Twitter Updates for 2011-01-28
RT @TGWTG From @vangelus it's GI Joe Specialist Trakker review http://is.gd/D0UiyM # RT @TGWTG From @CoTGW it's 16-bit Gems: Terranigma http://is.gd/0ghnMH # RT @TGWTG From @FFSTv it's Video Games Awesome! Minecraft is AWESOME! http://is.gd/ftNFJw # Dorkly Bits Lifeguard Mario http://bit.ly/gsAW08 # Dorkly Bits Excitebike Shop http://bit.ly/9l1V3t # RT @RipTen PlayStation NGP (PSP 2) Officially Announced: […]
- RT @TGWTG From @vangelus it's GI Joe Specialist Trakker review http://is.gd/D0UiyM #
- RT @TGWTG From @CoTGW it's 16-bit Gems: Terranigma http://is.gd/0ghnMH #
- RT @TGWTG From @FFSTv it's Video Games Awesome! Minecraft is AWESOME! http://is.gd/ftNFJw #
- Dorkly Bits Lifeguard Mario http://bit.ly/gsAW08 #
- Dorkly Bits Excitebike Shop http://bit.ly/9l1V3t #
- RT @RipTen PlayStation NGP (PSP 2) Officially Announced: As everyone predicted, the follow-up to the PSP was announ… http://bit.ly/fukBYK #
- RT @RipTen PlayStation NGP Tech Statistics: Waiting to see the official statistics for the newly announced NGP? http://bit.ly/fZ4A05 #
- RT @RipTen LiveArea to Change Portable Gaming Connectivity: LiveArea is just one in a slew of announcements from… http://bit.ly/dZO1pa #
- The Dorklyst The 10 Greatest Swords in Videogame History http://bit.ly/gKTznL #
- That list should have featured Zero's saber, methinks. #
- Super Terrific Japanese Thing: Gold Vending Machine – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/i4vBTB #
- Those New ThunderCats? Still Loose – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/gGSXAu #
- Oh Hai Transformers Movie 3 Shockwave – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/ePflDp #
- RT @PlayStation Next Generation Portable full tech specs and game list: http://bit.ly/gOxHPC Full hardware gallery: http://bit.ly/eouiPm #
- RT @Nintendo_Okie Shelby talks about the future possibilities after 3DS. http://bit.ly/e10lU3 #
- RT @g4tv Microsoft labels Autistic boy "cheater," deletes his Gamerscore. http://bit.ly/gKkP1i #
- RT @cracked 10 Creepy Plants That Shouldn't Exist: http://bit.ly/gMsMlL #
- RT @GamePro 8 Things You May Not Know About Sony's PSP 'Next Generation Portable' http://bit.ly/gk2fs1 #
- RT @Siliconera >> New post: Hsien-Ko And Sentinel Rocket Punch Into Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 http://bit.ly/dP0n10 #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Capcom on Sony's Next Generation Portable http://bit.ly/fpth1L #
- RT @destructoid Destructoid discusses Codename: NGP, the PSP successor http://tinyurl.com/4e9z27q #
- @PressTheButtons may find this interesting: RT @gamasutra Feature: Many Video Game Artifacts Mysteriously Lost http://bit.ly/hlnGVW #
- RT @kobunheat Just in case you weren't clear on this, 5 hours is the max 3DS battery life at lowest brightness setting http://is.gd/G4gYJS #
- So I'll only need to have three jobs to buy one? RT @Dtoid Sony: NGP will be 'affordable' http://tinyurl.com/4rnod5g #
- RT @Shortpacked Review: Generations Scourge, aka Beardy McWingo http://t.co/ZNQYJos #
- RT @RetroCR Grab GameFAN #5 Huge RetroCityRampage behind the scenes interview for fans&aspiring developers alike http://twitpic.com/3tx0iz #
- RT @Kotaku The Complete Guide To Sony's Next, Big Portable PlayStation http://kotaku.com/5744790/ #
- RT @themmnetwork News: UDON Officially Announces Mega Man Gigamix http://bit.ly/dOKWLm #
- RT @IGN We've played with the NGP. What did we think? Click to find out. | http://go.ign.com/eGKY4e #
- RT @UdonCrew Just a few days left for Mega Man Tribute submissions – get 'em in by Jan 31! http://www.megamantribute.com/ #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Blues Introduced in Rockman Online http://bit.ly/hflIYj #
- RT @retroist Cheese we can! Join the movement to bring back Mayor McCheese – http://t.co/qtANC27 via @wewantmccheese #
- RT @GamePro The Next Generation Portable: Under the Hood http://bit.ly/exZBHD #
- RT @Dtoid NGP battery life = four to five hours? http://tinyurl.com/4zvho5d #
- RT @cracked What Our Pets Are Probably Dreaming About: http://bit.ly/g6sO4B by. You! The Reader! #
