Twitter Updates for 2010-12-10
@RipTen seeks an Xbox rep for Mortal Kombat: http://bit.ly/fPZI9J I wonder if anyone from Nintendo would fit, were there such a version. # I mean, Link was in Soulcalibur II, but that was a whole other thing. I don't think Link or even Samus would really work. Is there anyone? # RT @RareLtd New issue […]
- @RipTen seeks an Xbox rep for Mortal Kombat: http://bit.ly/fPZI9J I wonder if anyone from Nintendo would fit, were there such a version. #
- I mean, Link was in Soulcalibur II, but that was a whole other thing. I don't think Link or even Samus would really work. Is there anyone? #
- RT @RareLtd New issue of RetroGamer contains a vast chunk of editorial on Rare. And old-school hand-drawn cover! http://tinyurl.com/retro84 #
- RT @Kotaku Nintendo's Revised History Of Super Mario Bros. http://kotaku.com/5710212/ #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=144725 Best Buy Canada – some people are going to be upset with this free game #
- RT @xplay Gaming WikiLeaks: Big Video Game Leaks http://bit.ly/gmxKe9 #
- RT @gameinformer FEATURE When Advertising Invades Video Games http://bit.ly/eJgN4X #
- RT @PlayStation Despite what you may have read, @Konami's X-Men Arcade will be hitting the PSN next Tuesday, Dec 14, for $9.99. #
- Nice, but how much does form cost? RT @gamespot Move gets $40 Sharp Shooter shell peripheral to launch in Feb. http://gamespot.com/6285112 #
- RT @Kotaku A Disappointing Console Debut For Nintendo's Plumber http://kotaku.com/5710531/ #
- This is heartbreaking: RT @PressTheButtons New Voices Of Biff Tannen And George McFly Revealed For Back To The Future http://bit.ly/g8tgdz #
- Tom Wilson was a favorite, to say nothing of the most consistent–he played ALL the Tannens, ever, until now. That's all the movie AND toons #
- Between this, Matt's assessment of the soundalike, and the fact it's not even for any machine I have, I just don't know what to think of… #
- …this Back to the Future game any more. #
- At the very least, I wish Wilson would have considered playing the role under a pseudonym, like other celebs used to do on The Simpsons. #
- The Wii cost this list all cred. Way to channel Fox News. RT @thekartelmob 8 items you must return this holiday season http://bit.ly/hmPFx5 #
- RT @GameTrailers Some characters are such poor winners! http://t11.me/8UX-Q9 Did we miss any of your most hated endings? #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=144678 FutureShop dropping Wii price to $199.99 #
- RT @mainfinger my review of Sonic Colors (Wii) is now live http://www.wingdamage.com/review-sonic-colors-wii/ #fb #
- "Five Sci-Fi Children's Books" by Caldwell Tanner on CollegeHumor http://t.co/tw6fpHX via @CollegeHumor #
- #3 is enough to make you go "aww." Pwn My Life Issue 52 http://bit.ly/eBeEXe #
- And #4 is just "LOL-worthy." #
- Sorry, #5 Scroll wheel skipped me past #4 #
- 7 Weird Batman Movie Vehicle Toys That Weren't in the Batman Movies http://bit.ly/i1MNc3 #
- And try not to think of Marlon Wayons when you see the pictures of Batman Returns' Robin. #
- RT @Gamespite I love Bionic Commando, and here are 2,000 or so words to prove it: http://bit.ly/gjjH8E #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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