Twitter Updates for 2011-04-14
RT @VG247 Good Old Games: DRM’s effectiveness “close-to-none,” often causes piracy: Ever grapple with some… http://bit.ly/e4MTji # RT @Dtoid Star Fox 64 3D drops on July 14 http://tinyurl.com/4xgtt8s # RT @GamesRadar Open-world user-generatedPacMan made of 100s of inter-connected mazes is our new favorite thing ever worldsbiggestpacman.com # RT @joystiqnintendo Grezzo behind The Legend of Zelda: […]
- RT @VG247 Good Old Games: DRM’s effectiveness “close-to-none,” often causes piracy: Ever grapple with some… http://bit.ly/e4MTji #
- RT @Dtoid Star Fox 64 3D drops on July 14 http://tinyurl.com/4xgtt8s #
- RT @GamesRadar Open-world user-generatedPacMan made of 100s of inter-connected mazes is our new favorite thing ever worldsbiggestpacman.com #
- RT @joystiqnintendo Grezzo behind The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: Grezzo is a company founded by Secret of M… http://t.co/lM3L9cZ #
- RT @GrundyTheMan A physics professor with a sense of humor: http://t.co/A3NqUO2 #
- RT @Dtoid Ocarina of Time 3DS gets sweet art, new site http://t.co/t6Hp5mH #
- RT @PressTheButtons Cancelled Bonk: Brink Of Extinction Soundtrack Released http://t.co/7xLWX6G #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Why Pac-Man hates Facebook and Twitter: http://t.co/IAr5cgi #
- RT @onm_uk Why Super Mario Land is still awesome – http://t.co/JEsiMRx #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Thank you Wikipedia: http://t.co/VT1oPfH #
- RT @TheJimCornette The best laugh I've had all day. –List of acceptable terms for TV networks to describe WWE http://t.co/iSnnVpT #
- RT @cracked 6 Hugely Popular Books That Accidentally Screwed The World: http://t.co/syQnljv #
- RT @PressTheButtons Nintendo Announces New Kirby Adventure For DS http://t.co/xWjTIOe #
- RT @GrundyTheMan That raccoon is SOOOO wasted: http://t.co/h09PwnY #
- RT @gameinformer Third-Party Portable SNES Releasing This Summer http://t.co/foOqRCq #
- RT @Retroist Nacho Cheese Doritos Commercial (1979) – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24541 #
- RT @Retroist The Secret Military Origin of Super Mario Bros. – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24543 #
- RT @tssznews Sonic 4, Other Sega Titles on Sale Next Week for XBOX Live http://bit.ly/i71kq6 #
- RT @cracked 5 Bizarre Pitfalls of Owning a Classic Car: http://bit.ly/ia2cQ9 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=155736 Just how big should Chun-Li's thighs be? #
- RT @TheOnion Universe Admits To Wronging Area Man His Entire Life http://onion.com/h9A2Fx #InFocus #
- RT @GrundyTheMan A punchline just waiting to happen: http://ow.ly/4zlUG #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Capcom Titles Dominate Nintendo Power's April Issue http://bit.ly/h7GZF1 #
- RT @Dtoid Ocarina of Time 3DS 'much closer' to original vision http://tinyurl.com/3k6vnxv #
- RT @retroist Going to School with the TMNT – http://t.co/uJUNaBD #
- RT @LanceHeart Try THIS With Your 3DS – http://www.nerdist.com/2011/04/try-this-with-your-3ds/ #
- RT @tssznews Rumor: Box art for upcoming Sega games leaked? http://bit.ly/f1CCHD #
- RT @BretHart Did interviews earlier today 4 WWE All-Stars. Haven't played it yet. Still mastering this game. http://www.twitpic.com/4kkpkm #
- RT @G4TV How Mortal Kombat nearly lost its way. http://bit.ly/i2qZOg #
- Sex and Video Games: Will We Ever See Serious Depictions? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/gThbmu #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=155776 ScrewAttack: Video Game Vault – Super Adventure Island (video) #
- RT @Dtoid More details on Burnout Crash surface http://tinyurl.com/3ohh3oq #
- RT @Kotaku The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of PlayStation Advertising http://kotaku.com/5791863//gallery/ #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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