Twitter Updates for 2011-03-30
RT @gamespite Holy wow, the MSX2 version of Contra was almost comically terrible. http://t.co/slyX14n (thx @kevingifford) # RT @Kotaku How Otaku Piss Off Other Otaku http://t.co/nE0pPgZ # RT @TGWTG From @benzaie_tgwtg it's Gaming in the 90s SUCKED! http://t.co/7ozXiXl # RT @TGWTG From @zesadpanda it's Forget About it: Back to the Future http://t.co/rTfJxK6 Great Scott! # […]
- RT @gamespite Holy wow, the MSX2 version of Contra was almost comically terrible. http://t.co/slyX14n (thx @kevingifford) #
- RT @Kotaku How Otaku Piss Off Other Otaku http://t.co/nE0pPgZ #
- RT @TGWTG From @benzaie_tgwtg it's Gaming in the 90s SUCKED! http://t.co/7ozXiXl #
- RT @TGWTG From @zesadpanda it's Forget About it: Back to the Future http://t.co/rTfJxK6 Great Scott! #
- RT @GrundyTheMan What men are really thinking about: http://ow.ly/4oFJc #
- RT @alex_segura Photo: This photo represents PURE JOY. http://tumblr.com/xw21x7yphg #
- RT @cracked 6 Fitness Tips Everyone's Heard (That Don't Work at All): http://bit.ly/dTB4kh #
- RT @retroist Fan-made 1920s Style Coke Ad – http://www.retroist.com/?p=23878 #
- RT @retroist We Need More Pac-Man, Right? – http://www.retroist.com/?p=23880 #
- Brilliant. RT @PressTheButtons It's All Downhill From Here http://bit.ly/gBx5ee #
- Fantastic interview. RT @aots: Enjoy our behind the scenes interview with @MikeTheMiz! http://bit.ly/h8s3wj #
- RT @retroist Franken Berry, Boo Berry and Count Chocula by Sean Hartter – http://www.retroist.com/?p=23887 #
- The Escapist : Casual Games Are Better Than You http://t.co/jpOImPN via @TheEscapistMag #
- RT @Cracked 12 Classic Movie Moments Made Possible by Abuse and Murder: http://bit.ly/e29GLY #
- RT @GrundyTheMan No soliciting: http://ow.ly/4oGzv #
- Great analysis of Raw: TuesdayMorningBacklash: WWE MondayNightRawReview 3/28 (Cena/Rock/Miz, Triple H/Undertaker/HBK) http://bit.ly/e4YCiO #
- RT @G4TV RUMOR: Release dates for Zelda, Starfox, Kid Icarus, and more 3DS titles revealed?! http://bit.ly/gVgfay #
- RT @VG247 Fils-Aime suggests 3DS won’t see a hardware revision this year: Reggie Fils-Aime has suggested 3DS adopters.. http://bit.ly/f8fpRE #
- RT @VG247 Next Nintendo console unlikely to support 3D: So 3D, huh? Nintendo love a bit of that. But not for home… http://bit.ly/etlVqQ #
- RT @WeWantMcCheese McElection Commercial – http://t.co/umx3wLY via @youtube #
- RT @FutureUSStore Nintendo Power presents: The Official Guide To Mario–2nd Edition! On sale now @ newsstands & online @ http://bit.ly/g90CjE #
- I've got the first one, now I guess I need to find a way to get the second. #
- RT @TheFeed WWE All-Stars: Who Got Left Off The Roster? http://bit.ly/hm0NcY #
- RT @SesslersSoapbox 3DS, Kinect, Move… Who Need 'Em? – Sessler's Soapbox: With the launch of the Nintendo 3DS… http://bit.ly/fD8lI4 #
- RT @1UP Why @insomniacgames is amazing to their fans: http://bit.ly/hUequZ and http://bit.ly/gpFxsG #
- RT @RRWWE Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy #
- RT @GamesRadar Nintendo video time capsule, 1997-2001: http://t.co/UVry259… A collection of 20 N64-era vids you've probably never seen #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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