Mini-Review: Super Mario Power Ups Multivitamins
So a friend/reader (I get the feeling there isn’t as much overlap as one might think), Joe Smith, recently sent me a package that I was happy to receive — at least, once I made the journey to the FedEx depot to pick it up. To my surprise, I discovered the following inside:
Gummy vitamins have become a thing in recent, it would seem, but I had not seen these around here. Apparently they’re still being tested out to see how they perform before expanding into other markets, but you can find them easy enough thanks to Google.
As someone who loves Nintendo and needs all the vitamins he can get, I was torn; do I hang on to this? Or do I open up and indulge?
After finding out that these were for me to review, well, that was that: I happily popped the top, and I (along with the wife) have been munching on them the past few weeks.
As you can see here, the shapes live up to the name by representing the core three Super Mario power-ups: the Super Mushroom, the Fire Flower, and the Super Star(man). Each item comes in one of the three “natural fruit flavors” of orange, lemon, and the ever-mysterious berry (because we all know there’s only one kind of berry). The label also notes that they each contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E.
The texture is nice, maybe a little softer than a run-of-the-mill gummy bear or worm, but not too much so; there’s a nice little bit of resistance. The flavors are a little sweet, but not as sweet as, say, the 3D Gummies which also adorn Super Mario branding. “No high fructose corn syrup” is the pledge on that front, though there’s apparently about 3g of sugar per every two gummies.
These are meant for kids, of course, following in the footsteps of trailblazer Tom Kalinske’s introduction of The Flintstones chewable vitamins to make the process a little more fun some three or so decades ago. Still, as an adult, I found them enjoyable enough. In fact, I should probably be careful — they’re almost kind of addictive. Children are supposed to have up to two per day, but I’ll admit I’ve been taking a little bit more than that as well.
You get 190 gummies in the bottle for the $11 or so USD that they cost, so if you do stick to a two-per-day routine, that’s 95 days — just over three months, which isn’t bad for such an investment. If vitamins are something you’re in more need of, these might be worth a look.
Mind, I am no doctor and in no way a health professional, so please don’t take my word for anything on that front — I’m just here to say these are tasty and seem to be a good value.
David Oxford is a freelance writer of many varied interests. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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