Twitter Updates for 2011-02-04
RT @tssznews Sega Celebrates Hedgehog Day, Hints at Tails in Sonic 4: Episode 2? http://bit.ly/gCeFOQ # 6 Reasons Kittens Suck (Learned While Raising Them): http://bit.ly/gSA0xC # RT @ONM_UK More original Mario Bros. designs. Shows our plumber flying on a cloud – http://bit.ly/fwfPXz # RT @Kotaku The PS2 Just Will Not Die! http://kotaku.com/5750636/ # RT @Cracked […]
- RT @tssznews Sega Celebrates Hedgehog Day, Hints at Tails in Sonic 4: Episode 2? http://bit.ly/gCeFOQ #
- 6 Reasons Kittens Suck (Learned While Raising Them): http://bit.ly/gSA0xC #
- RT @ONM_UK More original Mario Bros. designs. Shows our plumber flying on a cloud – http://bit.ly/fwfPXz #
- RT @Kotaku The PS2 Just Will Not Die! http://kotaku.com/5750636/ #
- RT @Cracked 6 Weird Things That Influence Bad Behavior More Than Laws: http://bit.ly/hKD8tH #
- RT @Retroist Kay-Bee Toy Stores’ Sega Genesis Ad – http://www.retroist.com/?p=21665 #
- RT @StephenTotilo I went to the theater last night to see 12 plays that somehow,together,encapsulate the Wii experience http://bit.ly/etDWJB #
- RT @PressTheButtons Nintendo Disappointed After Years Of Body Harvest http://bit.ly/ig5j91 #
- RT @TheKartelMob Is backwards compatibility in videogame consoles still important? http://bit.ly/gnK3jA #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149228 Game devs discuss gaming's worst quirks #
- RT @Cracked 6 Real Video Games That Were Too Insane To Release: http://bit.ly/h6WgvO #
- RT @joystiq Report: MTV Games shut down http://aol.it/eZcEnT #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Ace Attorney Characters: Ghost Trick Style http://bit.ly/fXdloI #
- RT @IGN The ESRB explains why they don't play the games before rating them. | http://go.ign.com/hA1Uzv #
- So, I'm on Formspring now. Have a question? http://formspring.me/LBDNytetrayn Can't promise I'll have all the answers, but I can fake it. #
- Auction: 1986 pre-Toy Fair catalog for charity! http://t.co/lN2lSuY via @shortpacked #
- Geek Apparel of the Week: Thor Frog and Eggplant Wizard – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/hqY9s8 #
- All together, those two shirts have me pining for an Eggplant Thor t-shirt. #
- Someone Should Really Do Something About All These Loose ThunderCats – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/fFGuId #
- Vintage Toy Ads > Robocop & the Ultra Police – http://www.poeghostal.com/2011/02/vintage-toy-ads-robocop-the-ultra-police.html #
- GSQ7: Bringing up the caboose – http://www.gamespite.net/verbalspew2/2011/02/02/gsq7-bringing-up-the-caboose/ #
- RT @halolz [VIDEO] Super Spice Bros 64 http://bit.ly/eKxv42 #
- RT @Kotaku Why Would a Game With No Online Play Require an Online Connection? http://kotaku.com/5751122/ #
- I think users should have a choice between using multiple consoles, or playing offline. Seems it would be a little more fair. #
- RT @PulseWrestling WWE All Stars Video Game: How did Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior get in? http://bit.ly/eWvzvx #
- RT @Shortpacked Challenge of the GoBots DVD news:DVD Plans for Challenge of the GoBots | TVShowsOnDVD.com tvshowsondvd.com/n/14988 #holycrap #
- RT @IGN How much is too much for the NGP? | http://go.ign.com/glRvfr #
- RT @NintendoAmerica New Iwata Asks discusses the exterior and mechanical design of the Nintendo #3DS http://bit.ly/gk1eGe #
- RT @Dtoid Castlevania HD gets retro stage from the Famicom days http://tinyurl.com/46ezx4q #
- Motion Controls: Why Video Game Players Love Them | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | Ga.. http://bit.ly/g80kXv #
- Video Games Piracy: Can Nintendo 3DS Stop Gaming Pirates? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/gDaMJ8 #
- RT @Dtoid Xbox LIVE discounting 'retro shooters' next week http://tinyurl.com/626fx65 #
- RT @Kotaku Microsoft's First Console Adventure Was A Lesson In Failure http://kotaku.com/5751536/ #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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