Twitter Updates for 2010-11-10
I wonder if/how Player 1 will be able to play as Diddy Kong in Donkey Kong Country Returns. #dkhoard # The Nintendo Download – 11/8/10 http://exm.nr/aRoKfE # Topless Robot – The 10 Worst Cartoon Kid Sidekicks http://bit.ly/bahtEs # YES! RT Shake_Well The Million Dollar Man is FINALLY getting a DVD set from WWE. http://bit.ly/cbKrI3 # […]
- I wonder if/how Player 1 will be able to play as Diddy Kong in Donkey Kong Country Returns. #dkhoard #
- The Nintendo Download – 11/8/10 http://exm.nr/aRoKfE #
- Topless Robot – The 10 Worst Cartoon Kid Sidekicks http://bit.ly/bahtEs #
- YES! RT Shake_Well The Million Dollar Man is FINALLY getting a DVD set from WWE. http://bit.ly/cbKrI3 #
- Ever Wonder What Happened To The Real Wendy's Wendy? – The Consumerist http://t.co/86eLFox via @AddThis #
- Crap, I missed the start of Conan's new show. Is this thing going to be online at any point? By which I mean legitimately? #
- Check this video out — Wasps: Zero Percent Mercy http://t.co/i1HXlIO via @youtube #
- Dorkly Bits Link Didnt Get The Sword http://bit.ly/aLqYAf #
- My sleep schedule has become a wreck… again. Going to try to see if I can somehow fix that tonight. #
- Does anyone believe him? – Bobby Kotick Explains What Really Happened With Brutal Legend – News – http://t.co/GqQfqbQ http://t.co/Iue6OVW #
- Awesome; I have a year's worth of followers. #
- @daheatman Yep! in reply to daheatman #
- w00t! RT @TFormers Transformers: Prime & Other Hasbro Shows Come To Canada via Corus Entertainment http://bit.ly/cC58GS #
- @CallMeWingus Sounds like crap to me. Good luck, and hope this gets sorted out. in reply to CallMeWingus #
- @ToplessRobot I just use a spray bottle. in reply to ToplessRobot #
- Oh, snap! (Well, hopefully not): RT @JoeyDavidson: Photo: I will not be your father. http://bit.ly/cO8ati #
- @UnknownNeo Yeah, that's no doubt the downside of my list, too. in reply to UnknownNeo #
- @DaveOshry Do I dare ask why you were banned in the first place? in reply to DaveOshry #
- @pepsico Not to ride on any coattails, but I wrote my own "Pepsi Perfect" piece a while back: http://pmo.bumpheli.com/?p=2547 #
- @pepsico I would really love to see the drink– or at least the logos, maybe– in 2015. You have a few years to prepare. 🙂 #
- @RareLtd I find it nearly impossible to ingest onion. I simply don't like to ingest coconut. in reply to RareLtd #
- @empiretheatres is actually carrying Survivor Series. I think I know what I'm doing in two weeks. #
- DonkeyKongCountryReturns actually has me a little worried about difficulty. But as long as it's not as bad as Toxic Tower, I should be okay. #
- And yes, I know of DKC Returns' Super Guide. I just hope I won't have to use it. #
- @NintendoAmerica The red Wii in one word: Glorious. #dkhoard in reply to NintendoAmerica #
- Hmm, sounds like @GameTrailers isn't as keen on Sonic Colors as @IGN is. #
- @DaveOshry Tempting. ;P in reply to DaveOshry #
- Agreed, but needs more Maximo RT @themmnetwork http://bit.ly/aGel8F If Rockman Online is anything like this, then there's a bit of potential #
- Twitter is rather busy today. I should close this if I want to get anything done. #
- TBS Makes Conan Episodes Available For Free Online – The Consumerist http://t.co/XC8yqlp via @AddThis #
- @NintendoAmerica I was about 15. #DKCReturns in reply to NintendoAmerica #
- Whew, finally! Preview: Deus Ex: Human Revolution http://exm.nr/aKixxq Big thanks go to @eidosmontreal for having us out. #
- Topless Robot – Real-Life Quiddith Players Are Determined to Make Me Want to Give Them a Wedgie http://bit.ly/cB1Sad #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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