Twitter Updates for 2011-03-29
RT @VG247 Nintendo stands down from not working with garage devs comment: Nintendo has stood down from remarks made… http://bit.ly/gWSVlN # RT @Siliconera >> New post: Nintendo's Unannounced Balance Board Controlled Motorcycle Game For Wii Found http://bit.ly/hdjRhi # RT @kylehebert Caution! http://i.imgur.com/G3k6C.jpg # RT @mainfinger I unlocked a title in SSFIV3D named "I like cats". […]
- RT @VG247 Nintendo stands down from not working with garage devs comment: Nintendo has stood down from remarks made… http://bit.ly/gWSVlN #
- RT @Siliconera >> New post: Nintendo's Unannounced Balance Board Controlled Motorcycle Game For Wii Found http://bit.ly/hdjRhi #
- RT @kylehebert Caution! http://i.imgur.com/G3k6C.jpg #
- RT @mainfinger I unlocked a title in SSFIV3D named "I like cats". I officially don't need anymore titles now. I already have the best one. #
- Kind of sad, but I applaud him. RT @pulsewrestling Why ScottHall won’t be atShawnMichaels WWE HallOfFame2011 Induction http://bit.ly/hsFCgB #
- RT @Kotaku Will Japan's Earthquake Impact The Tokyo Game Show? http://kotaku.com/5786242/ #
- RT @Nintendo_Okie Our first 3DS review. Pilotwings Resort http://nintendo-okie.com/2011/03/27/pilotwings-resort-3ds/ #
- RT @Nintendo_Okie I took a pretty in depth look at the Nintendo 3DS and my impressions. http://bit.ly/hhh64a #
- Looking forward to this now. RT @popwrecked Awesome commercial for WWE Tough Enough w @SteveAustinBSR – http://youtu.be/xd1UlDvVVdQ #
- RT @Unicron_News WANTED: Beast Wars commercials!: Longtime fans of the Beast Wars, Shout! Factory needs your help! … http://bit.ly/dIHGDW #
- RT @jimmykorderas If quitters never win and winners never quit, what idiot came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"? #
- RT @Kotaku Only In The 80's Would They Put Video Games On A VHS Tape http://kotaku.com/5786220/ #
- RT @Dtoid Capcom talks Street Fighter X Tekken 3DS http://tinyurl.com/4v3zwem #
- RT @TGWTG From @AngryJoeShow it's Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime LP & review http://bit.ly/eT8Ret #
- RT @TGWTG From @zesadpanda it's Forget about it- Back to the Future http://bit.ly/id5Td6 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154234 3DS user agreement uses very strong language against piracy #
- RT @KingNintendoFan Official Nintendo 3DS NYC Launch Event Photos http://tinyurl.com/4e6sycr #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #3DS #noglassesreq #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154224 Nintendo 3DS errors plaguing multiple games #
- RT @cracked 5 Ways Phillip K Dick's Insanity Changed the World of Movies: http://bit.ly/hgOEGo #
- And now, three of the greatest anti-smoking PSAs ever made. #
- http://www.retrojunk.com/details_commercial/23458/ – http://www.retrojunk.com/details_commercial/23459/ -And the best: http://bit.ly/f7C3ms #
- RT @alex_segura Photo: Pushover kitten. http://tumblr.com/xw21wsmpz7 #
- RT @Kotaku The Pros and Cons of Early 3DS Ownership http://kotaku.com/5786329/ #
- RT @archiecomics: The @newyorkpost talks up Kevin Keller's upcoming mini-series! http://fb.me/I3JaJ81w #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Anybody ever wonder why Oscar the Grouch was so pissy? http://ow.ly/4nEze #
- RT @retroist The Nickelodeon Super Toy Run – http://www.retroist.com/?p=23625 #
- RT @alex_segura Video: Begging kitty is the cutest thing of the day (via @urlesque and DekoniM) http://tumblr.com/xw21wruxne #
- RT @alex_segura RT @vulture: Read 3eanuts, the Peanuts’ Answer to Garfield Minus Garfield http://nym.ag/dRkJLw #
- RT @cracked 5 Important People Who Were Screwed Out of History Books: http://bit.ly/gZYTRO #
- RT @cracked 6 TV Shows You Won't Believe Saved People's Lives: http://bit.ly/e5ILp0 #
- RT @themmnetwork I absolutely approve of this shirt. (via http://www.ab.auone-net.jp/~iwancyu/tu-han.html) ~Heat http://twitpic.com/4ectif #
- RT @GrundyTheMan What a difference a decade can make: http://ow.ly/4nF9H #
- RT @archiecomics Over at @complexmag, they includeARCHIE VS. PUNISHER as one of the 10 most bizarre comic crossovers! http://fb.me/TdlCWjTI #
- RT @TheOnion Lowest Common Denominator Continues To Plummet http://onion.com/abQu4w #OnionTVReport #
- Hey, @Konami: RT @retroist Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES will turn your House into a Sewer – http://www.retroist.com/?p=23860 #
- RT @Dtoid Nintendo issues statement on 3DS error messages http://tinyurl.com/4rx8zpa #
- RT @wewantmccheese Character Branding – There's Room For More As the Internet Opens Up New Opportunities – http://t.co/slHUkvD #
- RT @ONM_UK How to get the most out of Pilotwings Resort – http://bit.ly/dJfCej #
- RT @retroist Remember the TV Show Samurai Pizza Cats? – http://tv.retroist.com/?p=876 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Once again Dominoes Pizza's customer service goes above and beyond: http://ow.ly/4nFjj #
- RT @Dtoid REPORT: Dtoid editor beats 3DS launch game in record time http://tinyurl.com/4qnfekm #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154299 Nintendo comments on headache complaints from 3DS #
- RT @GamesRadar EA hasn't forgotten aboutRoadRash,MagicCarpet or any other oldIP http://t.co/qTFe5lZ But bringing them back?Different story. #
- RT @GamesRadar 3DS seems off to a good start, but how's it compare to the Top 7 failingest handhelds? http://bit.ly/f58oX5 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154331 The 105 loading screens of 3D Dot Game Heroes #
- RT @GamePro News Flash: "Super Nintendo Sega Genesis:" Hip-hop mashups with 16-bit hits http://bit.ly/fCytAM #
- RT @tfw2005 War For Cybertron Concept Art http://bit.ly/f8J257 @tfw2005 #
- RT @JimSterling Eight realistic improvements for the 3DS: http://www.destructoid.com/eight-realistic-things-that-the-3ds-needs-197408.phtml #
- RT @cracked The Most Appropriately Endangered Species on the Planet: http://bit.ly/e5ILp0 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Have you ever tried the Pac-Man burger? http://ow.ly/4nFWB #
- RT @LisaFoiles The Kinect makes me cranky. Read my cranky column! RT @Kotaku Falling Out Of Love With The Kinect http://t.co/TbhXQYX #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Forget DugTrio, I have found the illusive DougTrio: http://t.co/PpI8OFO #
- RT @DanRyckert Ultimate Stuffed Crust Pizza? You win, Pizza Hut. Ordering this tonight. http://t.co/uOwWFht #
- RT @PressTheButtons Sony Pulls Plug On PlayStation Rewards http://t.co/fz35cmT #
- RT @bpopken Man ends up in ER to remove the tiny hat he superglued to his head http://t.co/JzoMP2L #
- RT @Dtoid Spring Inventory Blowout: Sega games on sale on XBLA http://t.co/oC82aIO #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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