Twitter Updates for 2011-02-11
RT @GoNintendoTweet http://www.gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=149807 Wuhu Island on Wii and 3DS. Which looks better? # RT @TFormers Shout Factory To Also Release Japanese Transformers Series? http://bit.ly/fb05pR # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149838 Random Time! – Early Super Famicom controller had a different button set # RT @cracked 6 Jobs You Won't Believe You Can Outsource: http://bit.ly/eflx4x # RT @IAmJericho […]
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://www.gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=149807 Wuhu Island on Wii and 3DS. Which looks better? #
- RT @TFormers Shout Factory To Also Release Japanese Transformers Series? http://bit.ly/fb05pR #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149838 Random Time! – Early Super Famicom controller had a different button set #
- RT @cracked 6 Jobs You Won't Believe You Can Outsource: http://bit.ly/eflx4x #
- RT @IAmJericho Guitar Hero went out of business! I was SO addicted in '09 then I just…stopped. #
- RT @IAmJericho I guess everyone else felt the same way RIP Izzy Sparks #
- RT @JimSterling On this week's Jimquisition, I tell software pirates to admit they're thieves: http://bit.ly/fTy75W #
- RT @GamesRadar Duke Nukem Forever more popular with female gamers than most triple-A titles http://bit.ly/fvdhW5 #
- RT @Dtoid Jerk hijacks Xbox Live account, threatens school shooting http://tinyurl.com/4alfdnz #
- Boy spends over £1000 on Xbox Live, mother blames MS – http://bit.ly/hdYySX #
- Eight-year-old racked up $1,400 in smurfberries on iPhone- Destructoid http://bit.ly/h2C0ML #
- Not the ones I grew up with… RT @RipTen The King Nintendo Fanboy’s Collection Showcase: Mario Ice Cream Bars: http://bit.ly/h8NR99 #
- RT @tfw2005 MTV Peter Cullen Interview ? TF: Prime, Optimus Prime?s Evolution And Reveals A DOTM Spoiler http://bit.ly/e0hx5H @tfw2005 #
- RT @PressTheButtons Uncharted Movie Director Played A Different Game Than The Rest Of Us http://bit.ly/eK8uuW #
- RT @TacoBell Enjoy! RT @stevebitter: Just printed my coupon for a FREE taco @TacoBell. Get yours! http://exm.nr/esiuAk #
- RT @NintendoAmerica In this IwataAsks, Mr.Iwata interviews 3rd-party game creators beginning with Mr. Hino of LEVEL-5: http://bit.ly/f1t7qp #
- RT @GameLife How do you make Super Smash Bros. Brawl a better game? By going back to its predecessor, of course: http://bit.ly/eHspK0 #
- RT @makzu The City of Toronto makes some really entertaining PSAs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91OXkMkesBc #
- RT @bpopken Our Most Romantic Valentine's Day Dinner Was At Arby's http://con.st/10015772 #
- RT @docpemberton You know what goes great with a Coke? A cola. That was a joke, my friends! A poorly-crafted joke! 😉 #
- …Last Autobot, but who's counting? RT @TFormers Wildwords Talks About The Last Transformer? http://bit.ly/fwY7Q9 #
- New (and old-style) ThunderCats toys at Toy Fair: http://fb.me/KaXOnkpG #
- RT @PressTheButtons Breaking The Limits Of The Super NES http://bit.ly/hpFRXB #
- RT @Kotaku The Doctor Who Said Video Games Cause Rape Explains What She Meant http://kotaku.com/5757307/ #
- RT @TFormers Bay Says Dark of The Moon Won't Suck – Confirms Sentinel Prime http://bit.ly/dGJIb9 #
- RT @PressTheButtons Use The Forks, Kirby! http://bit.ly/dQOC29 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149918 Random Time! – The Wii Zapper turned into…a spaceship (video) #
- RT @DaveOshry Legend of Zelda 80's style teen movie breakfast club style remake thingy OMFG http://youtu.be/WF-7jPXvPEA hanks @ShaunNorton #
- RT @Cracked If The Internet Disappeared: Rise of the Social Media Zombie – http://bit.ly/f83Swh #
- Transformer Sings "Born to Be Wild" on American Idol – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/hgou6C #
- The 5 Best — and 5 Worst — Utility Belt Toys – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/dJgiEA #
- Budget Video Game Systems: Why PlayStation 2 Keeps Selling | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vi.. http://bit.ly/eIeGZC #
- Kids Games: Why Children's Video Games Are Losing Steam | Game Industry News, Interviews and Video.. http://bit.ly/h71YOd #
- RT @Dtoid Not a joke: Cave Story being remade for 3DS http://tinyurl.com/4ucpzvw #
- RT @Kotaku The Banned Pokémon Episode That Gave Children Seizures http://kotaku.com/5757570/ #
- RT @TGWTG From @JewWario it's You can play this 3.17- Super Back to the Future Part II http://bit.ly/ggSweh #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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