Twitter Updates for 2010-10-27
@mauroranallo I groaned at that. I guess it's a part of that "master plan," or whatever, that went nowhere. in reply to mauroranallo # Topless Robot – Now the Dragonball Manga Sequel Resurfaces for the 337th Time http://bit.ly/9UYDeO # @arda_ocal If only he could be a commentator AND a wrestler at the same time… in […]
- @mauroranallo I groaned at that. I guess it's a part of that "master plan," or whatever, that went nowhere. in reply to mauroranallo #
- Topless Robot – Now the Dragonball Manga Sequel Resurfaces for the 337th Time http://bit.ly/9UYDeO #
- @arda_ocal If only he could be a commentator AND a wrestler at the same time… in reply to arda_ocal #
- RT @LanceHeart Possible theory on BTTF not being on 360/Wii: File Size restrictions. XBLA reportedly has a 2GB limit, while PSN doesn't. #
- @LanceHeart Think one ep would really be that big, though? But otherwise… it makes sense, sadly. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!! in reply to LanceHeart #
- @DaveOshry So, does this mean THQ isn't giving up a copy for review? in reply to DaveOshry #
- @PressTheButtons Isn't this one like a point-and-click adventure game? If so, wouldn't YouTube be a step shy of piracy? ;P in reply to PressTheButtons #
- Why Can't We Have The Nacho Whopper Or The McArabia Here In The U.S.? – The Consumerist http://t.co/ycIvttM via @AddThis #
- Recalling The Worst Halloween 'Treats' Of Yesteryear – The Consumerist http://t.co/oPo0bgJ via @AddThis #
- @jimmykorderas I think it's just to transition to a Sheamus/Morrison feud, since Morrison "cost" him the match with Santino. in reply to jimmykorderas #
- I am suffering a tremendous headache right now… Going to try to nap it off… #
- @mauroranallo In fairness, neither was WWE's over a decade ago. 🙂 in reply to mauroranallo #
- @mauroranallo At least they got it out of the way, rather than keep us in suspense on when Wade would get Cena back. in reply to mauroranallo #
- @Shake_Well The only way I can stand wrestling booking half the time these days is by ignoring logic; I'd go nuts otherwise. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well But it has been really bad lately. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well Hence my choice of the word "wrestling" over simply "WWE." 🙂 in reply to Shake_Well #
- Backbone has quickly become my least-favorite developer, I think. I'm really starting to see why people hate them so much. #
- Won't go into many details, as that would take far too long, but trying to play Sonic3 multiplayer with the wife was fruitless and pointless #
- @kfc_canada @jimmykorderas Yay! Be great if this goes somewhere. in reply to kfc_canada #
- Clearly, I'm late to the party on this one, but I have recently discovered that Phineas and Ferb is one of the very best things on TV now. #
- @UnknownNeo Agreed. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- Well, so much for having the computer back today. Watching Phineas and Ferb now, since I can't work. Hopefully things will be fixed tomorrow #
- @TheBethPhoenix I may be the only one, but I'd love to see @milanmiracle perform that. in reply to TheBethPhoenix #
- @TheBethPhoenix Oh, and this adds several points to your awesomeness. in reply to TheBethPhoenix #
- @Shake_Well "Daughter?" "She?" I have a bad feeling about this… in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well That's precisely it: it felt like Natalya had two matches after debuting, then forgot she could go until just recently. in reply to Shake_Well #
- @Shake_Well It's not an issue of her being bad or not, it's of WWE using her in any meaningful way. That's what worries me. in reply to Shake_Well #
- BOO-URNS! http://gonintendo.com/?p=140479 Telltale officially squashes Back to the Future Wii #
- Is The Walkman Really Dead Or Not? – The Consumerist http://t.co/AChjNdJ via @AddThis #
- @timturi Not very; we keep both in the crisper. in reply to timturi #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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