Introducing Tiny Girl Tiny Games
Over the past couple of weeks, you might have noticed something new in the header, footer, and sidebars around here. Something… tiny.
Today, I would like to officially welcome Tiny Girl Tiny Games into the Nyteworks family. The site is run by my wife, Nadia, a former contributor to such fine websites and publications as 1UP, About, Nerve, IGN, GamePro (online and print), Official PlayStation Magazine, Slide to Play, and more. Currently, she writes for Gamezebo, USGamer, 148apps, Pocket Gamer, and Nvision, as well as occasionally contributing to Nintendo Force magazine (which is currently accepting Year 3 subscriptions through Kickstarter). Put simply, she knows what she’s doing.
This also marks the first Nyteworks website I don’t have a direct hand in running.
The theme of the site is that it is “primarily dedicated to celebrating small handheld games that bring big happiness,” so everything ranging from Game Boy to PlayStation Portable to iPhone to Nintendo 3DS is fair game. It should also be noted that there is already content available now, ranging from news and reviews to Lets Plays, discussions about cool game music, and more.
In conjunction with the website, Nadia is also running a Patreon to help support it– something I’ve been considering myself for quite a while now, but I can talk about that another time. “I started up TGTG because I want a place where I can kibitz about games at my own pace,” she says, “but I’m hoping I can scrape together a few bones for the expensive job that is surviving.”
Freelancing is a very volatile career, and supplementing my income with physical / service work is no longer an option thanks to my new neighbour, fibromyalgia. Fibro likes to make it difficult for me to stand and walk, whereas less than two years ago I had more than enough strength to lift and carry German shepherds. Ha ha! Fibro is such a card!
I need to keep writing to survive. But I know times is tough all over, so above all else, I hope you enjoy my words about video games and become a frequent visitor.
Suffice to say, any support you show for her also supports me, what with the whole marriage thing we have going on and all. So naturally, I encourage you to support this endeavor! I would anyway, but what can I say? I like eating more than discounted Kraft Dinner on occasion, never mind having to support these little troublemakers:
That said, as with many Patreons, there are perks for donating certain amounts. A dollar receives some exclusive game-related writing, while five gets the $1 tier and exclusive early access to certain essay-length pieces. $10 gets the rest and early access to video content (provided the monthly goal is reached. Incidentally, Patreon isn’t displaying those for some reason… help?), $20 gets the aforementioned and a digital .pdf collection of dressed-up essay-length pieces, and $40 will net the rest along with allowing you to request a game-related topic every other month. Finally, $50 gets everything, plus a physical copy the .pdf collections.
Again, if you’re interested, just click here; Nadia and I both thank you if you contribute! And even if you don’t, you can still enjoy fresh new gaming content from Tiny Girl Tiny Games!
David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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