Twitter Updates for 2011-04-02
RT @GameOnAminka Itsa Mii!!! And Peer! And Rich! And…. ALF?! http://ds.ign.com/articles/115/1158799p1.html #IGN #NVC #3DS #Mii #Nintendo # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154750 Odd Nintendo hardware – The C1 NES TV # RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: WrestleMania Diary: Shawn Michaels, Day 1 – WrestleMania week has engulfed Atlanta and… http://wwe.me/1bZJvH # RT @TSSZNews Telltale announces “The Adventures of […]
- RT @GameOnAminka Itsa Mii!!! And Peer! And Rich! And…. ALF?! http://ds.ign.com/articles/115/1158799p1.html #IGN #NVC #3DS #Mii #Nintendo #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154750 Odd Nintendo hardware – The C1 NES TV #
- RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: WrestleMania Diary: Shawn Michaels, Day 1 – WrestleMania week has engulfed Atlanta and… http://wwe.me/1bZJvH #
- RT @TSSZNews Telltale announces “The Adventures of Sonic” http://bit.ly/h32lHt #
- By the way, in case you weren't aware, you should now officially take everything you read today with a grain of salt. Including stuff here. #
- I'm including that stuff for entertainment value. #
- RT @TSSZNews Sega to Re-Release Super Mario Games Ad Nauseam http://bit.ly/eg7tmq #
- RT @SporkyReeve Goodbye Mega Man Universe. We hardly knew ye. http://wp.me/p1ltl1-1S #
- RT @TGWTG From the Last Angry Geek it's Video Game Confession Confessions http://bit.ly/eSvwYx #
- RT @TGWTG From @jesuotaku it's Transformers Animated http://bit.ly/dOEv4I #
- RT @PressTheButtons Next "Sonic Storybook Series" Title Adapts Necromonicon #GamingAprilFools #
- RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: WWE Champion The Miz invades the Marvel Universe – He’s already the most “must-see” WWE Champion… http://wwe.me/1c058J #
- RT @SonicFSeries So without further ado, please enjoy Episode 6: "Eggman Victorious!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nv8gZ8jGAA #
- RT @1UP Gallery of Cute Animals and Tiny Video Game Characters http://t.co/kVOPUIT #
- RT @GameLife Believe it or not, we've uncovered new details about the 23-year-old Super Mario Bros. 2: http://bit.ly/gv0Lvu #
- RT @GamesRadar The 100 best games of all time http://t.co/B1MMfCT Join the (surprisingly nonviolent) conversation! #
- RT @Kotaku It's Your April Fools' Day Round-Up http://kotaku.com/5787980/ #
- RT @Retroist 1987 NBC Saturday Morning Preview Special – ALF Loves a Mystery – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24104 #
- RT @noobde Showing @miyamoto how to add blood to Zelda. Tough sell. #
- RT @PaxtonHolley Awesomeness Elsewhere – April Fool's Day Edition http://wp.me/p2NxJ-1sV #
- RT @daheatman Keiji Inafune Starts Two Companies http://t.co/n8nAwwg #
- Best prank ever. RT @CybertronCA Pat Lee to attend TFcon 2011: The TFcon (http://www.tfcon.ca) website has been… http://bit.ly/gR70Wg #
- RT @PressTheButtons Konami Planning Castlevania / Bonk Crossover Following Hudson Acquisition #GamingAprilFools #
- RT @PressTheButtons Capcom Revives Mega Man Universe As 3D Platformer Across Spherical Worlds In Mega Man Galaxy #GamingAprilFools #
- RT @Retroist Upon Viewing a Colorized Episode of “I Love Lucy”… – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24094 #
- RT @ONM_UK Nintendo: Fantastic new experiences coming to Wii. What could they be? http://bit.ly/iigePA #
- RT @1UP 1UP April Fools Pranks Round-Up http://t.co/uBjxPde #
- RT @TellTaleGames Back to the Future Episode 1 is now absolutely free! Read about it at: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/blogs/id-786 #
- RT @PressTheButtons Bio Force Ape Saga Comes To A Triumphant End http://t.co/pW1vaMj #
- RT @cracked 5 Terrible Situations for the Socially Awkward Man: http://t.co/2QT6jtE #
- RT @IGN A roundup of all the game industry's April Fool's pranks. | http://t.co/LZWZNkE #
- RT @GrundyTheMan WHOA! My Xbox 360 fanboy mind has been blown: http://t.co/Ga7Ozov #
- RT @GrundyTheMan A Link to the future: http://ow.ly/4rcg5 #FanboyWetDream #
- RT The guiding arrow: Clever usability or lazy game design? http://www.destructoid.com/the-guiding-arrow-directions-in-games-197777.phtml #
- RT @ninjapizza IDW Announces TMNT Comic Book Publishing Rights http://t.co/ya2xPQV #tmnt #ninjaturtles #
- RT @IDWPublishing IDW Announces New Comic Series Based on the Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles http://t.co/5mqmtxd #
- RT @Dtoid Pac-Man C.E. and Galaga Legions on the 3DS get 2D online leaderboards: http://www.destructoid.com/3ds-leaderboards-197853.phtml #
- Turtles and Ducks and Pikachus, Oh My – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/emeu4c #
- Go Go Black Ranger – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/gc11Cw #
- GSQ7: QR codes http://www.gamespite.net/verbalspew2/2011/03/31/gsq7-qr-codes/ #
- Internet Cafes: Do They Have a Future? http://bit.ly/gJGAiZ #
- Metacritic Ranking Video Games Developers: A Huge Mistake | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/dYqUQv #
- Social Games on Facebook: Will Imitators Cripple the Medium? | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/eBmclb #
- Games for Parents: 10 Best Online Websites and Resources | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vide.. http://bit.ly/e8Bqnq #
- RT @nadiaoxford Ever wonder why Ridley looks different in the 1st Metroid? I explain it. God help us. http://bit.ly/hZIgWM #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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