Twitter Updates for 2010-10-25
Just found out that no, playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles does not count if you want Sonic & Knuckles Achievements. # So I can't let @nadiaoxford control Tails while I play, if she desired. No wonder everyone hates Backbone. # @MetManMas Oh, XBL does those things, but in weird ways. And you can't get Achievements […]
- Just found out that no, playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles does not count if you want Sonic & Knuckles Achievements. #
- So I can't let @nadiaoxford control Tails while I play, if she desired. No wonder everyone hates Backbone. #
- @MetManMas Oh, XBL does those things, but in weird ways. And you can't get Achievements on it that way. in reply to MetManMas #
- I'm just glad I picked these Sonic games up on the cheap. #
- @MetManMas Agreed. I'd love to know what Nintendo seemingly has against it. in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas Charlotte's a favorite of mine. Early on, I used her to deal with flocks of small enemies during exploration, while Jonathan… in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas …handled the big bads. I especially loved the three-pronged attack book; it's like Contra's spreader meets melée weaponry. in reply to MetManMas #
- @g4tv looks back at their first Achievements: http://bit.ly/a4pFIj I think mine was for creating sparks in Pac-Man Championship Edition. #
- While the Achievement itself may not be much to be proud of, I am happy to name that game as marking my first. #
- In other news, I think I very nearly have enough SEGA Miles to buy everything left in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. #
- And getting there has been more satisfying than Mario Kart Wii. #
- @DanRyckert Sounds like a blast (save for the beer). in reply to DanRyckert #
- @Roto13 Playing their games, seeing what they've done, it also makes me question if my skills have deteriorated, or if it's their conversion in reply to Roto13 #
- @maqqy96 They can be surprisingly tough to find. in reply to maqqy96 #
- @MetManMas When I'm back online and writing, I plan to write (among other things) how I've come to look at them. in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas I love the million-knife throw Jonathan has. in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas I think I maxed out nearly everything, if not everything. Loved PoR SO much when it came out– I don't think any other CV has… in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas …hooked me the same way, before or since. in reply to MetManMas #
- @MetManMas Definitely. Admittedly, by the end, Jonathan was a tank. I wanted to keep using Charlotte, but it would be harder to justify. in reply to MetManMas #
- @Roto13 Atomic Planet beat them to the punch for me. in reply to Roto13 #
- I have unlocked everything in Sonic ASR, but am far from finished with it. Best $20 I can remember spending on a game. #
- I wish I could have paid full price for it when it came out; the developers at Sumo really deserved it. I hope they sold enough for a sequel #
- No one on my XBL Friends list has it, though. Such a shame. If I had a Gold account, I'd be really disappointed. #
- @mainfinger 360. You know, the one with Xbox LIVE. ;P We should swap GamerTags sometime. in reply to mainfinger #
- @mauroranallo In what way? A hokey way, or a "can someone tell me if this is Monday or Friday night" way? Again, in the case of the latter. in reply to mauroranallo #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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