Twitter Updates for 2011-04-07
RT @TGWTG From @Benzaie_tgwtg it's Gaming in the 90s REALLY SUCKED http://t.co/WS0iEIE # RT @TGWTG From the Nostalgia Critic it's The X-Men Cartoon review http://t.co/Sz5mJGO # RT @Dtoid Nintendo of America registers The Last Story domain http://t.co/D0gboSL # RT @gameinformer Freerunning Academy Hosts Mario Bros. Tribute http://t.co/EXjoQhB # RT @cracked Easter Eggs You Never Noticed […]
- RT @TGWTG From @Benzaie_tgwtg it's Gaming in the 90s REALLY SUCKED http://t.co/WS0iEIE #
- RT @TGWTG From the Nostalgia Critic it's The X-Men Cartoon review http://t.co/Sz5mJGO #
- RT @Dtoid Nintendo of America registers The Last Story domain http://t.co/D0gboSL #
- RT @gameinformer Freerunning Academy Hosts Mario Bros. Tribute http://t.co/EXjoQhB #
- RT @cracked Easter Eggs You Never Noticed in Famous Video Games: http://t.co/elEi3vA #
- RT @PressTheButtons Activision's Meddling Doomed Bizarre Creations http://t.co/WA2hbdc #
- RT @Kotaku So I Took My 3DS To The Eye Doctor… http://t.co/7rUJP16 #
- Pikmin is the definition of beautiful: Your memories of playing Pikmin… Includes Pikmin 3 ideas! http://bit.ly/flhAA4 #
- RT @Dtoid Make your own Zelda treasure chest with authentic sounds http://tinyurl.com/3jxtkbg #
- RT @Retroist The Smurfs – A Chip Off The Old Smurf – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24330 #
- RT @Destructoid Galaga Legions DX looks like this http://tinyurl.com/3scrtyu #
- RT @TSSZNews Inside the Pages: Sonic Universe #27 http://bit.ly/hIfJds #
- Awesome, but why would someone draw this? RT @GrundyTheMan Solid Snake won't f*** with the incredible Hulk: http://ow.ly/4tzPe #
- RT @NinjaPizza Nickelodeon TMNT Fan Preview Event – The "Pilot" Animatic http://bit.ly/ethHw1 #TMNT #
- RT @Cracked 7 Psychotic Pieces of Relationship Advice from Cosmo (@CosmoOnline): http://bit.ly/ggbt77 #
- If Someone Actually Invented The Hoverboard http://www.collegehumor.com/article/6470444/if-someone-actually-invented-the-hoverboard #
- Why video games are indeed Art: http://blogs.suntimes.com/foreignc/2011/04/video-games-are-art.html #
- http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/index.php/Games/GSQ7-MedusaHeads #
- http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/index.php/Games/GSQ7-Metools #
- iPhone, iPad 2 Games: Will Apple Save Video Game Developers? | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/flnqR9 #
- Kids and Video Games: A New Parents Guide | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | Game Theory http://bit.ly/f0F21i #
- RT @VG247 Report: New Xbox Dashboard beta today: A new Xbox Dashboard is apparently doing the rounds, although… http://bit.ly/haG3y9 #
- RT @cinemassacre http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/712508#comments_top http://fb.me/OaMc5He1 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=155257 Super Sentai Battle Ranger Cross – more details #
- RT @Dtoid EA and Hasbro declare April 7th Global MONOPOLY Day http://tinyurl.com/3wgmbjr #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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