Tubin’: Videos from the Bottom of My YouTube “Watch Later” List
One neat little function YouTube has is a “Watch Later” list that you can quickly save videos to when you don’t have time to watch them now. I’ve used this feature with increasing frequency over time, and in the process, some stuff has gotten left behind for a while as other things have taken precedence in my viewing, or just in my life in general.
A long while, in some cases.
Earlier this evening, as I was about to go watch an episode of MasterChef from 2019, it occurred to me that I still had stuff buried at the bottom of my “Watch Later” list on YouTube I’d been meaning to get around to, and it just seemed like a good night to do it. Here’s some of the stuff I’ve found, most of it dating back nearly a decade or more.
Warning: Some of these have some Not Safe For Work language, lyrics, maybe some visuals.
Riverdale: Archie Movie Trailer
(Uploaded February 23, 2011)
Now here’s a wild one to start: A Canadian Comedy Award winner for “best web clip,” this almost hilariously too-series take on Archie and the gang predates the almost startlingly similar (and I’m led to believe far more sincere) CW television show by about six years, and I have so many questions.
Was this a pilot for the TV show? An inspiration? Or is it entirely unrelated?
As someone who has only heard about what they’ve been doing over on the CW, is it more over the top? Less?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Power & Honor Ep. 004 – She-Ra (1984)
(Uploaded June 9, 2011)
M’man Pixel Dan has been at the toy reviewing game for a long time, and here’s one of his earlier episodes featuring the original She-Ra: Princess of Power figure.
Fun Fact: I actually owned this figure. It was the only one out of the entire Princess of Power line I owned, or wanted to own, and I think it might have raised some concerns between my parents. But come on, the was She-Ra! He-Man’s twin sister, and kicker of Horde butt every weekday afternoon at 4pm on your local station! Why would I not want her?
Especially when I already had Teela from the Masters of the Universe line. Besides rooted hair, what was the difference?
Also, I might have had some sort of slight crush on Adora/She-Ra at the time. (For the Honor of Grayskull, I admit nothing.)
Randy Orton VS John Cena OVW
(Uploaded May 13, 2008)
This video is straight-up Bizarro World, and is a fair bit older than the upload, from a time when WWE was still the WWF (World Wrestling Federation), and Jim Cornette was still involved with wrestling on more than a podcast level. The weirdest part is seeing a heel John Cena (aka “The Prototype” here) being jealous of a face Randy Orton, who is seeing greater success by being called up to the big leagues.
Anime Fansub Documentary PART 1
(Uploaded May 27, 2008)
A fellow by the name of “OtaKing” has this nifty documentary of sorts about, well, fans subbing anime. It’s kind of interesting, raises good points about annoying practices you don’t see professionals doing, and is in multiple parts. In case the above doesn’t link to the rest, here are Part 2, , and . And it seems like it just kind of… ends? I’m not sure if there was supposed to be more, or if that’s just how YouTube videos were back then.
CHIKARA: Los Ice Creams vs. The Throwbacks [PCAGG 253]
(Uploaded February 28, 2011)
So, it turns out that Chikara kind of sucks, or at least some of the people behind it suck. The only reason I’m linking to it here is because it features Throwbacks member Sugar Dunkerton, who fans of All Elite Wrestling might recognize from his feud with Chris Jericho last year as Suge D, aka “Pineapple Pete.”
Kids In The Hall – Hi-Tech Car Alarm
(Uploaded August 31, 2008)
From the Canadian sketch comedy series comes this bit about a guy who tries to steal the wrong car… and comes to regret it.
Fun with Ahmed trillogy 1, 2 , 3
(Uploaded May 13, 2007)
I first started watching wrestling back in the mid-’90s, and one of the first new talents I would see debut with the World Wrestling Federation was Ahmed Johnson. He was cool, he was strong as hell, and as this video from WWF Warzone for the PlayStation shows, he was often damn near incomprehensible.
Metal Gear Office
(Uploaded June 29, 2011)
When Solid Snake has destroyed all the Metal Gear (Metal Gear? Metal Gears?) in the world, he has to find a new line of work. He seems to be adapting well enough, but it seems his coworkers might need just a little more time.
Worst Video Game Voices – Face Acting 2
(Uploaded May 24, 2011)
This guy acts visually to the bad voice acting of video games from the ’90s and thereabout. If you guessed by the “2” that there was another one, you’d be right, but I haven’t seen it yet. Maybe that’s where all the Mega Man ones are?
(Uploaded September 15, 2007)
“The only real dragon in wrestling!” Just don’t tell AEW’s Brandon Cutler.
AMV Minis Challenge 23 – Drop It
(Uploaded August 9, 2014)
“The clips in this challenge are supposed to feature an epic drop.”
AMV Hell stopped doing new videos about six years ago, when this came out… maybe this one slipped through the cracks?
Incidentally, they reuploaded the original about a year ago, but haven’t added anything to their channel since.
And finally, we have…
otakon 2011 slideshow
(Uploaded August 1, 2011)
I probably saved this so I could see if I (or anyone I knew) was in it. I was not.
I’m not even sure off the top of my head what I wore that year. Bad Box Art Mega Man?
Maybe my deviantART has the answer…
Ah, it does! And no, I was not Bad Box Art Mega Man until the following year; rather, I was the inspiration, Movie Mario.
Also of note: This video features a nice “full” version of the “ice cold water, only one dollar” song this guy on the street was singing as we walked by. Became something of a meme for a time among Otakon-goers.
Thanks for reading!
David Oxford is a freelance writer of many varied interests. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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