The PMO Xbox Series X|S Launch Party
Here’s something a little different.
During the pandemic-fueled downtime, it occurred to me that despite the next generation of consoles proceeding as scheduled, there wasn’t going to be a gathering of folks for any sort of Xbox Series X|S or PlayStation 5 launch parties. So with that in mind, I thought to myself, “hey, why not have a sort of online launch party?” Looking to Dinosaur Dracula’s Video Store and Corner Store articles for inspiration, I decided to see if I could apply the idea to what a launch party for the Xbox Series X|S might be like…
You have never been to this particular part of town before, despite having lived here for many years. You’ve never had a reason to go here, but tonight, that’s different. Tonight, you’re here and you have a purpose.
The building standing before you is fairly nondescript, but you’re sure this is the place. Though the venue somehow seems smaller than whatever you were expecting, the address matches the one on the invitation you received in your email, and if there was any other room for doubt, the familiar “X” sphere logo gives it away. You don’t know precisely where “here” is, you just know that you’ve arrived.
Going around the side of the building towards the back, you find a small lineup of other people waiting to get in, each being verified by a person at the door. You wait your turn, and as they eventually offer a cheerful greeting, you confirm who you are, and you’re given a lanyard with your name and the event’s details adorning the badge hanging at the end. With that, you proceed further in, wondering what awaits you.
What you find betrays your expectations from the outside, as it seems more than ample enough for what you’ve come to partake in: a launch event for the Xbox Series X|S. The venue is dim, not so much as to hinder your ability to see what’s around you, but more to allow the lights stemming from various monitors situated throughout the room to illuminate your way. You think you can hear the sound of music playing, but with all the games and buzz going on, you can’t quite make out what it is. You’re not sure what this place is used for when not hosting launch parties for large corporations, but you can easily imagine some sort of night scene going on here on other nights.

The bar to your left as you entered helps facilitate this notion. Various sodas, water, and other drinks are freely available for the taking, but the standouts are two particularly rare, unexpected treats: Surge and Ecto Cooler, whose green tints go perfectly with the Xbox aesthetic. You’re pretty sure that Xbox usually partners with Pepsi/Mtn Dew, but dispel the notion. This is a special night, worthy of special refreshments that would seemingly only be here in someone’s dream. Better to partake now, as you never know when you might ever see them again.
Green drinks aren’t the only refreshments on hand, as there are various treats to snack on spread throughout the large room. Bowls with miniature fun-size candies are placed upon tables, and there’s even small bags of Chicago-style popcorn. To round things out, you notice people with trays carrying hors d’oeuvres around, with everything from fancy shrimp to tiny mac & cheese dishes to tiny pizzas, and even some of that misty liquid nitrogen ice cream you’ve heard about, but never really got a chance to try for yourself.
Drink in hand, you venture to the center of the room to get a better look around. Stationed there and lit from beneath on chest-high covered pedestals are the stars of the show: the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. This is your first time witnessing them in person, and despite having seen both in pictures and videos online several times, you can’t help but be a little impressed at how the Series X is still just a bit bigger than you’d imagined, even after taking measurements in your living room. Just the same, the Series S is impressively small for a machine that can run the same games as its big brother.
On a wall behind the pedestal is a large screen running trailers from various games that will be available at launch, including Gears Tactics, Tetris Effect: Connected, Dirt 5, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. There’s also a small stage set beneath the screen, but no one is standing on it right now.
Reaching out to either side of the center of the room are series of game stations, lined up and placed back-to-back, with still others scattered about. Some are dedicated to showing off the newest releases, while others are there to show the difference in backwards compatible games running on the new hardware. Some are set up for single-player experiences, others multiplayer, and you even notice a few sit-down areas for fully-immersive driving experiences like Forza, using steering wheel controllers instead of the default Xbox controller. There’s even some upcoming software still in development tucked here and there to check out, if you know what to look for.
The attendants at some stations are also giving out vouchers for free trials of GamePass Ultimate and Microsoft gift cards you can use in the Xbox Game Store, so if you didn’t have reason enough to play before, you do now. You’re not made of stone, after all.
After trying out a few games you’ve been eagerly awaiting (as well as on the fence about), you walk around some more, taking notice of the decorations scattered about. Xbox logos on the walls, including the familiar neon sign for GamePass, accompany other celebrations of the brand. You see Lancers from Gears of War hanging on the wall, chalk collages of various characters such as Master Chief, Lara Croft, Forza cars, Marcus Fenix, Banjo and Kazooie, and more. There’s also merchandise set up as decoration, from Halo Mega Construx to Minecraft LEGO, Halo Monopoly, and even some Funko POP! vinyl figures.
You come across a lineup for a behind-closed-doors (or curtains, as the case may be) event. You ask the person handing out tickets, and find out it’s for an official Xbox Series X unboxing! Since the line is short and the last showing is almost over, you take a ticket and wait in line.
With that done, you continue looking around the venue. You come to discover that they’re giving away some pretty cool swag at a booth set up towards the back. Not only are there things like Xbox hats, pins, and waterbottles, but you can also get your gamertag laser-engraved on a keychain. Perhaps even cooler still, you can give them your gamertag to get a t-shirt featuring that, your GamerScore, and even an image of your Avatar!
Over on the other side of the large room are some things you didn’t expect to see: an autograph booth featuring some Xbox personalities, and a life-size Warthog you can get your picture taken in! What’s more, you see that Master Chief himself is there, ready to take pictures with you and the other new UNSC recruits. You look around to see if maybe there’s someone in a big Banjo mascot costume, too, but alas. Maybe next time.
After getting a pic with the Chief, you take a look at the time. It’s getting late, and maybe you should be heading out. But an announcement turns everyone’s attention to the stage that was empty earlier, as a surprise special guest is introduced: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson!
After his presentation, The Rock doesn’t have time to stick around, unfortunately, and even if he did, the mob between you and him feels nearly insurmountable. Still, it was cool just to get to see The Great One in person, and just as he has to be off, so do you, as the event is starting to wind down. You go gather your custom-made Xbox swag, and are also given a gourmet donut featuring the Xbox logo decorating the top. With that in hand, you head for the door.
Before you go, you take one last look around at the setting of a pretty high-energy night. Just then, you feel a tapping on your shoulder, leading you to turn around to see…

Photo via @KingofToons on Twitter. There are more, and they’re all amazing. Go look!
They had a Banjo mascot there after all! You’re not sure how you could have missed him before, but who cares? You’ve got enough time to grab a quick photo with him and Kazooie, thus making the night officially complete in your book. Now to head home, and eagerly await the arrival of your own new Xbox.
Okay, so that was something. I flipped back and forth on whether or not to do this, as this is a bit different from my norm (I haven’t written any sort of fiction in a while), and wound up going for it at the last minute (allowing the addition of the most recent videos from the official Xbox YouTube channel).
For what it’s worth, I’ve been to a good few different events and shows from various companies in my time doing this gig, so I tried to draw as much from those experiences as I could to provide something that felt like a fairly realistic launch party experience. Then I threw a few of my own fantasy elements (like the Surge, Ecto Cooler, and Banjo mascot) on top, to give it that extra little punch.
That said, I started brainstorming this whole thing a while back, but in the meantime, Xbox has announced they’re doing their own actual online launch party for the Xbox Series X|S tomorrow at 2pm EST, and you can find out all about that here.
If you’ve made it this far, I hope that you enjoyed it, and thanks again to Dinosaur Dracula for helping inspire this whole thing!
Finally, thanks for reading!
Header image via Phil Spencer on Twitter.
David Oxford is a freelance writer of many varied interests. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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