Twitter Updates for 2011-02-02
RT @Siliconera >> New post: SNK Arcade Classics 0 Lives, Bring Athena And Ikari Warriors To PSP http://bit.ly/fcxMs3 # RT @Kotaku Hollywood, Where Video Game Movies Go To Die http://kotaku.com/5748548/ # RT @GamesRadar Awwww. Just look at the cute and adorable face of Nintendo's 3DS. http://twitpic.com/3vgzbp # RT @ToplessRobot SNARF http://bit.ly/gma9ee # RT @ONM_UK Super […]
- RT @Siliconera >> New post: SNK Arcade Classics 0 Lives, Bring Athena And Ikari Warriors To PSP http://bit.ly/fcxMs3 #
- RT @Kotaku Hollywood, Where Video Game Movies Go To Die http://kotaku.com/5748548/ #
- RT @GamesRadar Awwww. Just look at the cute and adorable face of Nintendo's 3DS. http://twitpic.com/3vgzbp #
- RT @ToplessRobot SNARF http://bit.ly/gma9ee #
- RT @ONM_UK Super Mario Bros. 3D – Miyamoto can't wait to show it off – http://bit.ly/fruXzq #
- RT @NintendoAmerica Final Iwata Asks about Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary: http://bit.ly/eQQs9O #
- RT @IGN How ESRB ratings are made. A handy flow chart. | http://go.ign.com/i0cIAl #
- RT @MrDrumble Is this really accurate, Canada? Because… damn! D: http://i.imgur.com/M3G7f.png #
- RT @LisaFoiles Jeers all around! Top 5 Awesomely Bad Box Art over at @TheEscapistMag: http://bit.ly/dXT0SH #
- RT @PressTheButtons I uploaded a YouTube video — Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Launch Trailer http://youtu.be/_fq8S69Oo9c?a #
- RT @IGN We want Nintendo vs. Capcom! | http://go.ign.com/dWJr2w #
- RT @Cracked 5 Insane Early Drafts of Famous Movie Characters: http://bit.ly/eha0up #
- How disappointing. RT @Joystiq Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 review: A bionic jump backward http://aol.it/ga9ftI #
- @IGN Re: Capcom vs. Nintendo. I like the idea, but if Capcom doesn't think enough of Mega Man to be a representative of their company… #
- RT @PowerRangersNews Bulk goes 'Outside the Actors Studio'. He explains his acting methods&return in PowerRangersSamurai http://ow.ly/3Oq7r #
- RT @SesslersSoapbox The Playstation NGP/PSP2 Makes No Sense – Sessler's Soapbox: Last week we all got our first look… http://bit.ly/erRuB7 #
- RT @Gamespite Every day until the Japanese 3DS launch, I'll be looking back at the 25 best games of the DS! (In A-B-C order.) bit.ly/dYES1a #
- RT @IGN The Game Boy classics we want to see on the 3DS. | http://go.ign.com/hFASpa #
- RT @PatrickKlepek "The AOL Way" aka direct insight into how and why journalism is dying on the Internet. (1/2) #
- You absolutely must read this. businessinsider.com/the-aol-way (2/2) #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149056 London Toy Fair 2011 – Mario, Sonic, Zelda toys revealed #
- RT @Shortpacked The Ten Most Insane Characters From Stan Lee's 'NHL Guardians' aol.it/gf1rqO #
- I don't really care about football, but have wondered why do some retailers refer to the Super Bowl as "the big game?" http://yhoo.it/eyptBK #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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