Twitter Updates for 2011-04-29
Dorkly Bits: Rampage Apology http://t.co/idg5ZFL via @Dorkly # Dorkly Bits: Mario With A Portal Gun http://t.co/ke8C6Td via @Dorkly # 8 Real & Fictional Addresses of Superheroes in New York City http://t.co/waOk787 via @Dorkly # RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame it's A Retro Duo Review http://bit.ly/mz5gzJ # RT @Kotaku The Most Heroic Restaurant in Japan http://kotaku.com/5796486/ # […]
- Dorkly Bits: Rampage Apology http://t.co/idg5ZFL via @Dorkly #
- Dorkly Bits: Mario With A Portal Gun http://t.co/ke8C6Td via @Dorkly #
- 8 Real & Fictional Addresses of Superheroes in New York City http://t.co/waOk787 via @Dorkly #
- RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame it's A Retro Duo Review http://bit.ly/mz5gzJ #
- RT @Kotaku The Most Heroic Restaurant in Japan http://kotaku.com/5796486/ #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156920 GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought – Localization woes #
- Kids Video Games: Best Online Websites, Tools for Parents | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/lOXCk0 #
- Free Games: How to Make Free to Play Online Gaming Hits | Game Industry News, Interviews and Video.. http://bit.ly/m7KKzi #
- RT @themmnetwork News: Preview Pages for Mega Man #1 http://bit.ly/m37EXe #
- Behind the Scenes on "The Looney Tunes Show" – Comic Book Resources http://t.co/QHuVGyO via @cbr #
- RT @retroist The Real Ghostbusters Action Figures – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25110 #
- RT @gamasutra Sony: Credit Card Data Was Encrypted, No Evidence to Suggest It Was Stolen http://bit.ly/mIVDsB #
- RT @_retrogaming Nightmares for Life: Ten of the Most Disturbing Children's Movie Moments http://zite.to/lW8zgf #
- RT @VG247 Team Ninja boss Hayashi teases Dead or Alive 5: Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi has teased a potential… http://bit.ly/kqJtz1 #
- RT @retroist Mario and Luigi Cake – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25106 #
- The Escapist : News : Credit Card Breach May Cost Sony $24 Billion http://t.co/7GEyd52 via @TheEscapistMag #
- RT @GrundyTheMan My morning commute: http://ow.ly/4IVuy #
- RT @PressTheButtons First Look At New Mega Man Comic Book http://bit.ly/l5Zh89 #
- RT @retroist 1975 Mattel Putt-Putt Speedway Commercial – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25119 #
- RT @Garfield Digging deep into the Paws, Inc. studio (where everything that's ME is born!) fridge, this was found… http://fb.me/FFmpQFjm #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Anybody else think that this picture makes a young Steve Jobs look like Leonard from Big Bang Theory? http://ow.ly/4IUwi #
- RT @PressTheButtons Portal2 drops to $35 next week@ KMart. $45@ GameStop.That's a much quicker discount than I'd anticipated.What happened? #
- RT @PepsiThrowback Princesses on the mind? Us too….Snow White, Buttercup, Cinderella, Leia, Peach #RoyalWedding #
- RT @gameinformer SOE Promising a "Make Good" To Assuage PSN Players http://t.co/GuoQPSx #
- RT @wakawakaleaks DonaldTrump: "I heard[Gonzo] was a terrible kid, terrible…so how did he get into Nanny's day care? I'm looking into it." #
- RT @1up Don't Blame Engineers for PSN Breach, Blame Sony Execs, Says PS3 Hacker http://t.co/KMRKzBG #
- RT @GrundyTheMan News segment from the future: http://ow.ly/4IYkn #
- RT @gameinformer Best Shoes Ever: Mario Meets Converse http://bit.ly/igH3Nl #
- RT @retroist Comics Alliance: The 25 Most Awesome ‘Action Comics’ Covers Of All Time – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25249 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156998 Random Time! – Nintendo question stumps woman on Who Want's to Be a Millionaire (video) #
- RT @zachoat Best toy ever? The Lost Polar Bear bobblehead: http://t.co/92p8nbM You rule, @bifbangpow. #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156983 Extra Credits: Learning from Metroid: Other M (video) #
- RT @PepsiThrowback Thank goodnesJem is back http://pep.si/kkRSvG There's just not enough bands out there getting into crazy hijinks anymore #
- RT @retroist TV Thursday: Darkwing Duck (1991-1997) – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25244 #
- RT @g4tv The greatest tweets regarding the PSN outage. http://bit.ly/l57UoM #
- RT @PressTheButtons GLaDOS For Hire http://bit.ly/mygeB0 #
- RT @MyNintendoNews Nintendo say the Wii 2 (Project Cafe) will feature traditional buttons http://bit.ly/lF3YjR #
- RT @Capcom_Unity Your Questions about Dragon's Dogma Answered http://bit.ly/l8yOu8 #
- RT @TheFeed Top Eight Funny PSN Memes http://bit.ly/jXxgiU #
- RT @Kotaku Even If Yoshi Is Gay, Where are the Other Gay Video Game Heroes? http://kotaku.com/5796793/ #
- RT @cracked The Most Elaborate Stalking Ever: http://bit.ly/kjGwPG #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156978 GameTrailers' LEVEL – GoldenEye 64: The Facility (video) #
- RT @arda_ocal This is a funny rib – look for the QU's from Punk, Paul and Jeffeyy. http://www.jsonline.com/features/advice/120414509.html #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156974 Wii Play: Motion – more screens, art, lifestyle pics #
- RT @GamePro Canada's Privacy Commissioner Investigating PSN Breach http://bit.ly/iNenuB #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156971 Dead or Alive: Dimensions leads to future for Dead or Alive series #
- RT @docpemberton Yes, my invention is stunning even in glass form. RT @OmerAnwar Woohoo new coke can glass! http://plixi.com/p/96733695 #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=156962 Wii Play: Motion – more screens reveal new games #
- RT @Thirteen_XXXVII Read my exclusive interview (not really) with Destructoid reviewer @JimSterling http://bit.ly/mKddJJ #
- RT @kobunheat Why didn'tSquare games like ChocoboDungeon&Tobal2 come out in the US?Because they junked the source code. http://is.gd/o3aNku #
- RT @retroist The Challenge of the Gobots: The Original Mini-Series (Remastered) Coming to DVD Soon! – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25265 #
- RT @DavidAnfossi Lara Croft Still Looks Like Hell in the New Tomb Raider [Reboot] http://pulsene.ws/1s1Xk #
- RT @TheFeed The Royal Wedding: Videogame Princess Edition http://bit.ly/mUPUGu #
- RT @ZackRyder Episode 11 of Z! True Long Island Story http://t.co/6jWCOgy WWWYKI BRO #
- RT @GameBuddy $15,000 raised for Japan from Lauren Faust's @MyLittlePony sketches. http://t.co/v07I2Ic #
- RT @Kotaku Sony Hasn't Always Hated Homebrew Development http://kotaku.com/5796870/ #
- RT @g4tv Sony enlists FBI to look into PSN security breach. http://bit.ly/jbgRZn #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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