- RT @kfc_colonel Come visit when you're in Louisville. Lots to see here.& it's free. (@ Colonel Sanders Museum) [pic]: http://4sq.com/gFWKGo #
- "I like those odds!" –Homer Simpson RT @bpopken Taco Bell Releases New Statement On Class Action: We're 88% Beef! http://con.st/10015330 #
- RT @destructoid Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime haunting this March http://tinyurl.com/4ty23ub #
- RT @destructoid PS3 finally gets some a Firmware update after eight years http://tinyurl.com/496p8uu #
- Woo-hoo, Million Dollar Man! RT @pulsewrestling Two New WWE Hall of Famers get DVDs http://bit.ly/hUrE9l #
- RT @OldSchool80s Happy #80s Birthday to New Order's Gillian Gilbert(50), comic artist Frank Miller(54) & TMNT co-creator Peter Laird(57) #
- RT @Kotaku Yes, I've Played With Sony's New Gaming Portable, The NGP http://kotaku.com/5744675/ #
- RT @GamesRadar PSP2: The 10 most important things you need to know: http://bit.ly/i4QDK1 #
- RT @pkollar I've played Sony's NGP. Check out my first impressions: http://bit.ly/g2StRD #
- RT @Dtoid Feast your eyes on the NGP concept trailer http://tinyurl.com/477gwfv #
- RT @1up Sony's NGP: Rumors vs. The Truth http://bit.ly/icRnvz #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=148667 Sony admitsNGPwill be in direct competition with3DS,thinks consumers will recognize platform differences #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148664 Sony explains lack of 3D in NGP, talks 3DS price #
- RT @IGN Jack from MadWorld is coming to PS3 and 360. And this time, he's in color. | http://go.ign.com/fbU1Ua #
- RT @stephentotilo Is EA making games for NGP or not? Curiously, neither Sony nor EA are being clear about that one. http://bit.ly/gsKaiB #
- RT @tinycartridge Nintendo3DS-NGP/PSP2 comparison chart: http://i.imgur.com/JFuOz.png It's pretty obvious which one you should save up for! #
- YES! RT @BTTFcom News: Back to the Future: The Game headed to retail stores – ComputerAndVideoGames.com http://bit.ly/hYN0Aa #
- RT @Destructoid Not all NGP models will support 3G http://tinyurl.com/4hobhzl #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Farmville vs Real Farms: Having a father that was a farmer, this is the kinda s* that breaks my heart- http://ow.ly/3Lnmq #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148676 Sony doesn't understand how the experience of shared 3D works on a portable #
- RT @DanRyckert In case you forgot how horribleSony's "All I want for Xmas is a PSP"attempt @ viral marketing was http://youtu.be/xoPnp4ufeSk #
- RT @DanRyckert Wow, totally forgot about how terrible these were RT @ctplante: Squirrel please http://ht.ly/3LzI3 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Most amazing headline in history: http://ow.ly/3Llg9 #
- RT @Dtoid Constructoid: Helping Nintendo to win back the hardcore http://tinyurl.com/4k3klko #
- One more reason not to fly Delta. Poor Snickers. – Hairless Kitten Freezes To Death After Trip In Delta Cargo Hold – http://t.co/RWVccNR #
- RT @IGN Just how big is the NGP? | http://go.ign.com/ib1jXo #
- RT @GamePro News Flash: Yep, Kinect made Microsoft lots of money http://bit.ly/gPFKT5 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148702 Helping Nintendo win back the hardcore gamer (video) #
- RT @Dtoid 2010 Sucked: Fable III Exemplifies the Year in Disappointment http://tinyurl.com/4dptxub #
- RT @Kotaku The Video Game Controllers You Might Not Want… Until You Use Them http://kotaku.com/5745382/ #
- RT @JoystiqNintendo Reggie explains motivation for 3DS 'Play Coins': The 3DS's "Activity Log" uses the built-in… http://aol.it/esNvEA #
- RT Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Campaign – Life Size Mechtech Gun And Bumblebee Render http://bit.ly/fc0ZOW @tfw2005 #
- Wow. The costumes are alright, but the CG models are nice. – Peach and Zelda Catch Up – @CollegeHumor Video http://t.co/brclVFP #
- Real Life Buster Sword http://bit.ly/hj1kIX #
- Gamebook 5 DBZ Status Updates http://bit.ly/funwHj #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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