Twitter Updates for 2011-05-04
RT @Kotaku Sony's S****est Golden Week Ever http://t.co/x2BgA7A # RT @onm_uk Do you have any questions for the makers of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics? # When the Zombie Apocalypse Happens, You're Gonna Wanna Know This Guy – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/kekncG # Citrus Blast Soda on XE: http://x-entertainment.com/updates/2011/05/02/citrus-blast-soda/ # RT @Kotaku The […]
- RT @Kotaku Sony's S****est Golden Week Ever http://t.co/x2BgA7A #
- RT @onm_uk Do you have any questions for the makers of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics? #
- When the Zombie Apocalypse Happens, You're Gonna Wanna Know This Guy – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/kekncG #
- Citrus Blast Soda on XE: http://x-entertainment.com/updates/2011/05/02/citrus-blast-soda/ #
- RT @Kotaku The Kid Who Trained with the Masters of Nintendo During a Gaming Golden Age http://kotaku.com/5794333/ #
- W00T!!! RT @CybertronCA Simon Furman to attend TFcon 2011:http://bit.ly/mgsMGm #
- RT @MyNintendoNews Nintendo show off stunning Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D trailer http://bit.ly/lQ3JhI #
- Sicuak Ganes: The Problem With Hardcore Games on Facebook | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/k4qLYZ #
- MMORPG Business: How to Compete in the Online Games Industry | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/kO3VF2 #
- Retail Games vs. Free Apps: Can Full Priced Games Survive? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vi.. http://bit.ly/mmh4Lt #
- Kinect Motion Controls: Why Isn't It Living Up to Promises? | Game Industry News, Interviews and V.. http://bit.ly/iGv4CD #
- Is There a Future For Handheld Game Systems? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | Game Th.. http://bit.ly/mJV3sW #
- RT @wewantmccheese Join the movement to bring back Mayor McCheese #McDonalds – http://t.co/pxSCGvs via @wewantmccheese #
- RT @wewantmccheese Please drive around to the window – http://i.imgur.com/j7Uz3.jpg #
- RT @GameBuddy And then this happened. http://t.co/cOTFEje #
- RT @IGN The Top 10 Pokemon you love to hate. | http://go.ign.com/k1kxfk #
- RT @realMickFoley Damn right, this made me cry. http://bit.ly/mumPov THIS is why we do this work. #
- RT @aots Here, kitty kitty. @Kpereira and @CandaceBailey5 bring back American Kitten Warrior! http://bit.ly/kg7bmx #
- RT @GrundyTheMan He has been a pimp since day 1: http://ow.ly/4M3GX #
- RT @arda_ocal Our chat with JJDillon:being front office in WWE from '89-'96(Hogan/Warrior,Hogan/Flair,HBK,LexExpress): http://bit.ly/jGOJiK #
- RT @cracked The New iPhone Ads Are Getting Out of Hand: http://bit.ly/iOpAOY #
- Go, Ontario! RT @GrundyTheMan Wow, they sure know how to self promote: http://ow.ly/4M3eX #
- Want. RT @SonicWrecks Update: Fleetway Vs Archie! Strictly Limited Edition Print To Be Available For Purchase At #SOS11 http://t.co/Oy8xbds #
- RT @majornelson Purchase an Xbox 360 and get a a $50 game credit AND 1600 MS points for free http://t.co/1kT71OF #
- RT @IGN What we expect to see from Ninja Gaiden III at E3. | http://t.co/iKqrVlK #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=157242 Miyamoto on why Ocarina has been remade, less remakes, the biggest challenge in Wii successor and more #
- RT @DanRyckert Castlevania:SymphonyOfTheNight is$5onXBLAnow.If you haven't played it,get it.One of the best games ever&still holds up today #
- RT @GrundyTheMan Clerks lives on: http://ow.ly/4M71D (@ThatKevinSmith) #
- RT @kobunheat Fantastic piece of Actual Journalism™ from @britishgaming about how "SmuggleTruck" became "Snuggle Truck" http://is.gd/mWnZ0C #
- RT @MyNintendoNews Nintendo have announced their E3 2011 Press Conference date and time http://bit.ly/k3ZjYR #
- RT @TheSocialGamer Check this video out — Sega 32X Tech Demo http://t.co/3wSSVo9 via @youtube #
- RT @GrundyTheMan The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog: http://ow.ly/4M6Kn #
- RT @cracked 6 Medication Side Effects Straight Out of a Horror Movie: http://bit.ly/mlx9nf #
- RT @sonicretro Let's Pretend It's 1994 For Ten Minutes http://bit.ly/mN4czG #
- RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=157292 Mind blown: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword GDC 2011 trailer music played backwards is very familiar #
- RT @cracked 4 Recurring Myths We Apparently Really Want to Believe: http://bit.ly/ifZjOi #
- RT @GrundyTheMan I want a baby polar bear too: http://ow.ly/4M7jy #
- RT @gameinformer FEATURE Top 10 Unlikely Movie Games http://bit.ly/loXFXf #
- DC and Warner Bros., It Is Officially Time to Get Your @#$% Together – Topless Robot http://bit.ly/lyz3uI #
- RT @gamespite My musings on ProjCafe spiraled rapidly out of hand,but hopefully it still makes for an interesting read http://bit.ly/lvbYbT #
- RT @GrundyTheMan The great toilet paper debate: http://t.co/2aTtlzn (I am an over, btw) #
- RT @gamasutra Sony Declines To Testify At Upcoming Congressional Hearing http://t.co/UpfPRGe #
- RT @GrundyTheMan The beauty of superglue, hard at work: http://t.co/WWJ9QYG #
- RT @destructoid Image of 'Nintendo Selects' Wii budget titles surfaces http://t.co/lmzfbrk #
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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