PMO: Ten Years On
Earlier this morning, I came upon a disappointing realization: PMO is ten years old! The disappointing part is that this happened back on either October 15th or August 24th (my records are sort of unclear on the matter), and I missed doing anything for both.
Which, sadly, feels kind of reflective of where things are right now. I’ve had high hopes for this site, to at least be some sort of niche destination if nothing else. Unfortunately, it’s just never gained any traction or sense of community, and I don’t think that even friends tend to look at it very much whenever I post anything — outside of a few folks from over at Talking Time (if you see this: hi, guys) seems the best I manage is comments from when someone is (I’m guessing) searching for something obscure and the site pops up in the results, or if I manage to latch on to something a particular community is into, but it doesn’t feel like people tend to stick around.
So, yeah. Even if I threw a “party” to speak of, I don’t think too many people would come.
Not that I’d blame them as of late. As noted, my missing the date myself is reflective of where I and my head are at right now, which (as noted before) is focusing more on other matters to keep the bills paid, etc.
I had some high hopes for this and my other sites, which have more or less evaporated in the face of reality as time marches on. Maybe not even “high,” but at least “modest.”
All the same, I couldn’t let this moment pass without some sort of acknowledgement. I’ve been running this site for a while, talking about all sorts of things from comics and cartoons to toys, fast food, wrestling, and of course, video games. It’s my baby and I love it, and I’m not letting it go anywhere soon if I can help it, even if writing here is almost purely for my own interest now. If nothing else, I have a backlog of topics I still want to write about here, but now it’s just a matter of time and energy.
I do have something else planned, and hopefully I’ll get that running around the New Year, but I don’t want to say anything more than that right now for fear of somehow jinxing it. Guess we’ll see if that winds up as anything or not (probably not).
If nothing else, I should at least get a t-shirt with the site’s logo printed on it. I’ve been wanting one of those for… well, ten years now.
David Oxford is a freelance writer of many varied interests. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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