Twitter Updates for 2011-04-15
RT @TGWTG From @theonlyMikej it's Hang on a Second: Transformers http://bit.ly/ex6iVz # That’s Random with Ted DiBiase http://t.co/HKrU5o9 # RT @IGN Not everybody loves Call of Duty. In fact, a couple of people downright HATE it. | http://go.ign.com/h5AtMg # RT @JoeyStyles Don't miss the debut of WWE Superstars w/ @ZackRyder vs. Great Khali, now on […]
- RT @TGWTG From @theonlyMikej it's Hang on a Second: Transformers http://bit.ly/ex6iVz #
- That’s Random with Ted DiBiase http://t.co/HKrU5o9 #
- RT @IGN Not everybody loves Call of Duty. In fact, a couple of people downright HATE it. | http://go.ign.com/h5AtMg #
- RT @JoeyStyles Don't miss the debut of WWE Superstars w/ @ZackRyder vs. Great Khali, now on WWE.com everyThurs at5PM ET http://wwe.me/4AwTW #
- RT @realMickFoley Please RT and share my article on EDGE at http://mickfoley.typepad.com What an incredible performer! #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=155838 StreetPass Network allows you to swap StreetPass content in your hometown #
- RT @tinycartridge Rumor: Nintendo's new console to fix all the mistakes that led to 80 million+ sales #
- RT @gameinformer Multiple Sources Confirm New Nintendo HD Console http://bit.ly/gM6LX0 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Barney HATES piracy: http://ow.ly/4Abgx #
- RT @retroist Join the movement to bring back Mayor McCheese #McDonalds – http://t.co/qvW8fab via @wewantmccheese #
- RT @PressTheButtons Next Nintendo Home Console To Be Revealed At E3 http://bit.ly/htObPf #
- RT @JoeyStyles What would your WWE Superstar or Diva name be? http://www.usanetwork.com/series/toughenough/features/nickname/ #
- RT @gamespite I posted an actual FinalFantasyVI retrospective to go with all the aimless musings I've been publishing. http://bit.ly/fOwDQS #
- RT @PressTheButtons Ten Powerful Items From The Mushroom Kingdom http://bit.ly/hxGXF8 #
- RT @alyankovic Hey, Funny Or Die, no hard feelings or anything… http://j.mp/fgIOMB #
- RT @retroist Dennis the Menace – The Complete First Season on DVD – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24601 #
- RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: Living on the Edge: The Career of Adam Copeland http://wwe.me/1cbM8X #
- RT @WWE #WWE NEWS: The Sum of All Spears http://wwe.me/1cbM8Z #
- RT @gameinformer Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions Is An Eyeful of Classic Gaming Glory http://bit.ly/if4VVe #
- RT @retroist TV Thursday: Silver Spoons (1982) – http://www.retroist.com/?p=24658 #
- RT @SusanArendt Dear Internet: Please read this. 10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling, an infographic – http://bit.ly/8hr5Z3 #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Only at the Apple Store: http://t.co/4hoDphE #
- Aww… A brief glimpse of freedom: http://t.co/4BhCJfU #
- RT @gameinformer Details Surface On The Controller For New Nintendo Console http://t.co/IdgIAWt #
- @1UP Best Buy to Get Dedicated Game Employees http://t.co/jbCDJW8 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=155859 Reggie – Can't compare DS to 3DS launch, Nintendo made sure 3DS wouldn't sell out,& more #
- The Perfect Nintendo 3DS Experience… A Street Pass Bonanza With A Cameo Appearance By A Real Shark http://bit.ly/i8lvSb #
- UNHOLY: RT @tssznews Music Video: Rebecca Black Meets Sonic 3D Blast http://bit.ly/gE3XCZ #
- RT @jimmykorderas I haven't spoken to my wife in a week. I don't want to interrupt her. #
- RT @jimmykorderas My wife had her drivers test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys managed to get out of the way. #
- McDonald's Canada Accepts Monopoly Money – The Consumerist http://t.co/J1ThWk0 via @AddThis #
- Best Of Crazy Girlfriend Praying Mantis http://t.co/s2l3oUM via @smosh #
- 7 Worst Places In The Mushroom Kingdom http://t.co/EO6cm5t via @smosh #
- Whats Beneath Every Mario Pit http://bit.ly/ijyd1d #
- The Dorklyst 6 Minigames More Fun than the Actual Games They Were In http://bit.ly/hkS5Ms #
- 8 Mortal Kombat Characters That Are Goofy Even by Mortal Kombat Standards – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/dVrH34 #
- RT @ZackRyder Guess what day it is? FRIDAY! FRIDAY! – I found this hilarious video on YouTube — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_NaRLf0FBQ #
- RT @cracked 9 Acts of Vigilantism Straight Out of a Comic Book: http://bit.ly/id1VUk #
- Midway’s Mortal Kombat Collector’s Edition comics | Strange Kids Club http://www.strangekidsclub.com/?p=5777 #
- Online Saftey for Kids: Dangers, Problems and Threats | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos .. http://bit.ly/fKA3mP #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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