Twitter Updates for 2011-05-02
RT @markmacd PR in Sony conference packet saysPSN back up "this week",PS3 to have forced system update that requires pw change before login # RT @markmacd Also from SonyPSN "Welcome Back" program: all existing PSN customers get 30 days of PlayStation Plus premium service for free. # RT @kobunheat Sony Details PlayStation Network Revival, 'Welcome […]
- RT @markmacd PR in Sony conference packet saysPSN back up "this week",PS3 to have forced system update that requires pw change before login #
- RT @markmacd Also from SonyPSN "Welcome Back" program: all existing PSN customers get 30 days of PlayStation Plus premium service for free. #
- RT @kobunheat Sony Details PlayStation Network Revival, 'Welcome Back' Gift http://is.gd/qmSOrG #
- RT @nadiaoxford Visit my blog for ds.about.com and sound off about the Nintendo 3DS's sales troubles–or lack thereof! http://bit.ly/jI0uxV #
- RT @g4tv Darth Vader looks a little….different. http://bit.ly/ifi5AM #
- RT @cracked The 6 Biggest Disappointments of My Disappointing Life: http://bit.ly/iziM0F #
- …wow. RT @TheHistoryofWWE A White House Real American: http://bit.ly/lsn90G #
- And despite my distaste for Hogan as of late, I would probably have done the same thing. #
- RT @retroist Saturday Supercade: Pac-Man By Attila-Le-Ain – http://www.retroist.com/?p=25317 #
- Yikes: Top Ten Horror Stories from WWE Creative http://t.co/ZwRh61c via @cagesideseats #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=157131 ScrewAttack Top 10: Worst Mortal Kombat Kharacters #
- RT @Kotaku Sony Considers Reimbursing Credit Card Replacement Costs in Light of Data Breach http://kotaku.com/5797470/ #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=157123 Does today's Google logo feature a subtle tribute to the Professor Layton series? #
- RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=157121 Metroid Prime: Episode of Aether Manga – Chapter 2 fan-translation #
- RT @sporkyreeve A free month ofPS+ for a week of downtime is generous since I'm a member.But I wonder how much good it does for nonmembers. #
- RT @sporkyreeve PS+content expires when sub run out,so any freebies will be short-lived if you don't re-up.Goodwill gesture or sales pitch? #
- RT @cracked 5 Ridiculous Sports You Won't Believe Were Olympic Events: http://bit.ly/k2rBb0 #
- So, @MichaelCole boasts that he's undefeated, does he? At WrestleMania, maybe, but he apparently forgot this: http://youtu.be/4GJc1Ul0oAA #
- Better check it out now, before WWE leaps all over it. But I guess Cody must have hit @MichaelCole so hard, he doesn't even remember it. #
- RT @gameinformer Mario Propaganda Posters Show Off A Darker Mushroom Kingdom http://bit.ly/kTwdRD #
- RT @GamesRadar 23 amazing game soundtracks you don't remember: http://bit.ly/lavSo1 Think you know game music? Let Dave jog your memory. #
- RT @Dtoid New arcade pops up in San Francisco http://tinyurl.com/3sbdo56 #
- RT @Ryan_Olsen Spooky the Cat demands to know when pancakes will be done http://picplz.com/hxBf #
- RT @cracked 12 Memorials for Events and People Who Don’t Deserve Them: http://t.co/rbHXEF8 #
- RT @pkollar Whoa, this IGN rumor is nuts if true. Makes surprising amount of sense. http://t.co/nSxwbG9 #
- RT @HostBryan http://t.co/dEje7aF That is all. #
- RT @patkiernan RT @NewYorkObserver: Look at Obama's face when Seth Meyers made joke about Bin Laden last night. http://t.co/yUPes50 #
- RT @Kotaku Metal Gear Was Born On Microsoft's Great Japanese Success http://t.co/VhW31Lu #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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