Twitter Updates for 2011-02-01
RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148880 Evidence of Mach Rider found in Captain Rainbow # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148879 GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought – Destin Feature: Screaming at a brick wall # RT @PulseWrestling Three Former WWE World Champions Return at the WWE Royal Rumble 2011 http://bit.ly/f1hsvy # RT @ONM_UK Zelda: Skyward Sword to be released after Ocarina […]
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148880 Evidence of Mach Rider found in Captain Rainbow #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=148879 GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought – Destin Feature: Screaming at a brick wall #
- RT @PulseWrestling Three Former WWE World Champions Return at the WWE Royal Rumble 2011 http://bit.ly/f1hsvy #
- RT @ONM_UK Zelda: Skyward Sword to be released after Ocarina Of Time 3DS – http://bit.ly/gmhJ8x #
- RT @Retroist Kellogg’s OKs Cereal Box with Batman Periscope Offer – http://www.retroist.com/?p=21547 #
- RT @ONM_UK Nintendogs & Cats: 3 reasons why you should take it seriously – http://bit.ly/gWKH1U #
- RT @Coke_Archives The @CocaCola script logo was trademarked on this day in 1893. #
- Look, just because I would die for the Cap'n doesn't mean… oh. RT @Cracked HowBreakfastCereal MascotsBrainwashedYou: http://bit.ly/gJAlX3 #
- RT @WWE WWE.com NEWS: Refueling with Diesel – When the 32nd competitor at the 2011 Royal Rumble Match was revealed… http://wwe.me/1b76fd #
- RT @Cracked 5 Complaints About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.): http://bit.ly/gaIzrs #
- RT @Retroist Atari Will Make Your Family Life Perfect – http://www.retroist.com/?p=21568 #
- RT @Dtoid Yes, please! Pac-Man CE arrives on PSP Minis tomorrow http://tinyurl.com/643lvsb #
- RT @Coke_Archives I love this early version of the Coca-Cola script logo. It is still instantly identifiable. http://fb.me/uoG6CZQ8 #
- RT @JennCutter Canadians! http://openmedia.ca/meter Raise your voice now to protect your downloads. #
- RT2 @JennCutter This will eventually affect you. http://is.gd/zkjDhw #
- RT @StephenTotilo If you have any idea what the Royal Rumble is, surrender 40 seconds of your life to this clip: http://youtu.be/6PHTnnSM-lo #
- RT @PressTheButtons Eternal Mario Kart Mystery Answered At Last http://bit.ly/eqz16p #
- RT @JimSterling In this editorial, I examine the "Price vs. Length" argument: http://bit.ly/gEVCfo #
- Wow, they still make Colorforms? RT @TFormers Colorforms Celebrates 60 Years with New Products for Transformers & more! http://bit.ly/dVSUMX #
- Get an exclusive look at Bulk in #PowerRangers Samurai. #PRSamurai premieres next Monday on @NickelodeonTV at 8p/7c. http://ow.ly/3NFzx #
- The previous tweet comes via @PowerRangersNews. And still no word on Canadian airings. #
- RT @Robot6 The death of Wizard and ToyFare, from the inside http://on.cbr.cc/hhsEPs #
- I thought we knew this? RT @TheKartelMob Looks like #Sega originally had some very different plans for #Sonic4 #039;s levels http://bit.ly/e23t5E #
- I thought we knew this RT @TheKartelMob Looks like #Sega originally had some very different plans for #Sonic4 #039;s levels http://bit.ly/e23t5E #
- RT @ProtomanX HOLY S* STAN LEE!?!?! HOCKEY AND MARVEL!! http://www.nhl.com/ice/page.htm?id=66928 #
- RT @Cracked 5 Baffling Real Internet Searches For Financial Advice: http://bit.ly/hle24F #
- RT @Arda_Ocal Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson announced he will never wrestle again. Do you believe him? #
- RT2 @Arda_Ocal (also said hed return to WWE in a non wrestling role) #
- RT @Kotaku In Praise Of The New Game Plus http://kotaku.com/5748061/ #
- Check out The Gondorian Is Always Right – http://notalwaysright.com/the-gondorian-is-always-right/9814 #
- Okay, Those ThunderCats Are Significantly More Loose Than We Previously Anticipated – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/fv6wwm #
- Oh Hai Final Boss of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/i2rCmk #
- GameSpite Quarterly 7 exists, beckons commerce – http://bit.ly/gXdkkt #
- RT @Dtoid Cloud saving on the horizon for PlayStation 3 http://tinyurl.com/48vhs6a #
- Best iPhone Apps and iPad Downloads: Video Games and More | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/eA2NH1 #
- Wii 2: Has Nintendo Blown It With Video Game Console Owners? | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/fhR1SE #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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