Twitter Updates for 2011-02-12
RT Need some late night TV fun? Watch the 1977 Amazing Spider-Man TV Series Pilot retroist.com/2011/02/10/197… via @retroist # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=150007 MEGA 64 – Doug Huggem (video) # RT @Kotaku This Is The Video Game Reinvention Of Toys, Or So The People Behind Call of Duty Hope http://kotaku.com/5758025/ # Nothing against Spyro– I didn't […]
- RT Need some late night TV fun? Watch the 1977 Amazing Spider-Man TV Series Pilot retroist.com/2011/02/10/197… via @retroist #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=150007 MEGA 64 – Doug Huggem (video) #
- RT @Kotaku This Is The Video Game Reinvention Of Toys, Or So The People Behind Call of Duty Hope http://kotaku.com/5758025/ #
- Nothing against Spyro– I didn't even know he was in need of a revival– but that's a little far to fall from Guitar Hero. #
- RT @jenncutter http://bit.ly/eCVohc Things to Click On – just as it says. I did a bunch of stuff for @GamePro that you might like 🙂 #
- RT @retroist This weeks Retroist Podcast is all bout the arcade classic, Battlezone http://t.co/fKgZvH8 via @retroist #retrogaming #atari #
- No DonkeyKong? Really? RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149995 BillyMitchell's King of Kong Arcade at Orlando Airport (footage) #
- RT @AllsparkNews DotM Leader Sentinel Prime, Voyager Megatron and Cyberverse Ark Revealed! http://bit.ly/fpNWDh #
- RT @GameLife What would make somebody say that videogames lead to rape? We did the research to find out: http://bit.ly/f21bXL #
- Are we counting non-Mario titled games? RT @1up How many Mario sports games can you name? Hint: not all of them! http://bit.ly/fi9zMa #
- Tennis, Golf, Tennis (GB), NES Open Tournament Golf… does Mario Kart count? A challenge like this needs some rules. #
- The answer, it turns out, is yes on all those counts. Anyone want to guess which one actually thwarted me? #
- This one's actually a bit tougher than Pac RT @JoeyStyles Play WWE.com's version of Pac-Man called Field Trip Frenzy @ http://bit.ly/gTYKmM #
- GTA & RDR every year! Maybe even more than once a year! RT @jwhdavison Activision looking to acquire Take Two? http://t.co/hMyVRdt #
- He'd be the Wolverine of gaming. RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149991 Random Time/VG Art – What if Kratos was in every game? #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=149987 Schafer – If games are art, you need to see the entire dev team's expression in the project #
- This is fantastic, and I don't mean the video. RT @Dtoid This video is proof that LiuKang has a background story http://tinyurl.com/47d864e #
- RT @Kotaku This Pokémon Was Too Controversial To Live http://kotaku.com/5758104/ #
- RT @retroist Slowly but surely we will bring back Mayor McCheese #McDonalds – http://t.co/qtANC27 via @wewantmccheese #
- RT @telltalegames 3 ?s with Back to the Future concept artist Ryan Jones! Read what he had to say on the TelltaleBlog! http://bit.ly/gU4joS #
- RT @aots Find out what @AdamSessler said about the classic Atari 2600. http://bit.ly/frdV7Y #
- RT @TheFeed Wrestler Kicks Little Person & More on Around the Net 2.11.11 http://bit.ly/gtbcJr #
- RT @LisaFoiles PokéKitty! D'AWW! http://bit.ly/edlAOi #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149951 Pokemon Black/White gaining 'enhanced functionality' on 3DS? #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=149947 3DS Virtual Console available day-one launch #
- RT @ToplessRobot Safety Spidey Explains the Dangers of Bullying and the Internet, But Not Copyright Infringement: http://bit.ly/gbcK0h #
- Crazed Frenchman Once Again Throwing Banana Peels, Turtles At Real Cars – http://t.co/5Ras56H #
- RT @Nintendo_Okie @PoisonMushroomO Check out our newest podcast. Video game trivia for prizes. http://bit.ly/giPYbM #
- RT @IGN Guitar Hero: A visual history of your cluttered closet. | http://go.ign.com/gY9yaW #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Marvel vs Capcom 3 Midnight Launch at Walmart http://bit.ly/g9yals #
- RT @1UP Departing Salute – The Best of DS #11 The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks http://bit.ly/etyFB7 #
- RT @Cracked Most Horrifying Writers Room Ever: http://bit.ly/fkeod9 #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=150040 IGN edits article, removes statements that confirmed 3DS VC for launch, Pokemon Black/White updates #
- RT @Dtoid First details on High Moon's Transformers: DotM game http://tinyurl.com/4gjseta #
- I love happy endings. 🙂 – Check out Let Me Give You A Pizza My Mind – http://notalwaysright.com/let-me-give-you-a-pizza-my-mind/10035 #
- Screw the Mayor, Let's Give Detroit a Robocop Statue Anyways – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/hYUtM6 #
- Reading: " Forgotten Favorites: CBS’ Saturday Supercade | Strange Kids Club"( http://twitthis.com/8l8dk5 ) #
- Why Guitar Hero Died: The Video Games Industry Weighs In | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vide.. http://bit.ly/eBQBZo #
- Writers Guild Awards for Video Games: Read Between the Lines | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/f30vew #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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