Twitter Updates for 2010-12-11
From @Nintendo_Okie – Con-soul Searching: Stop Region Mocking Me – http://bit.ly/hO7QCU < I agree with pretty much all of this. # Seriously, if Nintendo doesn't want to bring Disaster: Day of Crisis here for whatever reason, is it really necessary to prevent importing? # Check out The Zelda Marathon 2 for charity– tonight! http://exm.nr/dTFWXP # […]
- From @Nintendo_Okie – Con-soul Searching: Stop Region Mocking Me – http://bit.ly/hO7QCU < I agree with pretty much all of this. #
- Seriously, if Nintendo doesn't want to bring Disaster: Day of Crisis here for whatever reason, is it really necessary to prevent importing? #
- Check out The Zelda Marathon 2 for charity– tonight! http://exm.nr/dTFWXP #
- For Transformers: The Movie fans (the old animated one, not the Bay films), here is some cool stuff from early drafts: http://bit.ly/hUfj87 #
- Motion Controls: Designing Video Games for the Future | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos .. http://bit.ly/eMRBSr #
- What Mature Ratings Mean for the Video Games Industry | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos .. http://bit.ly/dLpH73 #
- RT @JimSterling The best bit of game-related comedy you'll see today: http://bit.ly/gAbDNH #
- I still like him, anyway. RT @TheOnion 'Yogi Bear' Movie Introduces Boring Cartoon Character To New Generation http://onion.com/fDKPS0 #
- RT @spidermann Original @SEGA #Sonic ad that appeared in comics. Was that really 1991? http://twitpic.com/3emsp3 #
- Toronto video game deals for the week of December 10th to December 16th, 2010 http://exm.nr/gepTSR #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=144766 Video Game Art – Titmouse Animation (Metalocalypse) puts together tribute to Pokemon #
- RT @tssznews Sega of America’s Pritchard Speaks of Sonic Strategy http://bit.ly/h0UW4o #
- RT @tssznews Pritchard Interview: Unlikely We’ll See More MadWorld http://bit.ly/huZODr #
- Topless Robot – 20 Delightfully Offbeat Nerd Gifts for Under $20 http://bit.ly/hkJ4eA #
- Topless Robot – Nerds with Too Much Times on Their Hands… in a Half-Shell http://bit.ly/fcIfw8 #
- The Green Lantern Guide to Wasting a Superpower [CHART]: http://bit.ly/fWKq0r #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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