Twitter Updates for 2011-04-13
I'm really going to miss him. RT @WWE VIDEO: Raw: Edge reveals that he must retire from competition http://wwe.me/1c90VY # RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: Injury forces Edge to retire – Eleven-time World Champion Edge is forced to retire from his… http://wwe.me/1c8XSr # Music Video Games: Top 5 Weirdest Artist Cameos, Appearances | Game Industry News, […]
- I'm really going to miss him. RT @WWE VIDEO: Raw: Edge reveals that he must retire from competition http://wwe.me/1c90VY #
- RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: Injury forces Edge to retire – Eleven-time World Champion Edge is forced to retire from his… http://wwe.me/1c8XSr #
- Music Video Games: Top 5 Weirdest Artist Cameos, Appearances | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/h52OCc #
- A Treasure Trove of Retro Cosplay http://www.fanboy.com/2011/04/a-treasure-trove-of-retro-cosplay.html #
- RT @Cracked 5 Things That Are Apparently OK To Do in the Name of Sports: http://bit.ly/euCHfp #
- RT @OldSchool80s My Top 25 Inspirational Speeches from #80s Movies list > http://ow.ly/4yI25 #
- RT @destructoid A wild new Humble Bundle appears! http://tinyurl.com/3kf3lso #
- RT @retroist Remember the TV Show The Super Globetrotters? – http://tv.retroist.com/?p=920 #
- RT @retroist Remember the TV Show Saturday Night’s Main Event? – http://tv.retroist.com/?p=917 #
- RT @IGN The first 10 fighters in Capcom's version of Street Fighter x Tekken's roster has been revealed. | http://go.ign.com/ezzqQn #
- BUY THIS GAME! RT @tssznews ASR Now Available on XBOX 360 as Digital Download http://bit.ly/gtAmXB #
- Seriously, if you enjoy Mario Kart and don't get this, you're missing out. I'll explain more about that soon. #
- RT @retroist O Manual, Where Art Thou? – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24486 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Mike Tyson's Punch Out, twenty years later: http://ow.ly/4xiik #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Captivate 2011: Dragon's Dogma http://bit.ly/ev5otG #
- RT @GrundyTheMan What parents see vs. what kids see: http://ow.ly/4xihs #
- RT @xematt Learn how to recreate the McDonald's McSalad Shaker, step by step: http://tinyurl.com/3wcozj6 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Sucks to be whoever stole that waterbottle: http://ow.ly/4xieF #
- RT @racketboy Check out The Games That Defined the Game Boy Advance http://bit.ly/faazan #
- RT @retroist Do you know why Atari is better than Movies? – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24475 #
- If You Think Game Informer Is Immature Now… – News – http://www.GameInformer.com http://t.co/ytB27aF via @gameinformer #
- RT @PressTheButtons Assassin's Creed on PSN: $19.99. On disc at Sony Style: $14.99. Tell me, which is the better deal, hmmm? #DiscsForever #
- RT @tssznews Sega Addresses Streets of Rage Remake Takedown http://t.co/FtTnIDd #
- RT @pkollar I…find this much funnier than I probably should. RT @cantfakethefunk: http://t.co/9T6TcNK Batman vs. Jesus, the debate. #
- Mortal Kombat: The Animated Series stupidity | GamesRadar http://t.co/Wdlsr1e #
- RT @Arda_Ocal John Cena talks candidly in he ring about Edge after RAW on Monday night – http://bit.ly/eQl0KS #
- RT @joystiqnintendo Rumor: Nintendo dropping Wii price to $150 on May 15th: At $200, we think everyone would agree… http://aol.it/g9ElI9 #
- Batman Is Such a Drama Queen http://gamerspirit.tumblr.com/post/4418461065/batman-is-such-a-drama-queen #
- Burger King Combines Beef, Bacon & Chicken Into "Meat Monster"… But Only Sells It In Japan – The Consumerist http://t.co/Tf8D7JM #
- Taco Bell Testing Shells Made Out From Nacho Cheese Doritos – The Consumerist http://t.co/2xfPGeO via @AddThis #
- This is the greatest thing ever: This Little Girl Totally Understands the Power of the Dark Side – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/fM2577 #
- Retro Games, Classic Achievements http://t.co/qTXkevM #
- Best MMO Games: Top 10 Virtual Worlds for Kids | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | Game .. http://bit.ly/hNuHr1 #
- Kids Games: Top 10 Best Video Games, Series for Children | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vide.. http://bit.ly/g0MHSL #
- @SporkyReeve knows what's what. Versus: Link to the Past vs Ocarina of Time: http://t.co/ZwSna7G #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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