Twitter Updates for 2011-03-18
RT @Razorsaw I favorited a YouTube video — THE WIND AND THUNDER RANGERS SAY DUDE A LOT http://youtu.be/4sRntxsNhxE?a # RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame it's Non nostalgic Review: Sonic Adventure http://bit.ly/eslRXa # RT @GrundyTheMan Well played @FrankieMuniz: http://ow.ly/4g5Lv # RT @1up Make a Game Worth Stealing, Then Worry About Piracy http://t.co/hGVoQHj # Awesome! RT @nickandmore Full […]
- RT @Razorsaw I favorited a YouTube video — THE WIND AND THUNDER RANGERS SAY DUDE A LOT http://youtu.be/4sRntxsNhxE?a #
- RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame it's Non nostalgic Review: Sonic Adventure http://bit.ly/eslRXa #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Well played @FrankieMuniz: http://ow.ly/4g5Lv #
- RT @1up Make a Game Worth Stealing, Then Worry About Piracy http://t.co/hGVoQHj #
- Awesome! RT @nickandmore Full episodes of PowerRangersSamurai are now up on Nick.com http://bit.ly/PRonNick @NickelodeonTV @PowerRangerNews #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=153184 Earthbound Zero's 'Ninten' wasn't always named that way #
- RT @WWEgames SantinoMarella (@milanmiracle) creates himself in this EXCLUSIVE @IGN @WWE AllStars "CreationMode" video: http://bit.ly/i9PU4T #
- RT @PressTheButtons In Which I Tell You What To Play http://bit.ly/fedpnR #
- RT @wewantmccheese Bring Back the Mayor, Mayor McCheese! @ TEH CACTUS: http://t.co/whsevxl #
- RT @archiecomics RT @comicaddiction: PREVIEW: Sonic the Hedgehog #223 – http://www.thecomicaddiction.com/?p=1265 @archiecomics #
- RT @Kotaku I'm An Anonymous Woman Gamer http://kotaku.com/5782957/ #
- RT @bridgeportcat LaurenFaust selling Early Dev Sketches of MLP:FiM for Charity http://is.gd/9rhDwq Seriously, only 75 bucks for this stuff #
- It needs all the help it can get, apparently. RT @GrundyTheMan God help the future of this world: http://ow.ly/4fxtb #
- RT @alex_segura MTV relaunches 120Minutes, new 120Seconds web series with Matt Pinfield (via @slicingeyeballs) http://tumblr.com/xw21sv0hiw #
- RT @PressTheButtons Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Goes All Out http://bit.ly/hkTvNX #
- RT @onm_uk A guided tour of the features on the new-look website. Kicking off with 3DS: Everything you need to know – http://bit.ly/e5n0xh #
- RT Unofficial & not sponsored by @McDonalds, but this site could help in your quest to find the beloved #ShamrockShake http://cot.ag/fUSUye #
- RT @tssznews Sega Genesis Classic Collection: Gold Edition Released http://bit.ly/gjdRlY #
- RT @McDonaldsCorp Do u know the REAL story behind everyone's favorite minty green treat? #ShamrockShake #stpatricksday http://mcd.to/g6JhIy #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=153214 Random Time! – If Super Mario Bros. was in first-person (video) #
- RT @GrundyTheMan You know that somebody had to do this on purpose: http://ow.ly/4gkzb #
- RT @cracked The 6 Most Childish Things Ever Done in Congress: http://bit.ly/gVYkFl #
- RT @NintendoAmerica News alert! The official Nintendo #3DS midnight launch event will be @BestBuyUnionSq on March 26! #noglassesreq #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=153225 More The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time pre-release screens than I've ever seen #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=153237 Nintendo releases slightly different statement on 3DS shipment status due to earthquake #
- RT @VixyNyan I uploaded a YouTube video — Kid Icarus: Uprising (Demo) Nintendo 3DS Event http://youtu.be/Ubnn8C9a1Os?a #
- RT @aots You'll be missed, Alfred from Batman. http://bit.ly/h0yUMD #
- RT @cracked 8 Actors Who Look Exactly The Same on Every Movie Poster: http://bit.ly/glw2OV #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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