ripten.com/2010/10/17/ripten-review-sonic-the-hedgehog-4-episode-i-xbla-lbd416/ #
- I just finished making dinner– two burgers– and suddenly, for no apparent reason which I can discern, mine topples off the counter… #
- …right onto the floor. #fmylife #
- @DanRyckert I didn't play the Bomberman spin-off, RoboWarrior, very much. My dad did, however, and I'm pretty sure he beat it, too. in reply to DanRyckert #
- @DanRyckert HA! You kill me! in reply to DanRyckert #
- Just finished playing Sonic 3 on XBLA, and my skills have apparently deteriorated greatly. That, or 360's controls are terrible on these. #
- Plus, no Achievements for Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. That stinks, but I blame Microsoft for their XBLA Achievement limitations. #
- Who would I have to kill in order to get one of those displays shown on page 8? http://bit.ly/9w5oQh Just point, and they are over, finished #
- @DanRyckert Journey to the West meets Superman, anime-style, with superpowered martial arts fighting and some comedy. in reply to DanRyckert #
- @CallMeWingus Sounds interesting– what's on it? in reply to CallMeWingus #
- @Roto13 People get WAY too hung up on the names… in reply to Roto13 #
- Currently reading http://www.cracked.com/blog/did-luke-skywalker-die-virgin/ #
- @SEGA Tried to enter; Twitter app doesn't feature DM, and Twitter mobile site says I can't because you're not following me, though the app.. in reply to SEGA #
- @SEGA …says you are. Craziness. in reply to SEGA #
- Kind of weird to hear about UGO/1UP layoffs. I mean, weren't both just hiring? #weirdwildeconomy #
- @FlightLevel330 Niiice. in reply to FlightLevel330 #
- @arda_ocal @reneepaquiette @gregsansone @the_score Looking forward to it. Can't afford Bragging Rights, but would love to hear why it exists in reply to arda_ocal #
- @LanceHeart Figures. Seems they should probably have figured that out first, though. in reply to LanceHeart #
- @LanceHeart Does it? How? I searched high and low, and found no such op–crap. in reply to LanceHeart #
- Yeah, figured out the DM thing on the Twitter app. Epic fail on my part; it only shows on the main "page" of the app, and not the profiles. #
- Not like the desktop version I'm used to. And it cost me my chance at a @SEGA Sonic AST radio-control car to play with the cats, too. :/ #
- I really hope @SEGA doesn't take the litigious road with Sonic Fan Remix, and takes the advice of numerous sites to hire them. #
- Really, give those two a budget and a deadline of Sonic 2's 20th anniversary, stand back, and rake in the dough. #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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