Twitter Updates for 2011-01-22
And to think, all I ever had to do was ask. – Guy Makes Comedy Videos Asking For $1 Million… And Gets It – Consumerist http://t.co/qNrk6xz # Aww, not A&W, too? No Long John Silver's here, though. – Long John Silver's, A&W Up For Sale – The Consumerist http://t.co/twyP3xY # RT @JoystiqNintendo Walmart wants your […]
- And to think, all I ever had to do was ask. – Guy Makes Comedy Videos Asking For $1 Million… And Gets It – Consumerist http://t.co/qNrk6xz #
- Aww, not A&W, too? No Long John Silver's here, though. – Long John Silver's, A&W Up For Sale – The Consumerist http://t.co/twyP3xY #
- RT @JoystiqNintendo Walmart wants your 3DS pre-order so bad it's throwing in this bonus case:
Little known fact… http://aol.it/eAyuyU # - RT @Retroist McDonald’s “Big Mac Man” Commercial – http://www.retroist.com/?p=21321 #
- RT @Cracked 4 Products That Only Exist in Movies: http://bit.ly/fTPDGr by. @DOB_INC #
- RT @AllsparkNews After Nearly 20 Years, Simon Furman Marks His Return to the Original Death's Head! http://bit.ly/evulQw #
- RT @Coke_Archives Gotta love the old 80s dancing cans! http://fb.me/Tw7FvqB9 #
- RT @Dtoid Hands-on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3DS) http://tinyurl.com/46jv479 #
- RT @Gamespite Before passing out last night to jetlag and illness, I somehow managed a love sonnet to MegaManLegends 2: http://bit.ly/fY4cs3 #
- RT @JimmyFallon Game: Cats: Smart or Stupid? http://bit.ly/gFIeXA #latenight #
- RT @Kotaku My Unexpected Desire To Play More 3DS Games In 3D http://kotaku.com/5739800/ #
- RT @Dtoid Hands-on Dead or Alive Dimensions (3DS) http://tinyurl.com/4a2tdbb #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Amazing Mega Man Fan Art
http://bit.ly/h7ylvE # - RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148117The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening VC- more footage #
- RT @Retroist New Retroist Podcast this week is all about Back to the Future – retroist.com/2011/01/21/ret… via @retroist #
- RT @GameLife "Nintendo 3DS Is a Last-Gen Game Machine" http://bit.ly/fYdvUF #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148142 Game Freak explains how they created 150 new Pokemon for Black/White #
- RT @NamcoGames Update : Official PAC-MAN destination page launches! http://pacman.com/wp/ #
- RT @JimSterling So, LittleBigPlanet 2 is being used to kill Obama: http://bit.ly/hrS3Dh #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148145 Video Game t-shirt – 'Gamer's Closet' #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=148151 Another eye doctor says3DS could help diagnose problems, but parents need to still keep watch on playtime #
- RT @PulseWrestling Chris Jericho talks Return To WWE, TNA, and New Wrestlers http://bit.ly/dV2BRw #
- Not news, but certainly insightful. RT @Shake_Well This just in, internet anonymity makes people douchebags: http://bit.ly/gEjmhM #
- RT @Dtoid Dear Sony: You can't beta test a game that's gone gold http://tinyurl.com/4hahw5r #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=148161 Game dev says today's titles are 'too disposable' #
- RT @RipTen 3DS eShop And Internet Browser To Be Available At Launch:
Earlier this week RipTen reported that… http://bit.ly/gdSuRu # - RT @CocaCola Cool collection of Coca-Cola Super Bowl TV ads. What's your favorite? http://CokeURL.com/zzhf #
- This is too bad, in a way. Hopefully I can write about why soon. RT @Kotaku A NintendoArgumentAgainstAchievements http://kotaku.com/5740114/ #
- RT @GameLife So we're getting some conflicting information from Nintendo on whether the 3DS eShop will be there day one. http://is.gd/9yCwWc #
- RT @GameInformer Dan's Blog: What Happened To Cheat Codes?:
I started thinking recently about how I can't remember… http://bit.ly/dK4S66 # - RT @IGN Super Mario is in DC Universe Online. | http://go.ign.com/eL1ys0 #
- RT @TheFeed Ninja Gaiden 2's Criticisms Will Affect Ninja Gaiden 3 According To The Game's Producer http://bit.ly/e5ScL5 #
- Yes, please! RT @TSSZNews RUMOR: ASR Coming to Nintendo 3DS? http://bit.ly/g7E4Wi #
- For that matter, I hope MarioKart 3DS is better than MKWii. A good start would be to bring back ROB, make Miis standard, & fewer blue shells #
- A better start still would be to look at all the things ASR does right, such as SEGA miles. #
- Some Crazy @#$% Is Happening in IDW's G.I. Joe Comics – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/fODX8m #
- Your 9am Wake-Up Call from Stan Bush – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/fWPgKE #
- The 10 Coolest Superhero Twitter Accounts – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/iijffD #
- The Blueberries In Your Food Could Be Fake – The Consumerist consumerist.com/2011/01/the-bl… via @addthis #
- Will The Pentalobe Screw Apple? – The Consumerist consumerist.com/2011/01/open-s… via @addthis #
- Gallery: The Worst Videogame Box Art of 2010 from 1UP.com http://bit.ly/i3RaCG #
- RT @GamePro Editorial: Why video game humor is special http://bit.ly/f7efX2 #
- RT @PepsiCanada Check out this awesome Pepsi display http://ow.ly/3Ig76 #pepsifun (JG) #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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