Twitter Updates for 2011-04-28
RT @g4tv Every ending in Mortal Kombat 9. No need to thank us. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/gbVI1s # The Music of Mario – Wii Feature at IGN http://t.co/tktCGYE via @IGN # RT @xematt X-E dissects "Over Our Heads," the zany shop run by Mrs. Garrett during the 827th season of The Facts ofLife. http://t.co/cGZvVGg # RT @RareLtd […]
- RT @g4tv Every ending in Mortal Kombat 9. No need to thank us. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/gbVI1s #
- The Music of Mario – Wii Feature at IGN http://t.co/tktCGYE via @IGN #
- RT @xematt X-E dissects "Over Our Heads," the zany shop run by Mrs. Garrett during the 827th season of The Facts ofLife. http://t.co/cGZvVGg #
- RT @RareLtd Looks like Banjo-KazooieXBLA is one of the games going for 1/2price (600MSP) this week. On until5/2-have it! http://t.co/BIwUCeB #
- I'd hate to see this happen, @CMPunk is a big reason I tune in to @WWE Raw. RT @pulsewrestling CM Punk leaving WWE? http://t.co/s1AtO4k #
- RT Why you shouldn't blameSony for the PSN mess(and why you really, really should): http://t.co/eWqnNvr It's about more than just the hack.. #
- RT @Kotaku Sony Reveals More Details On PlayStation Network Hack and Its Plans To Fix What Went Wrong http://kotaku.com/5796429/ #
- RT @retroist From the Files of Cobra Commander, “Ladies, Gentlemen, Pathetic Fools!” http://t.co/CoCa3UM via @retroist #
- RT @Dtoid Capcom producer wants God Hand, Okami sequels http://tinyurl.com/3ju7pg6 #
- RT @TheFeed Will The Next Nintendo Console Feature Achievements? http://bit.ly/kqfcI0 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet Portable gamers: you have it better than you think. http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=156886 #
- RT @PressTheButtons This week's top five PSN downloads: http://i.imgur.com/8VOCZ.jpg #
- RT @DaveOshry Best part about the costume is I totally don't have to work my lower abs at all.Thanks giant belt! http://tinyurl.com/3ztl3r5 #
- RT @Zerochan My interview with Yosuke Hayashi about DOA Dimensions is up: http://bit.ly/kDCWZL Some choice words about the FG scene in here #
- Maximum Mac & Cheese – Epic Meal Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCrbv81SBHg #
- Fast Food Lasagna – Epic Meal Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9FRSghXhDM&feature=aso #
- Epic. Not as epic as Epic Meal Time, but epic in its own way. RT @GrundyTheMan Back to the Future 4: The birthday cake: http://ow.ly/4In1N #
- RT @gameinformer Beyoncé Ruins Christmas For Gate Five, Gets Sued http://bit.ly/k9H5j1 #
- RT @gameinformer The Fine Print http://bit.ly/jRGDrc #
- RT @Vahn16 Want to know why "It's not Sony's fault!" arguments don't fly with the PSN fiasco? Read this: http://bit.ly/k1Qj4B #
- RT @Seedy87 Rabbids attempt to invade the Royal Wedding http://bit.ly/iPvWEt #
- RT @TwinGalaxies Congrats to Mark Stacy as he set 3 New World Records on Hang-on for the Sega Master System. #
- RT @tssznews Class Action Lawsuit Filed in PSN Data Compromise http://bit.ly/igReG0 #
- RT @gameinformer FEATURE Characters That Died Under Our Watch http://bit.ly/kTxZeO #
- RT @aots This store is closed for…WHAT? http://bit.ly/jnFxSU #
- RT @coke_archives anyone going to be bidding at this auction? Quite a collection of Coke collectible. http://CokeURL.com/83au #
- RT @cracked The Question You're Not Asking: Should You Go To College?: http://bit.ly/fMbTDE #
- RT @crunchychocobo It really does only everything: RT @Jessica_Chobot: http://plixi.com/p/96512985 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156900 Nintendo working on 3DS video distribution service after May eShop update #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156904 Dead or Alive: Dimensions – latest gameplay trailer #
- RT @Shortpacked The Allspark asks, "Is Transformers too mainstream?": http://tinyurl.com/3hadjko #
- RT @HostBryan Read & you'll understand why what Sony did was bad. RT @sporkyreeve Sony,credit cards,&full disclosure http://wp.me/p1ltl1-2M #
- RT @HamjamIAm Warning!!FakePSN email being sent out.They're using PlayStation_Network@playstation-email.com RT this for others to be aware. #
- RT @Shake_Well @WWEgames does a pretty great job of making stuff up to its fans.R-Truth will now beFREE DLC for All-Stars b/c of the delay. #
- Telltale signs on as Xbox 360 publisher http://www.shacknews.com/article/68250/telltale-signs-on-as-xbox?article_id=68250 #
- RT @tssznews More New Green Hill Sonic Generations Screenshots in HD http://bit.ly/lfkqBL #
- RT @tssznews “Sonic Legacy” Compilation Spotted on Amazon http://bit.ly/ijVkhn #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156913 GameTrailer's LEVEL: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Snowpeak Ruins (video) #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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