Twitter Updates for 2010-11-08
Currently reading and loving it. # Currently reading # @Razorsaw What about him are they defending? in reply to Razorsaw # @Razorsaw Hoo-boy. Art can be subjective (REALLY subjective, in his case), but the other stuff? in reply to Razorsaw # The G.I. Joe toon depicts the Joes' Dragonfly helicopter as a two-seater, […]
- Currently reading and loving it. #
- Currently reading #
- @Razorsaw What about him are they defending? in reply to Razorsaw #
- @Razorsaw Hoo-boy. Art can be subjective (REALLY subjective, in his case), but the other stuff? in reply to Razorsaw #
- The G.I. Joe toon depicts the Joes' Dragonfly helicopter as a two-seater, but I'm pretty sure the toy only seated one. #hateitwhentheydothat #
- Been watching a Let'sPlay of SonicNext with @nadiaoxford. People give Peach a hard time about being kidnapped, but she has NOTHING on Elise. #
- Catching up on webcomics. Haven't read any on my list, save a few, since 9/24. Taking a while, but progressing steadily. #
- Lucky for me we happened to get that extra hour tonight, huh? #
- Awesomely un-epic: #
- I liked this one, too. Fanboy Duke Nukem for the wi– er, victory: #
- @UnknownNeo That's my usual tact, but one thing after another piled up a considerable backlog. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @CallMeWingus Is that across multiple figures, or do you simply have a really decked-out, hardcore Ultra Magnus? in reply to CallMeWingus #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at)
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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