Twitter Updates for 2011-04-25
RT @Batrock Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is actually a surprisingly fascinating resource. http://bit.ly/e6oWGa # Hahaha. RT @WWE Happy Easter WWE Universe!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwf3iVK4UQE #WWE @HeelZiggler # Oh, wow… updates! http://fanboys-online.com/ # RT @gameinformer Virtual Boy Music Video Is Awesome, Dumb http://t.co/wSpYQMd # Then the revival ended before it began… RT @ToplessRobot Well, I'll never […]
- RT @Batrock Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is actually a surprisingly fascinating resource. http://bit.ly/e6oWGa #
- Hahaha. RT @WWE Happy Easter WWE Universe!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwf3iVK4UQE #WWE @HeelZiggler #
- Oh, wow… updates! http://fanboys-online.com/ #
- RT @gameinformer Virtual Boy Music Video Is Awesome, Dumb http://t.co/wSpYQMd #
- Then the revival ended before it began… RT @ToplessRobot Well, I'll never unsee that. http://t.co/yjmyi4E (thanks to Ben for the tip) #
- RT @jennatar Supposedly, the number one most-googled recipe is for the Red Lobster cheese biscuit: http://t.co/K6s7XOP #
- RT @OMGFacts Nintendo got sued b/c Mario Party’s joystick-spinning games caused HAND injuries! RT if you felt the pain! http://ow.ly/4yFSJ #
- RT @cracked 14 of the Fastest Ways to Get Fired: http://bit.ly/fO7TKQ #
- RT @MyNintendoNews Miyamoto hints that the Nintendo 3DS could be used as Nintendo Wii 2 controller http://bit.ly/dSHR4Z #
- RT @GarnettLee Sony rebuilding PSN after nuking it http://su.pr/1aDsXb Extreme solution but glad they're willing to go that far if need be #
- I don't tend to post many rumors, but this… RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=156609 Is Nintendo teasing us with the Project Cafe rumors? #
- Sweet. RT @Dtoid A Mario Paint Easter egg kit was a thing once http://tinyurl.com/3nom92n #
- RT @cracked The 5 Biggest Backfires in the History of Disaster Relief: http://bit.ly/i3qB5a #
- RT @Protomanx This figure has the WORST articulation EVER. http://tinyurl.com/432gd4x You'd think the star of the show would get better? #
- RT @HostBryan I like how one of the Dissidia 2 ads is just the characters standing around and talking. #TheProblemWithFinalFantasy #
- RT @cracked The 7 Most Impressive Examples of Animal Architecture: http://bit.ly/dIMkju #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156596 Home Shopping Network shilling overpriced 3DS bundle (video) #
- Kid Rock thinks his name is dumb, but there's one other out there he thinks is dumber: http://yhoo.it/gNtDJm #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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